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Questions tagged [graph-theory]

For challenges regarding graphs, mathematical structures used to model relations between objects.

5 votes
5 answers

Calculating Graph Powers

Calculating Graph Powers (very similar to my other question asked here) According to Wikipedia, "the \$k\$th power \$G^k\$ of an undirected graph \$G\$ is another graph that has the same set of ...
SanguineL's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Pareto-optimal shortest paths

Given a directed graph on the nodes 0, 1, ..n, where each edge has two non-negative integer costs, return the set of all possible Pareto Optimal path costs between ...
user1502040's user avatar
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21 votes
13 answers

Calculating Transitive Closure

First attempt at a question. Calculating Transitive Closure According to Wikipedia, "the transitive closure \$R^*\$ of a homogeneous binary relation \$R\$ on a set \$X\$ is the smallest ...
SanguineL's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Compute the chromatic number of special graphs

This challenge is about computing the chromatic number of special types of graphs. Input The input will consist of two integers. A positive integer \$n > 1\$. A distance \$d < n\$. Task The ...
Simd's user avatar
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30 votes
13 answers

Is it a valid chemical?

Non-metals typically* have a fixed number of covalent bonds in every chemical they are part of. Given the number of bonds every element requires, output whether it's possible to construct a single ...
mousetail's user avatar
  • 12.8k
4 votes
1 answer

Triangularly embed a graph on a surface

This challenge arises from a claim made in a MathOverflow answer and a paper linked in that answer which seems to back up the claim: Searching for triangular embeddings is much quicker than ...
Parcly Taxel's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Minimum Cut finder

Write a program that takes an undirected graph and finds the minimum cut, i.e., the set of edges that, if removed, would disconnect the graph into two or more connected components. The program should ...
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9 votes
14 answers

Simplify a Cycle

Alternatively: That one challenge I forgot I had in the sandbox and is about stuff from Discrete Mathematics I learned like 5-6 months ago and kinda don't remember Given a path of vertices that form a ...
lyxal's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Detect round trips on a dodecahedron

An ant starts on an edge of a dodecahedron, facing parallel to it. At each step, it walks forward to the next vertex and turns either left or right to continue onto one of the other two edges that ...
Karl's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

The smallest number of steps for a chess piece to reach a position

I have previously posted a challenge, smallest number of steps for a knight in chess. Now I would like to go a step further by adding the possibility to choose your piece. If you place a piece on any ...
Bjop's user avatar
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19 votes
14 answers

Is this graph a tree?

Given an undirected graph, find out if it is a tree. A tree is an undirected graph in which there is exactly one path between any two vertices. In other word, the graph is both acyclic and connected. ...
alephalpha's user avatar
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24 votes
15 answers

smallest number of steps for a knight in chess

If you place a knight on any square of a chessboard, what is the smallest amount of steps to reach every position? Rules It is an 8 by 8 board. The knight starts at an arbitrary position, taken as ...
Bjop's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Train Route Planning

We can model a rail network as a directed graph, where each node is a train station and each edge is a train connecting two train stations. We'll assume that each train travels between its ...
user1502040's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Is this a strange pond?

In this challenge we considered a frog hopping around a lily pond. To recap the lily pond was represented as a finite list of positive integers. The frog can only jump forward or backwards by a ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Can the 🐸 visit all the 🪷?

In this challenge you will be simulating a frog jumping from lily-pad to lily-pad in a pond. A frog's jump distance is uniquely determined by the size of the lily pad it jumps from. So for example ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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