Make WordPress Core



17:51 Ticket #47087 (flush_rewrite_rules() should check $wp_rewrite->flush_rules() is ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45699: […]
17:51 Changeset [45699] by SergeyBiryukov
Rewrite Rules: Check if $wp_rewrite->flush_rules() is callable …
17:41 Ticket #47119 (Can't revoke super admin if email is different case from network admin) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45698: […]
17:41 Changeset [45698] by SergeyBiryukov
Users: Use case-insensitive email address comparison when checking …
16:51 Ticket #46902 (Coding Standard fixes for wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45697: […]
16:51 Changeset [45697] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix WPCS violations in …
16:51 Changeset [45696] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix WPCS violations in [45694]. See #47466.
16:34 Changeset [45695] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Improve the DocBlocks for got_mod_rewrite(), …
16:30 Ticket #47466 (Add a comment to .htaccess markers, labelling inserted strings as ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45694: […]
16:30 Changeset [45694] by SergeyBiryukov
Rewrite Rules: Add a comment to # BEGIN/END .htaccess markers to …
16:10 Ticket #41559 (Permalink Settings) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45693: […]
16:10 Changeset [45693] by SergeyBiryukov
Permalinks: Improve appearance of URL examples on Permalink Settings …
16:08 Ticket #47329 (Overflowing code element on mobile) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45692: […]
16:08 Changeset [45692] by SergeyBiryukov
Administration: Allow breaking long strings in <code> tags at any …
14:54 Ticket #47738 (Misleading database server version shown when using proxySQL) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Reopening for 5.2.3 consideration.
14:54 Ticket #47738 (Misleading database server version shown when using proxySQL) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45691: […]
14:54 Changeset [45691] by SergeyBiryukov
Site Health: Consistently use wpdb::db_version() for checking the …
13:14 Ticket #47789 (NGINX: Request for media-view.js leads to "zero size buf in writer") created by d.sturm
I do currently have an issue loading the media-view.js file in …
11:04 Ticket #46272 (Add 'custom-logo' to feature list API) closed by dingo_d
worksforme: This has been implemented, right? So the ticket can be closed. If …
10:18 Ticket #47788 (send_headers hook does not work in wp-login or wp-admin) created by kysymysteke
Assume that I want to start using CSP (Content Security Policy) on my …


14:39 Ticket #47376 (Display the logged out message in the user's locale) closed by ocean90
fixed: Looks like my commit message got truncated… Committed in [45690] with …
14:30 Changeset [45690] by ocean90
I18N: Display the logged out message in the user's locale
14:29 Changeset [45689] by ocean90
I18N: Following [45688], remove test for removed method. See #44865.
14:17 Ticket #44865 (class-wp-locale.php has a condition always false) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 45688: […]
14:16 Changeset [45688] by ocean90
I18N: Use RTL stylesheets when running from /src. To run WordPress …
13:43 Ticket #46907 (Pass current request object to rest_authentication_errors filter) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 45687: […]
13:43 Changeset [45687] by ocean90
REST API: Pass current request object to rest_authentication_errors
13:11 Ticket #42747 (i18n: Add specific text domain processing to `makepot` tools) closed by ocean90
wontfix: The i18n tools have been removed in favour of the WP-CLI integration, …
13:10 Ticket #42818 (i18n Tools have PHP 7.2 compatibility issues) closed by ocean90
wontfix: The i18n tools have been removed in favour of the WP-CLI integration, …
13:09 Ticket #45287 (Deprecate and remove i18n tools) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 45686: […]
13:09 Changeset [45686] by ocean90
Tools: Remove internationalization tools (also known as …
13:06 Ticket #47787 (Gutenberg Image align) created by AmirHossein7464
Hi, Gutenberg aligned image was aligned with CSS float property. 1. …
12:43 Tickets #46336,​46387 batch updated by ocean90
fixed: In 45685: […]
12:43 Changeset [45685] by ocean90
I18N: Add support for custom WP_PLUGIN_URL in …
10:45 Ticket #47786 (WebSharks) closed by earnjam
invalid: Hi @vaibhav12321 this system is for tracking issues with WordPress …
10:37 Ticket #47786 (WebSharks) created by vaibhav12321
I am using s2member plugin for membership. I generate a paypal button …


23:11 Ticket #47784 (Customizer: When updating menu item text boxes the preview pane ...) created by majemedia
Please note that this does NOT apply when editing menus from …
22:03 Ticket #47603 (My account toggle on admin bar not visible at high zoom levels) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45684: […]
22:03 Changeset [45684] by SergeyBiryukov
Accessibility: Toolbar: Make the min-width value for #wpadminbar
17:45 Ticket #47607 (Add a loader when adding a new category) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45683: […]
17:45 Changeset [45683] by SergeyBiryukov
Accessibility: Taxonomy: When a new category or tag is being added, …
16:10 Ticket #47783 (PHP 7.4: Deprecations) created by ayeshrajans
PHP 7.4 deprecates some functionalities, and Travis builds are …
15:56 Ticket #47782 (REST API Media returning blank) created by CHEWX
Hi, Just noticed an issue where an image returns empty. If you go to …
13:48 Ticket #47780 ("#adminmenu .wp-submenu a" split across two locations) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45682: […]
13:48 Changeset [45682] by SergeyBiryukov
Administration: Merge CSS rules for #adminmenu .wp-submenu a in one …
13:39 Ticket #47728 (Comment's form displaying validation message on the same page instead ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi @AkSDvP, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. …
13:37 Ticket #47781 (Site Health: mark installed default themes) created by tobifjellner
In the list of installed themes, it would be good to somehow indicate …
13:19 Ticket #46252 (Enhance Error Message for Meta Fields) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45681: […]
13:19 Changeset [45681] by SergeyBiryukov
REST API: Make "Could not update meta value in database" error …
11:56 Ticket #47780 ("#adminmenu .wp-submenu a" split across two locations) created by ozmatflc
In wp-admin/css/admin-menu-rtl.css, both line 167 and line 281 define …
11:54 Ticket #47779 (Add a filter to `get_item_schema()` to be able to extend the schema of ...) created by luisherranz
Right now there's no way to properly extend the schema of existing …
11:15 Ticket #47778 (Unexpected unknown propertys in wp-includes/js/crop/cropper.css) created by ozmatflc
Line 88: wid\th: 6px; Is the backslash intentional?
10:10 Ticket #12175 (Issues using mod_rewrite / mod_cache together (apache)) closed by hurikhan77
wontfix: After all this time, I decided that mod_cache is just broken by …
05:56 Ticket #47777 ("get_lastpostmodified" does not seem to return the intended value when ...) created by mikaumoto
When I use "get_lastpostmodified" for custom post type,the return …
05:22 Ticket #46425 (Comment Form : Cookie Opt-In) closed by kartiks16
maybelater: Hello @garrett-eclipse Thank you for reviewing and investigating it. …
03:48 Ticket #46925 (Site Health: Update 'Other Themes' to 'Inactive Themes' and give ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45680: […]
03:48 Changeset [45680] by SergeyBiryukov
Site Health: Show parent theme in its own accordion on Site Health …
00:11 Changeset [45679] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix newlines in wp-includes/date.php. See #47775.


23:30 Ticket #47775 (Rename date.php to class-wp-date-query.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45678: […]
23:30 Changeset [45678] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Move wp-includes/date.php to …
22:55 Changeset [45677] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Update translator comment missed in [45676]. See #47771.
22:51 Changeset [45676] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Update translator comments after [45674]. See #47771.
22:45 Changeset [45675] by SergeyBiryukov
Bundled Themes: Replace Codex URLs with a corresponding HelpHub or …
22:44 Changeset [45674] by SergeyBiryukov
General: First pass at replacing Codex URLs with a corresponding …
22:19 Ticket #47776 (Gutenberg separates my theme from Media Library "No Items Found") created by gabrieldiggs
When adding an image or replacing an image in a post under Gutenberg I …
21:17 Ticket #47775 (Rename date.php to class-wp-date-query.php) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #47632 [45663] renamed wp-includes/class-oembed.php to …
21:04 Ticket #47774 (PHP 7.2 > Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object ...) created by denismack
Count() no longer returns null. Incompatible with PHP > 7.2 …
20:10 Ticket #43483 (login css imports styles it has as dependencies) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: Hi there, thanks for the ticket! This is now fixed in [45673]. Didn't …
19:10 Tickets #35776,​47757,​47758 batch updated by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45673: […]
19:10 Changeset [45673] by SergeyBiryukov
Upgrade/Install: Bring some consistency to installation screen styles. …
17:48 Ticket #47773 (wp_trash_post() ignores errors from wp_update_post()) created by siliconforks
The documentation for wp_trash_post() states that it returns "false …
15:18 Ticket #47415 (is_network_admin() is not checking if the context install is a ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45672: […]
15:18 Changeset [45672] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Clarify that is_network_admin() does not check if the site is …
13:17 Ticket #47772 (Too few arguments: class-bulk-upgrader-skin.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi @subrataemfluence, thanks for the ticket! Looking at the similar …
06:28 Ticket #47772 (Too few arguments: class-bulk-upgrader-skin.php) created by subrataemfluence
Probably this issue has already been addressed before or may be this …
01:35 Ticket #37629 (is_sticky filter hook) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45671: […]
01:35 Changeset [45671] by SergeyBiryukov
Posts, Post Types: Introduce is_sticky filter in is_sticky() to …
01:26 Ticket #47769 (Add autocomplete support in code editor for php mode) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45670: […]
01:26 Changeset [45670] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Editor: Check for correct mode value in …
01:18 Ticket #47768 (The help hyperlink for cases when the .htaccess is not writable to be ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45669: […]
01:18 Changeset [45669] by SergeyBiryukov
Permalinks: Update URLs for "Changing File Permissions" documentation …
01:06 Changeset [45668] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Use correct variable in wp_dropdown_categories()
00:47 Ticket #45059 (Changed meaningless variable name "$r") closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45667: […]
00:47 Changeset [45667] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Rename $r variable used with wp_parse_args() to …
00:43 Ticket #47771 (Replace Codex links with their HelpHub counterparts) created by SergeyBiryukov
Suggested by @tobifjellner in comment:5:ticket:47768: > Now that the …


22:01 Ticket #47561 (Plugin: View details popup layout issue) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45666: […]
22:01 Changeset [45666] by SergeyBiryukov
Plugins: Fix the plugin details modal layout after [45520]. Props …
20:21 Ticket #35166 (strange effect in tab active) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: Appears to be fixed in [45276].
17:10 Ticket #47770 (Attribute to open link in new window bug) created by stifoo
paragraph (and other) block(s) causes error to not show self and …
15:46 Ticket #47769 (Add autocomplete support in code editor for php mode) created by ediamin
In plugins editor or theme editor pages WP uses the code-editor.js to …
10:59 Ticket #47768 (The help hyperlink for cases when the .htaccess is not writable to be ...) created by patilswapnilv
The hyperlink that comes on the Settings Permalink screen, for making …
07:02 Ticket #45631 (WP 5.01 update didn't like older gutenberg plugin) closed by garrett-eclipse
reported-upstream: Hi @dan-kirshner thanks for the report. This issue was reported …
06:50 Ticket #45808 (New block editor conflicts with Organic Builder Widgets customizer) closed by garrett-eclipse
invalid: Hi @bluesplash26 thank you for the report. Reviewing it appears to …
06:15 Ticket #46843 (SoundCloud embed isn't working) closed by garrett-eclipse
invalid: Hi @padrow I was able to reproduce the issue on trunk using the URL …
03:33 Ticket #44726 (Try Gutenberg Callout should have modified content or removed when ...) closed by garrett-eclipse
wontfix: As the Try Gutenberg Callout was deprecated in WP5.0 I'm going to …
03:32 Ticket #44743 (Try Gutenberg Callout: broken UI when clicking multiple times on ...) closed by garrett-eclipse
wontfix: As the Try Gutenberg Callout was deprecated in WP5.0 I'm going to …


23:11 Ticket #47767 (Simplify and backport the local environment) created by pento
The Docker-based local environment (#45165) is based on the Gutenberg …
14:40 Ticket #47761 (JQuery throwing error on IE8 browsers) closed by adamsilverstein
invalid: Hello @manojmohandev and welcome to WordPress trac. For better or …
14:06 Ticket #47766 (Duplicate label in default WordPress comment field) closed by samvimes
13:44 Ticket #47766 (Duplicate label in default WordPress comment field) created by samvimes
The last form field titled "Website" in the default WordPress comment …
13:17 Ticket #47765 (Email from improved fatal error protection) created by xakan
Hi WordPress team! Your new feature about fatal error protection is …
13:01 Ticket #47764 (Adding multiple select option on the "Menu") closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Duplicate of #21603.
13:01 Ticket #31906 (Select multiple menu items in Appearance > Menu) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Duplicate of #21603.
09:44 Ticket #47764 (Adding multiple select option on the "Menu") created by fahimmurshed
Is it possible to add "Checkmark" option on the "Appearance" > Menu? …
08:00 Ticket #47763 (Uploaded files that meet certain conditions do not hit in media search) created by dxd5001
I upload a media file, but it does not appear on the media page when …
05:00 Ticket #47761 (JQuery throwing error on IE8 browsers) created by manojmohandev
jquery.js included in WordPress is throwing an error in IE8 browser …
00:48 Ticket #47756 (Permanlink in RTL version not correct) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Duplicate of #47755.
00:43 Ticket #47760 (Backspace causing page to jump during drafting, editing) created by decisiveliberty
Referencing #37072 -
00:19 Ticket #47759 (Suboptimal tab order on the installation success screen) created by johnbillion
On the success screen shown after successful installation …
00:13 Ticket #47758 (Font sizes on installation screen are too small) created by johnbillion
The font sizes used on the installation screens are, in general, too …
00:03 Ticket #47757 (Icon is misaligned in "Hide" button on installation screen) created by johnbillion
On the installation screen (wp-admin/install.php?step=1), the icon …


23:52 Ticket #47753 (Issue with add comment manually in any post from back-end.) closed by garrett-eclipse
reported-upstream: Thanks for the report @mehulwpos I see what you're saying there, …
23:24 Ticket #47756 (Permanlink in RTL version not correct) created by rachid84
I have notice many problem with permanlik in version RTL: 1- for …
23:23 Ticket #47755 (Permalink in RTL version not correct) created by rachid84
I have notice many problem with permalink in version RTL: 1- for …
19:54 Ticket #47754 (Cannot connect to Network admin dashboard) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi @thinus, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. I'm …
16:20 Ticket #47754 (Cannot connect to Network admin dashboard) created by thinus
Hi there, I have tried to log onto my Network admin dashboard, but I …
09:34 Ticket #47753 (Issue with add comment manually in any post from back-end.) created by mehulwpos
Hi, When add any post and "Allow Comments" then not diplay add new …
08:19 Ticket #47752 (Fix upload of .srt files) created by afercia
See #45615, #45622, [44438], [44439], and [44443]. Files with .srt
05:56 Ticket #47750 ('x' changes to Multiplication sign when it's between numbers in Post Title) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @dibbyo456, welcome to WordPress Trac! The behaviour you're …
05:08 Ticket #47751 (PHP 7.4 compatibility fix / accessing arrays/string using curly brace ...) created by jrf
PHP used to allow both square brackets and curly braces to be used …


21:52 Ticket #47750 ('x' changes to Multiplication sign when it's between numbers in Post Title) created by dibbyo456
When you create post with title 1080x2340 or '400x500', …
20:08 Ticket #47747 (Strange Edit Box Only On Site) closed by audrasjb
invalid: Welcome to WordPress Core Trac, @garypjackson WordPress Core Trac is …
18:56 Ticket #47749 (Build tools: remove all old files when cleaning) created by azaozz
Currently running clean doesn't delete all old files. It either …
17:22 Ticket #47748 (Getting "jetpack_tracks_get_identity is deprecated" error in wp-includes) closed by TimothyBlynJacobs
invalid: Hi @mozdzanowski! While the error references wp-includes, this is …
17:12 Ticket #47748 (Getting "jetpack_tracks_get_identity is deprecated" error in wp-includes) created by mozdzanowski
Not exactly sure if this is the place for this particular issue, but …
15:51 Ticket #47747 (Strange Edit Box Only On Site) created by garypjackson
I'm using Opera browser on Windows 10 WordPress 5.2.2 running Surplus …
14:17 Ticket #47587 (Parent Page dropdown is missing in Page Attributes on Pages - WP 5.2.2) reopened by aparker48
Sorry, but this is happening to me also with WP 5.2.2 and I have over …
06:22 Ticket #47746 (PHP 7.4 compatibility fix / implode argument order) created by jrf
implode() takes two parameters, $glue and $pieces. For …
00:36 Ticket #47745 (get_term will send back term_id as string if $filter = 'edit'. Use of ...) created by majemedia
The file "edit-tag-form.php" contains multiple hooks that pass $tag as …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.