Make WordPress Core

Opened 16 months ago

Closed 16 months ago

Last modified 16 months ago

#58159 closed enhancement (invalid)

Course text edits

Reported by: valmedia2023's profile valmedia2023 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: General Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


Edits to the text. This is my first contribution as a group volunteer. Edits are marked in parentheses and strikethroughs.

WP Course edits
Develop Your First Low-Code Block Theme
With the WordPress 5.9 release, a new type of theme known as a block theme became available in the WordPress theme repository(insert period); These new themes place the power of design customizations into the hands of users.

In order to make big layout changes, adjust colors that weren’t already hard-coded into, or even move a logo from the left side of the screen to the right, users needed to have a strong grasp of CSS to move key elements of their websites or even change colors. Here’s an example:

The Site Editor allows users to move big elements of their site, change colors with a the click of a button, and customize their theme exactly to their choosing. There are many more options and flexibility to block themes. See the difference in the screenshot below of changing the text color to blue:

What do users love about classic themes? Add period at end of each sentence.

  • Easy to use right out of the box; . Get started writing immediately without worrying too much about layout.
  • Ideal for new WordPress users.
  • Write, edit and publish posts or pages without thinking about complex customizations.

What do users love about block themes?

  • Create custom blog posts and also pages using drag and drop builder.
  • Create amazing (omit hyphen) looking pages where a user can add almost anything you need.
  • Design a website from top to bottom without needing any coding knowledge.

Hybrid Themes: A theme that contains a mix of both classic theme elements and block theme elements. These themes borrow a few elements from either the classic or block theme. PHP coding is required to build a hybrid theme. Some examples might be themes that interact heavily with other WordPress plugins, such as eCommerce plugins. As block themes become more and more powerful, however, less of these will (likely!) need to be created.

Universal Themes: These themes can work entirely either like a classic theme or like a block theme–(delete hyphen). (Add period) They are built using both the Site Editor and PHP code. Historically, these themes were used to bridge the gap between what the block editor (at the time) couldn’t do, and what the customizer could do. Largely, however, you’ll find themes will either be a block theme or a classic them(add e).

What will this course focus on?
Designing block themes only requires knowledge of the point(omit hyphen)and(omit hyphen)click Site Editor. It is possible to create a block theme using no code at all. (omit hyphen)although This course will also teach you the very basics of theme.json. to set you up for Block theme designing success allows so you to have more control over of your layout with a few simple codes that you can copy and paste.

How Themes Are Designed

As an intermediate user, you’re probably familiar with finding, installing, and experimenting with both classic and block themes in the theme repository. Have you ever wondered how themes are often developed, from the start of a creative idea to finished product (available in the theme repository)? If so, read on!

  1. Design It

Once a theme has been dreamed up, many designers turn to other tools, such as Figma or Photoshop, to begin drafting what their WordPress theme will look like. Historically, it was hard to look at a lot of code and picture what the end result would be. (Insert period) ; These tools (Figma, Photoshop, and beyond) helped designers visualize the end result before they passed along their ideas to developers, who would code this into a PHP file. (Omit =)

  1. Move The Draft Into WordPress

One of the most exciting things about developing block themes is that it eliminates the need for the “moving” step(insert period)–(omit hyphen) In other words, moving from a Figma or image file into WordPress itself.
Once a Figma file has been created, revised, edited, and finalized, a designer (insert hands) often turns the design over to a developer to take their dreams and code it into reality using a mix of PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Change History (4)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-docs by valmedia2023. View the logs.

16 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-editor by valmedia2023. View the logs.

16 months ago

#3 @jorbin
16 months ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Version 6.2 deleted

Hi @valmedia2023 and Welcome to core trac. Core Trac is for bugs and enhancements related to the WordPress software itself so I'm going to be closing this ticket as invalid as the training team is responsible for courses and there is no change to core required for these suggestions.

I've asked for a member of the training team to comment here and help point you in the correct direction for this type of contribution.

#4 in reply to: ↑ description @bsanevans
16 months ago

Replying to valmedia2023:

Thank you for your feedback. Could you follow the steps in the Training Team's handbook about reviewing content, and submit a new GitHub issue in the Training Team's repo please?

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.