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Results (27)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#58099 Twenty Nineteen: Button block does not respect custom width in the editor new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#58100 Twenty Nineteen :- PullQuote block color is not reflacted on citation text new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#58169 Twenty Nineteen: Quote block having issue when font-size is selected new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#58297 Twenty Seventeen: Table block does not have same design in editor and front. new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#58413 Twenty Seventeen: Search block is having issue when you apply width and alignment. new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#58499 Twenty Twenty theme table block having issue with color new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#58500 Twenty Twenty: Separator block's Default style is wider than Wide Line style in editor new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#59138 Duotone filter selector does not apply when using Image block alignment new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#59203 Twenty Nineteen: fix Separator block's full-width size and placement new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#59204 Twenty Nineteen: Separator block does not center as expected new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#59457 Twenty Nineteen: Calendar block does not have theme preset text colors in the editor new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#59602 Twenty Fifteen: typography issues in the editor with Table and Calendar blocks and captions new defect (bug) normal 6.7
#59612 Twenty Fifteen PullQuote block having issue with border in editor side. new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#59692 Twenty Fifteen theme having multiple issue with pullquote block. new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#59879 Twenty Twenty Two - Pullquote block have difference in editor and frontend. new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#59880 Twenty Thirteen - Pullquote block having no effect when we change font-size. new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#59958 Twenty Twenty: Search block is not looking proper when large size is chosen new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#59996 Twenty Twenty: Calendar block does not apply font size from block option new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#60080 Row block justification settings ignored in the iframed editor with classic themes new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#60195 Twenty Twenty One - Pullquote block having issue in border with default color pallate. new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#60196 Twenty Twenty-One: List Item blocks have extra margin in editor new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#60239 Twenty Sixteen: Quote block border width is relative on front end but 4px in editor new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#60336 Twenty Sixteen :- Table block having issue with border when text color is used. new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#60424 Twenty Fifteen: fix Table block's Stripes style new defect (bug) normal 6.7
#60560 Twenty Ninteen - Group block font size is not applied to pullquote. new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#60621 Twenty Nineteen: Search block lacks styling in the editor new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#60776 Pullquote block having minor difference in spacing between editor and front side new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
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