Make WordPress Core

Opened 9 months ago

Closed 9 months ago

#59685 closed defect (bug) (reported-upstream)

Please give all "XXX Library" a full name in Core and Gutenberg

Reported by: alexclassroom's profile alexclassroom Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: major Version: 6.4
Component: I18N Keywords:
Focuses: ui Cc:


Bug Report


Please give all "XXX Library" a full name in Core and Gutenberg, or separate them into a standalone "Library" with a disambiguation definition.


  • WordPress: 6.4-RC1
  • PHP: 8.1.24
  • Server: nginx/1.24.0
  • Database: mysqli (Server: 10.6.15-MariaDB-1:10.6.15+maria~ubu2004 / Client: 8.1.24)
  • Browser: Edge 118.0.2088.46 (Windows 10/11)
  • Theme: Twenty Twenty-Four 1.0
  • MU-Plugins: Inactive
  • Plugins:
    • Error Log Monitor 1.7.7
    • Query Monitor 3.14.0
    • Text Domain Inspector 1.1
    • WordPress Beta Tester 3.5.4

Steps to Reproduce

  1. 🐞 The term "Library" is now shared by "Font Library" and "Media Library".
  2. No unique translation can be used for these two Libraries in zh_TW at least.

Expected Results

  1. ✅ Please give these two "Library" a full name, like "Font Library" and "Media Library" in Core and Gutenberg, or separate them into a standalone "Library" with a disambiguation definition.

Actual Results

  1. ❌ The term "Library" is now shared by "Font Library" and "Media Library". At least no unique translation can be used for these two Libraries in zh_TW.
  2. These codes are wp-admin/menu.php:67 and wp-includes/js/dist/edit-site.js:26939

Change History (4)

#1 @sabernhardt
9 months ago

Thanks for the report!

Slack has a conversation about the Font Library text strings because the feature should be 'dormant' in 6.4. Please open a Gutenberg issue to edit the 'Library' string in the plugin.

The media library link has been in the admin side menu since [9875]. Of course, the text still could be improved.

#2 @alexclassroom
9 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I will open a Gutenberg issue for this.

#4 @hellofromTonya
9 months ago

  • Keywords needs-patch removed
  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to reported-upstream
  • Status changed from new to closed

As previously noted, the Font Library was punted to 6.5. The string(s) will not render in 6.4, as the feature's packages are behind the Gutenberg plugin flag (meaning they only render in the Gutenberg plugin).

The strings should be fixed in the Gutenberg repository. When introduced in 6.5, the updated strings will be merged into Core with a package update.

I'll close this ticket as reported upstream.

Thank you @alexclassroom for reporting here and in Gutenberg.

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