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Questions tagged [graph-theory]

For challenges regarding graphs, mathematical structures used to model relations between objects.

5 votes
5 answers

Calculating Graph Powers

Calculating Graph Powers (very similar to my other question asked here) According to Wikipedia, "the \$k\$th power \$G^k\$ of an undirected graph \$G\$ is another graph that has the same set of ...
SanguineL's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Pareto-optimal shortest paths

Given a directed graph on the nodes 0, 1, ..n, where each edge has two non-negative integer costs, return the set of all possible Pareto Optimal path costs between ...
user1502040's user avatar
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21 votes
13 answers

Calculating Transitive Closure

First attempt at a question. Calculating Transitive Closure According to Wikipedia, "the transitive closure \$R^*\$ of a homogeneous binary relation \$R\$ on a set \$X\$ is the smallest ...
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