Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (1 - 100 of 1243)

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Ticket Summary Status Focuses Owner Type Priority
#17133 Code Editor: Register ctrl + s event for plugin/theme editor new javascript, administration enhancement high
#40175 Upload Validation / MIME Handling assigned administration defect (bug) high
#5942 Add Owner role reopened administration, multisite feature request normal
#6286 Proposed changes to "E-mail me whenever" Discussion Options new ui, administration enhancement normal
#7965 Database upgrade complete message should be an admin notice new ui, administration enhancement normal
#8592 Private Pages not listed in the Parent dropdown reopened administration SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#9117 Spam queue doesn't distinguish between filter sources new administration enhancement normal
#9296 Settings API & Permalink Settings Page Bug reopened administration jfarthing84 defect (bug) normal
#10970 Remove 'siteurl' setting from options-general.php new administration enhancement normal
#11049 Page Preview does not autosave page template accepted administration nacin defect (bug) normal
#11311 kses converts ampersands to & in post titles, post content, and more new administration defect (bug) normal
#11678 wpautop() fails on uppercase closing tags new administration defect (bug) normal
#12104 'moderate_comments' capability by itself should grant the user the permission to See/Edit all comments from the Comments menu. new administration defect (bug) normal
#12208 Add Quick Edit To Media Library list view new administration feature request normal
#12718 Better structure for admin menu reopened administration enhancement normal
#12801 Add Info link to plugins management screen reviewing ui, administration chriscct7 feature request normal
#12934 Allow a menu to be added as a menuitem to be a submenu. assigned administration enhancement normal
#13363 Edit Comments: Pending > Approving shouldn't make them disappear from screen assigned administration wonderboymusic enhancement normal
#13473 comment_status should be set to default_comment_status when commentstatusdiv is removed reopened administration westi defect (bug) normal
#13821 Changing visibility to password-protected without entering a password does not warn user accepted ui, administration kapeels defect (bug) normal
#13972 Add new category link - capability check needed new administration defect (bug) normal
#14432 Role-based help text assigned administration, ui-copy garyc40 enhancement normal
#14808 Add Editor Documentation Functions URL for theme-defined functions assigned administration exthilion enhancement normal
#14949 Login gives false assurance of having logged out accepted administration, multisite rajinsharwar defect (bug) normal
#15335 register_setting() filter for sanitization callback needs to indicate 2 arguments accepted reopened administration markjaquith defect (bug) normal
#15691 Network admin should have its own settings API new administration, multisite feature request normal
#15761 Bulk editing on posts without Javascript enabled results in the post being set to draft assigned administration garyc40 defect (bug) normal
#15784 Contributors can't easily view others' posts in a certain term new administration defect (bug) normal
#15861 Sorting users by post count new administration defect (bug) normal
#15865 Make it easy to disable options / user settings reopened administration enhancement normal
#15930 Make trashed posts/pages still readable new administration enhancement normal
#15993 Sort arrows improperly wrap on narrow columns reopened ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#16020 Upload custom avatar for user in Dashboard accepted ui, administration, privacy whyisjake feature request normal
#16156 update-core is oblivious to being unreachable new administration defect (bug) normal
#16165 Media Library Bulk Delete: Error in deleting... assigned administration nacin enhancement normal
#16243 Unhelpful error messages when updating default category new administration enhancement normal
#16600 AdminMenu rendering code chokes on uppercase reopened administration defect (bug) normal
#16853 Error 500 when a user has too many sites assigned multisite, administration enhancement normal
#16883 Add check for "Template Version" on theme activation new administration enhancement normal
#17020 Some comment queries are not filterable new administration enhancement normal
#17115 Publishing an empty post results in success new administration defect (bug) normal
#17146 Don't limit screen meta tab CSS to content within #screen-meta new administration koopersmith enhancement normal
#17164 More elegant handling of site 'archive' options for MultiSite new administration, multisite enhancement normal
#17370 Screen options and meta box settings can lose per-blog meta box positions new ui, administration, multisite defect (bug) normal
#17394 Network Admin -> Sites -> Users not report correctly reopened administration, multisite defect (bug) normal
#18088 Network Admin Email setting in wp-admin/network/settings.php fails silently reviewing administration, multisite flixos90 defect (bug) normal
#18161 Bulk action: Add user to multiple sites reopened administration, multisite feature request normal
#18163 Include more usermeta fields in the Network Admin's "Add User" view new ui, administration, multisite feature request normal
#18209 Capabilities with misplaced dependencies in edit_theme_options assigned administration defect (bug) normal
#18264 Future private posts listed as already published with future date specified new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#18271 Item hierarchy should be maintained when adding to menu new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#18275 Can't get perfect thumbnail sizes with image editor new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#18400 Suggested label change for "Stick this post to the front page" new administration, ui-copy enhancement normal
#18474 Misleading error message when theme ZIP exceeds post_max_size reopened administration defect (bug) normal
#18499 User count / roles inconsistency if roles no longer exist but users still do new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#18523 Can't change page permalink if slug metabox is removed assigned administration helen defect (bug) normal
#18553 Counting of categories doesn't work without refreshing? new administration defect (bug) normal
#18556 Toolbar dropdowns when dragging items accepted ui, javascript, css, administration drecodeam defect (bug) normal
#18563 Disallowing editing of .php files in the plugin editor blocks access to allowable extensions new administration defect (bug) normal
#18777 Support filtering of domain validation on Add New Site. new multisite, administration enhancement normal
#18833 Pass raw data into save_post/wp_insert_post new administration rmccue enhancement normal
#18857 get_plugin_page_hookname uses menu_title to construct subpage load-hooks assigned administration chriscct7 defect (bug) normal
#18954 Automatically whitelist screen options added via add_screen_option() new administration enhancement normal
#19392 Add auto-suggest support for all flat taxonomies in Bulk Edit. new javascript, administration enhancement normal
#19711 Posts edit list window display no information about filtering assigned ui, administration chriscct7 enhancement normal
#19958 Allow custom post types as "home" and get_posts() to return results for more than one post type accepted accessibility, administration pbearne enhancement normal
#20289 wp_nav_menu container is not set when menu isn't defined new administration defect (bug) normal
#20459 Super admin should be able to bypass banned/limited domains when creating users new administration, multisite enhancement normal
#20748 Include CPT Posts in Author Count & Archive Page new administration enhancement normal
#20859 Theme Installer: Preview should be scrollable on iPad and Kindle Fire new administration defect (bug) normal
#21070 Added a filter to the sub-menu class attribute reopened administration enhancement normal
#21132 List tables' "select all" should let you really select all, regardless of screen options new ui, administration enhancement normal
#21714 Enable Intermediate choice in UI if Full Size Image is exact match to Intermediate Image new administration enhancement normal
#22003 Saving custom fields goes to post-new.php rather than post.php reopened administration defect (bug) normal
#22022 Can’t properly add pages of type edit.php?post_type=xxx as submenu items to arbitrary parent menus new administration defect (bug) normal
#22164 Move comment "keyboard shortcuts" setting to comments -> screen options new administration enhancement normal
#22198 Realigning the Discussions Settings page assigned ui, administration chriscct7 enhancement normal
#22277 Admin (not just superadmin) should be able to add user without confirmation email in multisite assigned administration, multisite morganestes enhancement normal
#22558 Attachment term counts feels/are inaccurate new administration defect (bug) normal
#22579 Confusion of WP admin Discussion settings new ui, administration enhancement normal
#22589 Network Admin + Ajax requests reviewing multisite, administration jeremyfelt enhancement normal
#22937 Bulk Actions > Edit could allow batch-assignment of taxonomies to Media following the WP 3.5 media changes new administration feature request normal
#22940 Adding term checklist to Media modal has undesired results new javascript, administration defect (bug) normal
#22942 Remove Post by Email assigned administration chriscct7 enhancement normal
#22976 Remove reference to category to tag converter from the tools page new ui, administration enhancement normal
#23008 Add a Hook To Hide Inactive Widgets new administration enhancement normal
#23165 Admin validation errors on form nonce element IDs (_wpnonce) new administration enhancement normal
#23233 Radio Button instead of Checkboxes on Comment Moderation option? reopened ui, administration enhancement normal
#23253 Lack of a do_settings_section (singular) function reopened administration enhancement normal
#23361 Deleting a user in Network Admin still defaults to "Delete all posts" new administration, multisite defect (bug) normal
#23391 User in contributor role can add images to post only via the text editor new ui, administration enhancement normal
#23398 Media Gallery - Clicking "Restore Original Image" in "Scale Image" pane loses 'Thumbnail Settings' pane. new administration defect (bug) normal
#23413 Provide query result data to custom user columns new administration enhancement normal
#23422 Add query filter argument to register_taxonomy new administration enhancement normal
#23857 Delete User Should Delete Comments new ui, administration enhancement normal
#23863 Post Formats: allow filtering content_width per format in wp-admin new administration defect (bug) normal
#24131 Fix post previews for multisite with domain mapping new multisite, administration defect (bug) normal
#24398 Bulk Deleting Sites from Network Admin, No Confirmation message new multisite, administration defect (bug) normal
#24415 The 'show_in_admin_all_list' argument for the 'register_post_status' function is ignored when the argument 'public' is set to 'false' new administration defect (bug) normal
#24552 Taking over a locked post does not always load the most recent revision new administration defect (bug) normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.