Make WordPress Core



21:36 Ticket #46040 (Broken symlinks prevent updates) created by joemoto
Soon after cPanel updated EasyApache 4 (EA4) …
20:50 Ticket #40210 (Twenty Seventeen: Content on homepage after installation does not ...) closed by laurelfulford
invalid: Thanks for raising this, @cvorko, and for the explanation, @alexvorn2! …
20:49 Ticket #45645 (Retire wp-tinymce.php) reopened by ocean90
wp-tinymce.js needs to be removed from $_old_files. At the same …
20:45 Ticket #45887 (Twenty Nineteen: Page title is improperly aligned when there are no posts.) closed by laurelfulford
fixed: In 44652: […]
20:45 Changeset [44652] by laurelfulford
Twenty Nineteen: Fix alignment of page title when there are no posts. …
20:24 Ticket #45700 (Twenty Seventeen: Remove unused third-party resources from README.txt) closed by laurelfulford
invalid: Thanks for the report and patch @mukesh27! I took a look, and as far …
20:12 Ticket #46039 (Update package.json) created by azaozz
While working on #45645 had to (re)generate package.json and …
19:58 Ticket #46038 (Exiting during the WSoD shutdown handler prevents all other shutdown ...) created by johnbillion
When multiple shutdown handlers are registered, any shutdown handler …
19:50 Ticket #45645 (Retire wp-tinymce.php) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 44651: […]
19:50 Changeset [44651] by azaozz
TinyMCE: retire wp-tinymce.php and remove pre-compression of …
18:59 Ticket #40391 (Make the Live Search accessible) closed by afercia
duplicate: Closing in favor of #31818, to help the accessibility Trac reports …
18:52 Ticket #41290 (Embedded videos not keyboard accessible once video is playing) closed by afercia
worksforme: still uses a different player which has some issues, this …
18:37 Ticket #45731 (Twenty Nineteen: Implement a less aggressive approach for alternate ...) closed by laurelfulford
fixed: In 44650: […]
18:37 Changeset [44650] by laurelfulford
Twenty Nineteen: Use a less aggressive approach for non-latin font …
16:32 Ticket #45947 (More tag breaks when switching from Text to Visual when cursor left in HTML) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 44649: […]
16:32 Changeset [44649] by azaozz
TinyMCE: treat HTML comments same as tags when keeping cursor …
16:25 Ticket #29462 (comment pagination in reverse order should display a full number of ...) reopened by boonebgorges
I agree that it should be reopened. The path I outlined above still …
14:42 Ticket #46037 (Fix URL creating in class-wp-list-table in wp-admin) created by tinodjwp
At line 1009 and 1010 in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php URL …
13:56 Ticket #46036 (Using of wp_register_script , wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style ...) created by justinahinon
I've tried several times to add styles and script from Gravity Forms …
13:44 Ticket #46035 (Add set_display_name method to WP_Roles class) created by dingo_d
Currently, people are following tutorials on line on how to 'change' …
12:51 Ticket #45102 (Accessibility Issue: id attribute value must be unique) closed by afercia
wontfix: Closing as there's no evidence this is an accessibility issue. Please …
11:33 Ticket #45251 (Taxonomy `lang` not working in custom post with WP version 5.0 beta 2) closed by shahalom
invalid: The error was producing from a custom plugin of the website. The …
11:08 Ticket #46034 (IE 11 crashes) created by fp7508
IE 11 crashes when selecting some text in the Visual Editor (not in …
10:50 Ticket #46031 (Registration link in Angle Brackets) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Duplicate of #44589.
10:45 Ticket #46033 (Please fix redirect in wp-login.php) created by tinodjwp
On line 619 in wp-login.php there is a redirect that does not take in …
07:55 Ticket #46032 (Plugin details text direction layout (RTL)) created by nabilmoqbel
Hi, This RTL CSS minor was noticed before 5.0 release, but with …
07:24 Ticket #46030 (Registration link in Angle Brackets) closed by zrny
duplicate: Duplicate of #46031.
07:23 Ticket #46031 (Registration link in Angle Brackets) created by zrny
Hello, i added topic on support forum with complain about activation …
07:23 Ticket #46030 (Registration link in Angle Brackets) created by zrny
Hello, i added topic on support forum with complain about activation …
05:50 Ticket #46029 (upgrade_500_was_gutenberg_active is not tested with multisite) created by manfcarlo
When setting the value of upgrade_500_was_gutenberg_active, …
05:28 Ticket #44328 (grunt watch does not include cssmin; changes to css files in src are ...) closed by pento
05:27 Ticket #45455 (Webpack "stuck" at old package versions) closed by pento
duplicate: This sounds like npm allowing looser semver ranges than it really …
05:25 Ticket #46028 (Block Editor: Unable to enable Custom Fields due to out-of-order merges) closed by pento
fixed: In 44648: […]
05:25 Changeset [44648] by pento
Block Editor: Restore the Custom Fields display option. When merging, …
05:15 Ticket #45556 (incorrect display of permalink address in editor) closed by pento
05:14 Ticket #45719 (Setting an empty post_status in wp_edit_posts_query() breaks ...) closed by pento
wontfix: WooCommerce released a fix, and I haven't heard any other reports of …
04:03 Ticket #44545 (Commented out code in admin-filters.php) closed by pento
fixed: In 44647: […]
04:03 Changeset [44647] by pento
Coding Standards: Remove some add_action()s that were commented out …
04:02 Ticket #43573 (Convert plugin cards into four columns for hi-res screens) closed by pento
fixed: In 44646: […]
04:02 Changeset [44646] by pento
Plugin Installer: Ensure CSS for the 3-column view isn't applied to …
03:23 Ticket #46028 (Block Editor: Unable to enable Custom Fields due to out-of-order merges) created by dd32
After switching from /branches/5.0 to /trunk it …
03:08 Ticket #45953 (Jquery & Jquery UI update) closed by pento
duplicate: @Webzzz: I appreciate that this issue concerns you, but there are …
02:21 Ticket #46027 (Improve comment pagination) closed by pento
duplicate: Thank you for the bug report, @lozula! There are some significant …
02:20 Ticket #45953 (Jquery & Jquery UI update) reopened by Webzzz
I'm sorry but my support ticket is defiantly not the same as stated in …
02:14 Ticket #46002 (Upgrade WPCS to 2.0.0) closed by pento
fixed: In 44645: […]
02:14 Changeset [44645] by pento
Build Tools: Upgrade WPCS to 2.0.0. A few sniffs have been renamed, …
01:43 Ticket #46027 (Improve comment pagination) created by lozula
In WordPress 5.0.3 (and many versions before), the comment pagination …
01:41 Ticket #45133 (Update Twemoji to 11.2.0) closed by pento
fixed: In 44644: […]
01:41 Changeset [44644] by pento
Emoji: Upgrade Twemoji to 11.2.0. This upgrade includes general …
01:13 Ticket #45625 (When Parent Page is Trashed Child Page's Permalinks appear with an ...) closed by pento
duplicate: Thank you for the bug report, @Pcosta88! This is a fairly complex …
01:02 Ticket #45409 (Parameter Coding standard not fullfill) closed by pento
fixed: In 44643: […]
01:02 Changeset [44643] by pento
Docs: Add missing periods to a grab-bag of docblocks. Props Hitendra …
00:57 Ticket #45170 (Fix a typo in the DocBlock description for wp_add_inline_style()) closed by pento
duplicate: This was fixed in #45705.


22:59 Ticket #44068 (Provide a way to check whether a user's data has been erased) closed by garrett-eclipse
invalid: Thanks @dennis_f I appreciate you sparking a lively discussion here. …
21:44 Changeset [44642] by desrosj
Tests: Do not include the delimiter parameter in ucwords() calls. …
21:32 Ticket #43573 (Convert plugin cards into four columns for hi-res screens) reopened by chetan200891
Tested patch …
21:24 Ticket #44672 (REST-API: invalid email on lowercase/uppercase change) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44641: […]
21:24 Changeset [44641] by desrosj
REST API: Allow a user to change the letter casing of their email. …
19:18 Ticket #46026 (WSODs protection returns incorrect content type for XML Requests) created by spacedmonkey
Similar to #45933, calls to wp_die do not return the correct content …
19:10 Ticket #46025 (_json_wp_die_handler doesn't handle JSONP request) created by spacedmonkey
Originally raised in #45933 , but the new wp_die handler …
18:14 Ticket #46024 (Make version_compare for Servehappy more robust) created by afragen
As discussed in #core-php …
17:48 Ticket #46023 (Twenty Nineteen: Reader mode on Safari) created by gillesenvrac
I had a site with TwentySeventeen Theme and never encountered this …
17:46 Ticket #46022 (Can't publish new posts) created by plattsmotor
I've recently installed version 5.0.3 and ever since then I have been …
16:34 Ticket #46021 (Timing of Ajax loading of found Plugins vs browser autocomplete) created by apermo
Setup: any recent WordPress Version, Plugins irrelevant, Mac, Chrome …
15:05 Ticket #46020 (API to register and enqueue web fonts) created by swissspidy
This is something that was suggested by @jonoalderson at WCUS and …
12:17 Ticket #45575 (Gutenberg editor should have borders on columns) closed by pento
reported-upstream: As this has been reported in the Gutenberg repo, I'm closing this …
12:07 Ticket #42239 (Delete Selected button stays active even all selected images in media ...) closed by afercia
fixed: In 44640: […]
12:07 Changeset [44640] by afercia
Media: Improve unselecting media in the media bulk selection mode. …
11:54 Ticket #43154 (JAWS and Internet Explorer 11 don't announce the fieldset legends) closed by afercia
fixed: In 44639: […]
11:54 Changeset [44639] by afercia
Accessibility: Improve the way Internet Explorer 11 and JAWS announce …
11:05 Ticket #46019 (Themes using get_users() appear to change the current user) created by lordmatt
I have observed get_users() used to iterate through users (to make a …
10:53 Ticket #44912 (Custom comment types display enhancement) closed by bor0
worksforme: @pento this appears to have been fixed in latest WooCommerce/WordPress.
10:23 Ticket #45957 (Issue debug message after update to 5.0.3) closed by futur3int
worksforme: I managed a fresh install 5.0.3 and installed my website back. Now the …
07:56 Changeset [44638] by pento
Docs: Partial revert of [44636]. Unrelated changes in …
07:40 Ticket #45185 (Add space after colon for css consistency) closed by afercia
fixed: In 44637: […]
07:40 Changeset [44637] by afercia
Administration: CSS coding standards - properties should be followed …
07:33 Ticket #46018 (WordPress Editor Issues with Version 5.0+) created by royz4u
Hello, We have recently upgraded a couple of our sites to V5.0+. Our …
07:20 Ticket #44502 (@access private tag is missing for some private functions) closed by pento
fixed: In 44636: […]
07:20 Changeset [44636] by pento
Docs: Mark the internal functions as @private in …
06:57 Ticket #42139 (Incorrect use of plural in script-loader.php) closed by pento
fixed: No other strings have come up, closing.
06:45 Ticket #45543 (Docs: s/@since 5.0.0/@since 5.1.0 prior to back porting block editor ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 44635: […]
06:45 Changeset [44635] by pento
Docs: Fix the last handful of incorrect @since 5.0.0 docblock tags. …
06:26 Ticket #44303 (`media_handle_sideload()` may unexpectedly return 0 on error) closed by pento
fixed: In 44634: […]
06:26 Changeset [44634] by pento
Media: media_handle_sideload() expectes wp_insert_attachment() to …
04:33 Ticket #46007 (grunt precommit modifies wp-api-generated.js) closed by pento
fixed: In 44633: […]
04:33 Changeset [44633] by pento
Tests: Ensure meta keys are cleaned up after each test. Props …
04:23 Ticket #44560 (Console warning because `build/.../underscore.min.js` references ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 44632: […]
04:23 Changeset [44632] by pento
Build Tools: Uglify underscore.min.js while building. This avoids a …
04:02 Ticket #38603 (Explore adding Yarn and a `yarn.lock` file for NPM module management) closed by pento
maybelater: Yarn is a little faster than NPM on my computer, running against …
02:59 Ticket #46017 ("Mine" comment count isn't updated when replying to or moderating a ...) created by pento
To reproduce: - Visit /wp-admin/edit-comments.php. - Click Reply on …
02:44 Ticket #46014 (The 'Mine' filter on single-post comments should be filtered using $post_id) closed by pento
fixed: In 44631: […]
02:44 Changeset [44631] by pento
Comments: Correct the "Mine" comment count when viewing comments for a …
01:34 Ticket #43138 (Deleting intermediate image-sizes with non-ASCII file-names) closed by pento
duplicate: Duplicate of #43170.
01:25 Ticket #43273 (User registration can be abused) closed by pento
invalid: Registration has been disabled by default since [2141].
00:55 Ticket #44116 (Trac Mentions link not working) closed by pento
fixed: I've removed the old link from that documentation.
00:52 Ticket #44162 (Add is_countable() check to wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php) closed by pento
wontfix: The functions that populate these variables will always return a …
00:49 Ticket #44249 (Assignments must be the first block of code on a line) closed by pento
fixed: In 44630: […]
00:48 Changeset [44630] by pento
Coding Standards: Remove an assignment in a conditional from …
00:34 Ticket #44271 (grunt watch doesn't detect changes when ran from inside guest machine ...) closed by pento
invalid: Per the VVV issue discussion, closing this as a problem with Vagrant.


23:56 Ticket #39760 (Twenty Fourteen: Featured Content tag can't be blank) closed by laurelfulford
wontfix: Thanks for reporting this ticket, @gemmaevans! I can recreate the …
22:58 Ticket #45315 (Canonical redirection should compare URLs taking encoding into account) closed by pento
duplicate: Thank you for the bug report, @straussd! We're currently tracking this …
22:53 Ticket #45659 (Avoid generic text in create link text) closed by pento
wontfix: Thank you for the report and patch, @Hitendra-Chopda! That …
22:44 Ticket #44677 (Verbiage for Copy in Privacy Guide should be more explicit) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44629: […]
22:44 Changeset [44629] by desrosj
Privacy: Improve the ’Copy’ button verbiage to provide more clarity. …
22:34 Ticket #36183 (Twenty Fourteen: Incompatibility with Right-To-Left (RTL) webpages AND ...) closed by laurelfulford
worksforme: @samerafach Thanks for reporting this issue! I can see the …
21:49 Ticket #39520 (Twenty Seventeen: One-column doesn't work on Blog Page) closed by laurelfulford
wontfix: Thanks for following up here, @Sheriziya! As you've noted, this is …
21:08 Ticket #46016 (Unable to move blocks in editor) created by Sophie_Kath
As I understand it: an active block can be moved up or down with …
20:34 Ticket #46015 (Remove any CSS related to Internet Explorer 6 – 8) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #46003. More than one year ago, with the 4.8 …
19:12 Ticket #46014 (The 'Mine' filter on single-post comments should be filtered using $post_id) created by garrett-eclipse
As @matt flagged here - …
18:11 Ticket #45259 (Can't scroll down inside the editor (see screenshots)) closed by garrett-eclipse
reported-upstream: Thanks for your report @omaro2266 as this issue was addressed upstream …
17:53 Ticket #43960 (Support for sorting columns in WP_Privacy_Requests_Table) closed by desrosj
fixed: Fixed this in [44628]. I accidentally included the incorrect ticket number.
17:51 Changeset [44628] by desrosj
Privacy: Allow column sorting in the privacy request admin tables. …
17:22 Ticket #45957 (Issue debug message after update to 5.0.3) reopened by futur3int
17:16 Ticket #46013 (jQueryUI tabs CSS is no longer included in WordPress core) created by rkaiser0324
I have a plugin that has an administration screen that utilizes …
17:05 Ticket #45986 (Update the update-php URL and add annotation) closed by flixos90
fixed: In 44627: […]
17:05 Changeset [44627] by flixos90
Plugins: Use centralized API to display information about updating PHP …
16:50 Ticket #46012 (Issue debug message after update to 5.0.3) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Please don't open a new ticket for the same issue. Either reopen on …
16:50 Ticket #43405 (CS: Fix violations for wp-signup.php) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44626: […]
16:50 Changeset [44626] by desrosj
Coding Standards: Manually fix coding standards violations in …
16:43 Ticket #46012 (Issue debug message after update to 5.0.3) created by futur3int
Hi everyone, As my previous ticket I thought the issue was gone. But …
16:08 Ticket #46009 (Listing block improvement - make Shift Enter work like in paragraphs) closed by swissspidy
reported-upstream: Closing as a duplicate of …
15:21 Changeset [44625] by flixos90
Bootstrap/Load: Add support for JSON requests to wp_die(). In …
15:20 Changeset [44624] by flixos90
Bootstrap/Load: Fix workaround to display admin link in PHP error …
14:38 Ticket #46011 (Argument types mismatch) created by subrataemfluence
A lot of areas of wp-inclues/comment-template.php arguments types …
14:37 Ticket #46010 (Auto-generated term slugs can be greater than 200 characters, giving ...) created by mikejolley
When a slug is not user defined, WordPress attempts to generate it …
14:35 Ticket #42536 (Smoothen Plugin Updates) reopened by knutsp
This ticket is not filed as a bug. It's a valid enhancement. Just as …
14:18 Ticket #46009 (Listing block improvement - make Shift Enter work like in paragraphs) created by hanheg
Many users use Shift - Enter in a listing. For instance when you have …
14:06 Ticket #46008 (Seperator Block is difficult to select) closed by swissspidy
reported-upstream: Thanks for your report and welcome! That separator block is indeed …
14:03 Changeset [44623] by flixos90
Bootstrap/Load: Only pause extensions when they cause a crash on a …
14:02 Ticket #46008 (Seperator Block is difficult to select) created by hanheg
After a seperator block is inserted it is difficult to select. It can …
13:33 Ticket #45932 (Call wp_load_translations_early in WP_Shutdown_Handler) closed by flixos90
fixed: In 44622: […]
13:33 Changeset [44622] by flixos90
Bootstrap/Load: Use wp_load_translations_early() when Translation …
13:11 Ticket #44280 (Glitch when activating theme) closed by afercia
worksforme: Thanks @ianbelanger, closing as per your suggestion :)
12:58 Ticket #45183 (Edit taxonomy page - Update Button is not aligned) closed by afercia
fixed: In 44621: […]
12:58 Changeset [44621] by afercia
Taxonomy: Remove extra padding around buttons on term edit page. …
11:52 Ticket #46007 (grunt precommit modifies wp-api-generated.js) created by pento
All meta keys need to be unregistered after each PHPUnit test case. …
11:44 Ticket #46006 (comment_form() function doesn't call `comment_form_after_fields` ...) created by Guss77
This is apparently since WordPress 4.4 - before that, if you called: …
11:27 Ticket #46005 (Screen options: columns visibility not saved on mobile) created by afercia
Regression in trunk: Twelve months ago, [42644] / #40985 made the …
11:12 Ticket #46004 (Allow actions based on blocks in the current content) created by joostdevalk
We're finding ourselves having to do stuff based on which blocks are …
10:42 Ticket #46003 (Improve toolbar CSS) created by swissspidy
The admin toolbar has been around for years and has been iterated on …
10:37 Ticket #46002 (Upgrade WPCS to 2.0.0) created by pento
I'm told I should get it while it's hot. …
09:46 Ticket #46001 (when an article edited in html starts with <section> tag, content is ...) created by volapuk
I use to edit my articles in html, the article is divided in sections …
09:21 Ticket #46000 (non empty post object in case of error 404) created by petersplugins
In case of an 404 error the Posts Object is not empty if permalink …
06:15 Ticket #45595 (Filter 'sanitize_email' provides 2 times the same param) closed by pento
fixed: In 44620: […]
06:15 Changeset [44620] by pento
Docs: Improve the sanitize_email filter. - Remove duplicate …
06:09 Ticket #44185 (Removed wrong parameter and updated some improper doc blocks) closed by pento
fixed: In 44619: […]
06:09 Changeset [44619] by pento
Rewrite: Remove extra arguments being passed to …
06:04 Ticket #41450 (sanitize_text_field() assumes the field is a string) closed by pento
fixed: In 44618: […]
06:04 Changeset [44618] by pento
Formatting: Add type checking to _sanitize_text_fields(). When a …
06:00 Ticket #41143 (Theme/plugin editing: if you don't select a function it just returns ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 44617: […]
06:00 Changeset [44617] by pento
Plugin Editor: Disable the documentation look up button when no …
05:53 Ticket #45597 (Function does not return a value) closed by pento
fixed: In 44616: […]
05:53 Changeset [44616] by pento
Templates: Fix the return value of get_the_author_posts_link(). …
05:44 Ticket #42536 (Smoothen Plugin Updates) closed by afragen
invalid: The text above the button clearly states that you must check the …
05:40 Ticket #45475 (Use plugin-friendly is_user_logged_in() to determine logged-in/nopriv ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 44615: […]
05:40 Changeset [44615] by pento
Admin: Use is_user_logged_in() instead of …
05:38 Ticket #42757 (Php notice when clicking View details on a plugin from the Plugins ...) closed by afragen
invalid: This seems like an issue with the plugin in question and not with …
05:35 Ticket #45410 (Docs: PHPDoc correction in wp-includes/pomo/streams.php) closed by pento
fixed: In 44614: […]
05:35 Changeset [44614] by pento
Docs: Correct the docs for POMO_Reader::setEndian(). The parameter …
05:31 Ticket #45319 (get_theme_mod() declaration of return type) closed by pento
fixed: In 44613: […]
05:31 Changeset [44613] by pento
Docs: Correct the @return type of get_theme_mod(). This now …
05:30 Ticket #44252 (Missing return statement in function uninstall_plugin) closed by afragen
invalid: According to the docBlock the function returns true if the …
05:28 Ticket #45308 (Use duplicate hook reference syntax for duplicates of 'link_category' ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 44612: […]
05:28 Changeset [44612] by pento
Docs: Remove duplicate docblocks for the pre_user_login and …
04:26 Ticket #44293 (Discrepancy between documentation and implementation of ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 44611: […]
04:26 Changeset [44611] by pento
Users: Add extra checking to wp_new_user_notification(). Prevent a …
04:01 Ticket #45999 (Remove privacy pointers again) created by garrett-eclipse
This ticket is to trac the discussion on timeline for removing the …
03:53 Ticket #43570 (preview draft access denied html status code is 500 instead of 401) closed by pento
fixed: In 44610: […]
03:53 Changeset [44610] by pento
Posts: Set a HTTP 403 error when an incorrect post preview nonce is …
03:37 Ticket #43301 (wp_maybe_auto_update action is missing a docblock) closed by pento
fixed: In 44609: […]
03:37 Changeset [44609] by pento
Docs: Add documentation for the wp_maybe_auto_update action. Props …
02:58 Ticket #45998 (Comments trashed after reply) created by pkkarn
I found A Bug into your software. Which is Whenever I click on …
02:53 Ticket #45727 (is_admin_bar_showing() is true in REST API requests) closed by pento
fixed: In 44608: […]
02:53 Changeset [44608] by pento
Admin Bar: Set the Admin Bar to not be showing on REST API requests. …
01:51 Ticket #36342 (No check to validate supplied author in export_wp()) closed by pento
wontfix: The issue isn't that esc_sql() needs to be run on these arguments, …


23:22 Ticket #45997 (Revert @ignore of _get_term_hierarchy()) created by coffee2code
In [32453], the @ignore dockblock tag was added to …
23:03 Ticket #42933 (Change from Class::method to static::method in WP_List_Table) closed by okvee
22:47 Ticket #45550 (Missing DocBlock for `_WP_Dependency::set_translations()`) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44607: […]
22:47 Changeset [44607] by desrosj
Docs: Add missing documentation for …
22:34 Ticket #44708 (Coding consistency, seeing both $request and $request_data) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44606: […]
22:34 Changeset [44606] by desrosj
Privacy: Use consistent variable naming when working with privacy …
22:14 Ticket #45996 (Block visual editor not accessible if user doesn't have nickname) created by spencerfcloud
If a user is created and doesn't have a nickname, the editor is stuck …
22:12 Ticket #45210 (Fix an @see notation in the DocBlock for wp_script_add_data()) closed by desrosj
duplicate: Looks like this was fixed in #42505 via [44332].
21:05 Ticket #45994 (Words appear on top of each other) closed by peterwilsoncc
invalid: Hello and welcome to trac! I'm sorry but trac is for logging issues …
21:03 Ticket #43790 (b(in before) should be capital in WordPress core update warning.) closed by desrosj
fixed: Looks like this was fixed in [44596].
20:07 Ticket #45461 (Incorrect height of the WP editor, when loaded in a hidden layer) closed by azaozz
invalid: > Isn't there some kind of order in which bugs are fixed relative to …
19:49 Ticket #45995 (Problems with embedded Excel spreadsheets) created by anonymized_16787233
I explained the issue here: …
18:57 Ticket #39062 (New function: `wp_get_post_revisions_url()`) reopened by adamsilverstein
18:53 Ticket #33830 (Revisions: Compare revisions has layout issues on iPhone 6+) reopened by adamsilverstein
Reopening for consideration since the current revisions screen is …
18:46 Ticket #25473 (wp_text_diff creates wrong number of columns if title arguments are set) reopened by adamsilverstein
Reopening for consideration since the current revisions screen is …
17:50 Ticket #45994 (Words appear on top of each other) created by me009
Hello, on my website some of the words are …
15:09 Ticket #45993 (Twenty Nineteen: Image aligncenter inside column is broken) created by dianeco
Since Twenty Nineteen v1.2, the images set to aligncenter aren't …
13:27 Ticket #45992 (Pressing delete key within a paragraph containing an anchor deletes ...) created by greatislander
When editing a paragraph containing an anchor (e.g. `<a …
10:28 Changeset [44605] by pento
Docs: Tweak the docblock for setup_userdata(). This is a followup …
10:11 Ticket #45991 (Twenty Nineteen: Post titles are overflowing the content area) created by Dejan85
Post titles are overflowing the content area. In Twenty Seventeen the …
09:10 Ticket #45990 (Bug in function current_user_can prevents admin to access to Dashboard) created by DotMG
File : wp-includes/capabilities.php method has_cap is …
07:47 Changeset [44604] by afercia
Admin: Use the correct CSS media query for the Help tab on small …
07:23 Ticket #44188 (Error in the deployed update GDPR) closed by garrett-eclipse
invalid: Hello thank you for opening the thread @justnailedit I'm going to …
06:32 Ticket #44697 (Argument type does not match: user.php) closed by pento
fixed: In 44603: […]
06:32 Changeset [44603] by pento
Users: Correct the default value in setup_userdata(). The …
06:26 Ticket #44601 (Missing vallidations in function get_password_reset_key()) closed by pento
fixed: In 44602: […]
06:26 Changeset [44602] by pento
Users: Check that a valid user is passed to …
06:17 Ticket #44454 (Argument type in PHPDoc comment does not match with the parameter type) closed by pento
fixed: In 44601: […]
06:17 Changeset [44601] by pento
Docs: Fix the WP_Object_Cache::get() docblock. The $force
05:53 Ticket #44410 (Properties in class missing type definition and description in DOC comments) closed by pento
fixed: In 44600: […]
05:53 Changeset [44600] by pento
Docs: Add docblocks for WP_Customize_Header_Image_Control member …
05:48 Changeset [44599] by pento
Build Tools: Don't send AppVeyor notifications on Slack on repeated …
05:47 Ticket #44363 (Coding Standards: Assignments must be the first block of code on a line) closed by pento
fixed: In 44598: […]
05:47 Changeset [44598] by pento
Coding Standards: Move an assignment out of a condition in …
05:45 Ticket #44315 (PHPCS: Assignments must be the first block of code on a line) closed by pento
05:37 Changeset [44597] by pento
Coding Standards: Move assignments out of conditions in …
05:19 Changeset [44596] by pento
Updates: Tweak the "before updating, please back up..." message. …
04:50 Changeset [44595] by pento
Build Tools: Tweak AppVeyor settings. - Set grunt build as the …
04:20 Ticket #44276 (Add AppVeyor Windows-based CI (Continuous Integration) Service) closed by pento
fixed: In 44594: […]
04:20 Changeset [44594] by pento
Build Tools: Add AppVeyor integration. AppVeyor allows us to test in …
03:27 Ticket #45981 (WordPress v5.0.3 can not add new tag in the Adding Post) reopened by quochoangqn
I am refresh install WP 5.0.3, use the default theme. I am log in to …
02:41 Ticket #44225 (PHPCS: Assignment must be the first block of code on a line) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44593: […]
02:40 Changeset [44593] by desrosj
Coding Standards: Assignments must be the first block of code on a …
02:07 Ticket #45323 (Docs: parameter name is wrong in the return descriptions of ...) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44592: […]
02:07 Changeset [44592] by desrosj
Docs: Update inaccurate return descriptions. In the @return tag …
01:55 Ticket #45253 ("Unhandled promise rejection" in 5.0-RC2) reopened by jsmoriss
Replying to pento: > I'm unable to reproduce this issue …
01:53 Ticket #43521 (Excluded terms filter in get_adjacent_post is not executed if ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 44591: […]
01:53 Changeset [44591] by pento
Link Template: In get_adjacent_post(), move the sanitisation of …
01:39 Ticket #45253 ("Unhandled promise rejection" in 5.0-RC2) closed by pento
worksforme: I'm unable to reproduce this issue with the WPSSO plugin installed.
01:30 Ticket #44398 (`list_pages` filter docblock improvement) closed by pento
00:55 Ticket #35968 (wp_reschedule_event timestamp overridden when set in the future) closed by pento
fixed: Inline docs don't need updating for this ticket.
00:51 Ticket #34183 (Add context to `doing_it_wrong_trigger_error` filter) closed by pento
fixed: In 44590: […]
00:51 Changeset [44590] by pento
Docs: Update the @since version for the …
00:42 Ticket #42461 (Drop sanitize_text_field() for widget titles in forms) closed by pento
fixed: In 44589: […]
00:42 Changeset [44589] by pento
Widgets: Remove unnecessary sanitize_text_field() calls in core …
00:19 Ticket #43221 (Don't hide the Help tab on small screens) closed by pento
fixed: In 44588: […]
00:19 Changeset [44588] by pento
Admin: Make the Help tab available on small screens. Props jobthomas, …


23:26 Ticket #43514 (`get_pages()` DB query result not cached if nothing found) closed by pento
fixed: In 44587: […]
23:26 Changeset [44587] by pento
Query: Cache the result when get_pages() doesn't find anything in …
23:11 Changeset [44586] by pento
Docs: Improve the docblock of wp_admin_bar_edit_menu(). What age …
23:00 Ticket #43448 (Document $wp_registered_sidebars global in wp_map_sidebars_widgets()) closed by pento
fixed: In 44585: […]
23:00 Changeset [44585] by pento
Docs: Improve documentation of the $wp_registered_sidebars` global. …
22:41 Ticket #43259 (Extra tabs in meta-boxes.php) closed by pento
invalid: I agree that this is indented incorrectly, but it can't be fixed with …
22:31 Ticket #42885 (Fix PHPCS "Yoda Condition checks" for root files of WordPress Core.) closed by pento
wontfix: I'm going to close this issue, as I think the core coding standards …
22:10 Ticket #42684 (This is driving me crazy. SimplePie bug with simple fix: Warning: A ...) closed by pento
duplicate: As it's fixed in SimplePie, I'm going to close this issue in favour of …
22:09 Ticket #45987 (Hierarchical Custom Post Types Missing Parent Drop Down) closed by sparkjoystudios
worksforme: Hi @pento I was registering an empty string on that label to avoid …
21:56 Ticket #45989 (WSODs protection still 500 on REST API request) created by spacedmonkey
If code is hooked in rest_api_init and has a fatal error, the …
21:46 Ticket #45988 (Suport for vendor/oem integration code loading) closed by pento
wontfix: Thank you for the suggestion, @calin! Unfortunately, changing …
21:33 Ticket #45931 (A few test tearDown() methods don't call parent::tearDown()) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44584: […]
21:33 Changeset [44584] by desrosj
Tests: Add missing parent::tearDown(). Also, remove a tearDown()
21:21 Ticket #45988 (Suport for vendor/oem integration code loading) created by calin
Currently there are 3 main ways to load code into WordPress: …
19:55 Ticket #45987 (Hierarchical Custom Post Types Missing Parent Drop Down) created by sparkjoystudios
After updating to 5.0 (currently running 5.0.3) all hierarchical …
18:57 Ticket #45986 (Update the update-php URL and add annotation) created by afragen
Update previously committed instances of …
18:56 Ticket #45529 (Correct phpdoc example for Internal Pointers) reopened by garrett-eclipse
Thanks @Luciano Croce I'm glad that worked out for your plugins. …
18:27 Ticket #45529 (Correct phpdoc example for Internal Pointers) closed by Luciano Croce
worksforme: @garrett-eclipse @swissspidy @daleharrison very good patch. Tested …
17:11 Ticket #45985 (Twenty Nineteen: Introduce better theme support for responsive images) created by kjellr
As originally reported by @mor10, in the Twenty Nineteen GitHub …
16:53 Ticket #45984 (Twenty Nineteen: Improve code organisation in template-functions.php) created by allancole
Originally reported by @grapplerulrich in the Twenty Nineteen GitHub …
16:22 Ticket #45551 (Parent editor-style.css doesn't load if you use a child theme) closed by SergeyBiryukov
reported-upstream: Closing as reported upstream, per comment:1.
16:19 Ticket #45844 (add_theme_support function doesn't add some features it says in comments) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Closing per comment:2.
16:14 Ticket #45841 (Wrong spacing on list blocks after saving draft) closed by SergeyBiryukov
reported-upstream: Closing per comment:1.
14:27 Ticket #45983 (Sidebar components no longer include an ID) created by schultz46123
With the new Gutenberg editor the sidebar components are missing IDs. …
13:55 Ticket #45980 (WordPress 5.0.3 PDF is opening empty page in Chrome and not showing content) reopened by Timama
Replying to subrataemfluence: Many Thanks for your …
13:45 Ticket #45982 (PDF thumbnails have a default black background) created by nebrekab
I wouldn't necessarily call this a bug, but when a PDF is uploaded …
13:42 Ticket #45980 (WordPress 5.0.3 PDF is opening empty page in Chrome and not showing content) closed by subrataemfluence
invalid: Welcome to trac and thanks for the ticket! I uploaded a PDF and found …
12:23 Ticket #25446 (Return HTTP status code 401 upon failed login) reopened by slaFFik
@iseulde I understand that this a template answer that you posted, …
11:58 Ticket #45981 (WordPress v5.0.3 can not add new tag in the Adding Post) closed by subrataemfluence
invalid: Welcome to trac and thanks for the ticket! I could not reproduce the …
11:50 Ticket #45981 (WordPress v5.0.3 can not add new tag in the Adding Post) created by quochoangqn
WP 5.0.3 can not add new tag in the Adding Post.
10:34 Ticket #45980 (WordPress 5.0.3 PDF is opening empty page in Chrome and not showing content) created by Timama
Hi, I have some links that open pdf. On firefox or safari, when I …
08:16 Ticket #45979 (Customize the excerpt size) created by sebastienserre
Hello all, At this moment, there's no way without code to customize …
08:11 Ticket #45971 (Theme edit css checker is dead wrong) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Hi and welcome to Trac! I noticed that #44471 covers this issue in a …
07:24 Ticket #42341 (Add sandbox attribute to Customizer preview iframe to prevent ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 44583: […]
07:24 Changeset [44583] by pento
Customizer: Use the sandbox attribute to prevent top navigation from …
07:22 Changeset [44582] by pento
Customizer: Fix a coding standards issue introduced in [44580]. See …
06:53 Ticket #42228 (PHPDoc correction for /src/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php) closed by pento
fixed: In 44581: […]
06:53 Changeset [44581] by pento
Docs: Improve docblocks for _get_plugin_data_markup_translate() and …
06:37 Ticket #40020 (Customizer fails to load in Safari due to X-Origin Header mismatch) closed by pento
fixed: In 44580: […]
06:37 Changeset [44580] by pento
Customizer: Improve browser compatibility of the preview iframe. When …
05:38 Ticket #45378 (Convert soft hyphens when sanitizing titles) closed by pento
fixed: In 44579: […]
05:38 Changeset [44579] by pento
Formatting: Remove soft hyphens when sanitising titles. Props andg. …
05:04 Ticket #43815 (Text Widget: Warnings thrown when using invalid HTML in legacy mode) closed by pento
fixed: In 44578: […]
05:04 Changeset [44578] by pento
Widgets: Don't log invalid HTML in the Text Widget. [41215] supresses …
04:54 Ticket #37375 (Several test setUp() methods don't call parent::setUp()) closed by pento
fixed: In 44577: […]
04:54 Changeset [44577] by pento
Tests: Add missing parent::setUp() calls to all test classes. Props …
03:57 Ticket #45978 (Excerpt always become empty after save draft / publish) created by KakiNetwork
It's happen one time for a new post.. Excerpt always become empty …
03:25 Ticket #45977 (on the dashboard, cannot expand/collapse dashboard boxes.) created by eynugget
I just recently upgraded to 5.0.3 and noticed that I cannot …
02:44 Ticket #45976 (Move logic to find next event from `wp_next_scheduled()` to ...) created by peterwilsoncc
The new function for 5.1 wp_get_scheduled_event() accepts the …
02:34 Ticket #45975 (wp_check_mysql_version should use wp_die) created by spacedmonkey
wp_check_mysql_version should use wp_die
02:20 Ticket #45974 (wp_maintenance should use wp_die) created by spacedmonkey
When maintenance mode is active, wp_die called, so the output can be …
01:46 Changeset [44576] by pento
Blocks: Add a $source_block parameter to the render_block_data
01:01 Ticket #45966 (Function to set Feature Policy) closed by pento
maybelater: Feature Policy is useful for setting on iframes, but I don't think …
00:44 Ticket #45965 (Function to set Referrer Policy) closed by pento
wontfix: Thank you for the feature request, @bhubbard. The wp-admin referrer …
00:35 Ticket #45963 (Get Geo Location) closed by pento
wontfix: Thank you for the feature request, @bhubbard. Maintaining a …
00:22 Ticket #45957 (Issue debug message after update to 5.0.3) closed by pento
duplicate: Thank you for the bug report, @futur3int! This notice is caused by …
00:12 Ticket #45964 (Support for Security.txt) closed by pento
maybelater: Thank you for the feature request, @bhubbard! There's a plugin …
00:01 Ticket #45644 (Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed in class-wp-block-parser.php ...) closed by pento
reported-upstream: Aye, this syntax was introduced in PCRE 7.0. While we technically …


22:38 Ticket #45961 (Add User page - allow setting Display Name Publicly As during creation) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Thanks for your report! That screen could see some improvements in …
22:32 Ticket #45973 (Wrap global functions like __() in 'function_exists' condition) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Hi there and welcome to WordPress Trac! We've already gotten the same …
21:37 Ticket #45973 (Wrap global functions like __() in 'function_exists' condition) created by jonasemde
The () function is used in multiple frameworks and other open source …
15:49 Ticket #45972 (Proximity of controls: comments form improvements) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #43412. In the comments form, the buttons to …
13:03 Ticket #35951 (remove_accents() doesn't escape Unicode NFD characters) reopened by zodiac1978
Like all the other tickets mentioned in this ticket this is still true …
12:54 Ticket #45971 (Theme edit css checker is dead wrong) created by jstillings1
12:12 Ticket #45970 (in IIS if web.confing <configuration has ...) created by boychev
in IIS if web.confing <configuration has …
08:13 Ticket #45953 (Jquery & Jquery UI update) closed by chriscct7
duplicate: Duplicate of #37110. Closing as duplicate as indicated.
04:48 Ticket #45969 (preg_match(): Compilation failed class-wp-block-parser.php line 418) closed by desrosj
duplicate: Duplicate of #45644. Thanks @AndrewNZ! This is definitely a report of …
02:44 Ticket #45969 (preg_match(): Compilation failed class-wp-block-parser.php line 418) created by AndrewNZ
After updating from WP 4.9.9 to 5.0.3 I received an error on the front …
00:54 Ticket #45968 (extend get_search_form() to allow placeholder text to be passed into method) created by gege90ererefeee
Desire: get_search_form('Search here...'); Output <input …
00:39 Ticket #45967 (PHP Standards and Docblocks for class-ftp.php) created by bhubbard
I notice class-ftp.php did not have any docblocks. I have a patch here …


21:36 Ticket #45966 (Function to set Feature Policy) created by bhubbard
It would be great to have functions to set the Feature Policy. …
21:34 Ticket #45965 (Function to set Referrer Policy) created by bhubbard
It would be useful to have a function in core to set the Referrer …
21:19 Ticket #45964 (Support for Security.txt) created by bhubbard
Would be great if WordPress supports security.txt with defaults to …
21:11 Ticket #45963 (Get Geo Location) created by bhubbard
It would be great if wordpress had a function to get geolocation of a …
21:08 Ticket #45962 (Is LocalHost Check?) created by bhubbard
It would be useful if WordPress had its own function to check for …
17:31 Ticket #45961 (Add User page - allow setting Display Name Publicly As during creation) created by phillipburger
When creating users manually, the Add Users screen does not allow …
16:14 Ticket #45960 (plugin_basename() fails on windows path) created by dovyp
I happened upon this little bug with plugin_basename(). Namely if a …
15:00 Changeset [44575] by afercia
Accessibility: Exclude the Windows High Contrast mode transparent …
14:25 Ticket #45959 (editing function) created by harry mayor
editing function locks on current update. WordPress 5.0.3 running …
13:59 Ticket #45958 (Errors displayed on shutdown handler) created by spacedmonkey
PHP errors are displayed on shutdown handler screen for REST API …
11:24 Ticket #45957 (Issue debug message after update to 5.0.3) created by futur3int
Just updated wp to 5.0.3 and got the following error (debug mode) …
11:22 Ticket #43897 (Coding standards: audit a few occurrences of CSS font-weight using ...) closed by netweb
fixed: Not that I can see, if anything else does pop up, opening a new ticket …
06:40 Ticket #45956 (Upgrade WPCS to 1.2.1) closed by pento
fixed: In 44574: […]
06:40 Changeset [44574] by pento
Coding Standards: Upgrade WPCS to 1.2.1. This upgrade fixes quite a …
06:27 Ticket #45956 (Upgrade WPCS to 1.2.1) created by pento
By upgrading WPCS to 1.2.1: - …
06:05 Changeset [44573] by pento
Coding Standards: Fix and whitelist variable names. From the …
05:36 Ticket #45955 (Twenty Nineteen: get_the_archive_title filter issues) created by taskotr
I was testing the theme with a plugin that adds a custom post type and …
04:52 Changeset [44572] by pento
Coding Standards: Remove an unnecessary line whitelisting. Props jrf. …
04:00 Changeset [44571] by pento
Coding Standards: Exclude some external files. - …
03:48 Changeset [44570] by pento
Coding Standards: Fix an incorrect phpcs:ignore comment. It's …
03:19 Changeset [44569] by pento
Coding Standards: Extract extract() from the codebase. Of the last …
02:58 Ticket #45954 (Add a extra_tablenav() method to WP_MS_Sites_List_Table) created by pbiron
With blogmeta landing in 5.1-beta1 (#37923 and #40229) it would be …
01:43 Ticket #45953 (Jquery & Jquery UI update) created by Webzzz
Will some one please update the jquery core and jquery ui to the …
01:38 Ticket #45952 (New Block based layout on WP 5.0+ SUPER SLOW) created by bulewold
Hi there, there has been a lot of discussion about this on different …
01:00 Ticket #45951 (Parent blocks are really hard to select) created by pattyok
When placing blocks inside one another (like the column block). It is …
00:11 Ticket #44414 (Granular erasure, alteration or anonymization of data) closed by garrett-eclipse
maybelater: Thanks @dejliglama for the suggestion. I'm going to close this as …


23:46 Ticket #45950 (Twenty Nineteen: Fix social media icons to use the correct height & ...) created by crunnells
This comes from a PR in GitHub: …
23:39 Ticket #45491 (Personal Data Report - item descriptions) closed by garrett-eclipse
duplicate: Thanks @Venutius for opening this. I followed you creating #45492
22:55 Ticket #45949 (Allow plugins or themes to supply their own message when they caused a WSOD) created by Shelob9
#44524 "introduces a WP_Shutdown_Handler class that detects fatal …
22:41 Ticket #45948 (WSOD protection message formatted incorrectly on windows) created by pbiron
When the WSOD protection in 5.1 beta1 pauses a plugin on a windows …
21:46 Ticket #45947 (More tag breaks when switching from Text to Visual when cursor left in HTML) created by jeremeylduvall
Currently, in the classic WordPress editor, I'm hitting some issues …
19:42 Ticket #45946 (Twenty Nineteen: Consider adding a slide-out animation when the touch ...) created by kjellr
For the mobile menu, we have a nice slide-in animation for when the …
19:35 Ticket #45945 (Twenty Nineteen: Consider adding a filter for the featured image color ...) created by kjellr
Originally raised by @hvianna and @grapplerulrich in this GitHub …
19:29 Ticket #45944 (Twenty Nineteen: Added URL in :after styles for print.css is unreliable) created by kjellr
The print styles for Twenty Nineteen include a little snippet meant to …
19:10 Ticket #45943 (Twenty Nineteen: Consider adding additional social media icons) created by kjellr
There have been a handful of requests for additional icons to be added …
19:09 Ticket #45942 (Preview pulls up old content) created by mpearson5
After editing a page and clicking on preview, content is served up …
18:18 Ticket #45265 (REST API: register_rest_route should warn when used improperly.) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 44568: […]
18:18 Changeset [44568] by desrosj
REST API: Encourage proper usage of register_rest_route(). Calling …
16:25 Ticket #45941 (Menu order not saving correctly 5.0.3) created by routram92
Hi, I have removed all plugins back to only the classic editor and …
15:35 Ticket #45940 (WSOD protection should disable plugins in fewer situations) created by markjaquith
[44524] implemented WSOD protection, for #44458. I have concerns about …
13:58 Ticket #45412 (Set `svn:eol-style` to `native` for all the new files in 5.0) closed by afercia
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #42594.
13:55 Ticket #41160 (Placeholder height too big in Menus page in WordPress) closed by afercia
fixed: In 44567: […]
13:55 Changeset [44567] by afercia
Menus: Make menu items not jump while dragging items. Props …
12:21 Ticket #45939 (Coding Standards: fix <br/> in core files) created by man4toman
In order to …
12:06 Ticket #45938 (Adding new term meta fails if column is wrapped in a conditional) created by dingo_d
I have created two custom taxonomies in my custom post type, and I …
11:28 Ticket #45937 (CSS coding standards: audit the rgba() values) created by afercia
There are various occurrences of incorrect rgba() values across the …
08:52 Ticket #45936 (Insert empty record) created by maximeschoeni
I fall upon a small bug when trying to insert an empty record in a …
06:39 Changeset [44566] by pento
Coding Standards: Fix the …
06:25 Changeset [44565] by pento
Coding Standards: Document intentional case block fall-throughs. …
06:16 Changeset [44564] by pento
Coding Standards: Add exceptions for …
06:07 Changeset [44563] by pento
Coding Standards: Ignore the violations of …
06:03 Changeset [44562] by pento
Coding Standards: Fix the minor WordPress.WP.I18n violations. …
04:59 Changeset [44561] by pento
Coding Standards: template.php isn't a template tag file. …
04:50 Ticket #45935 (A URL in do_block_editor_incompatible_meta_box function does not have ...) created by tmatsuur
If there is an incompatible meta box in the block editor, a link to …
03:44 Changeset [44560] by pento
Coding Standards: Ignore the single …
03:41 Ticket #45934 (Coding Standards: Manual Fixes) created by pento
Here's the current output of composer run lint. […] There's a …
03:10 Ticket #43644 (Revert multiline calls to actions and filters) closed by pento
fixed: Closing this one as fixed. #44600 put each parameter on it's own line. …
03:03 Ticket #42808 (Remove old style PHPCS ignore comments) closed by pento
fixed: In 44559: […]
03:03 Changeset [44559] by pento
Coding Standards: Remove PHPCS 2.x @codingStandardsIgnore* ignore …
01:20 Ticket #44967 (Add status filter to allow suppression of drafts from Privacy Policy select) closed by pento
maybelater: Thanks for the context, @garrett-eclipse. I think it's a bit too …
01:03 Ticket #45933 (WSODs protection returns incorrect content type for JSON Requests) created by spacedmonkey
While testing WSODs protection ( #44458 ), I noticed that on REST API …
00:58 Changeset [44558] by pento
Post WordPress 5.1 Beta 1 version bump.
00:49 Ticket #45932 (Call wp_load_translations_early in WP_Shutdown_Handler) created by spacedmonkey
It a PHP error handles extremely early in the bootstrap process, say …
00:41 Changeset [44557] by pento
WordPress 5.1 Beta 1.
00:29 Ticket #45931 (A few test tearDown() methods don't call parent::tearDown()) created by desrosj
Test methods should always call parent::tearDown(). Each test method …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.