Make WordPress Core

Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#30855 new defect (bug)

wp_get_update_data() calls are not pluggable

Reported by: szepeviktor's profile szepe.viktor Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.1
Component: Administration Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


Up to 4.1 I was able to disable core, themes and plugin updates and related HTTP traffic.

In 4.1 new wp_get_update_data() calls are much like hardcoded than pluggable, I wasn't able to disable them all. Especially not the ones in wp-admin/menu.php

Could you make wp_get_update_data() calls pluggable? Or give me an advise to disable them?

My current workaround is to fiddle with the transients:

Thank you!

Change History (3)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by jorbin. View the logs.

9 years ago

#2 @jorbin
9 years ago

do the following filters in place already not work for this?

remove_action( 'admin_init', '_maybe_update_core' );
remove_action( 'admin_init', '_maybe_update_plugins' );
remove_action( 'admin_init', '_maybe_update_themes' );

#3 @szepe.viktor
9 years ago
Here you can see that wp_get_update_data() is executed without condition.

The only way to make it ineffective is to alter the transient's value.

Actually the transients could contain update data because my mu-plugin allows update by pushing the "Check again" button.

Last edited 9 years ago by szepe.viktor (previous) (diff)
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