chat user since2015-08-19
last message2604d ago
last seen1384d ago
about Hiya o/
parent user Tunaki
75.9k 21 148 199


Owner of these rooms


This room is dedicated to moderating content on Stack Overflow with the use of bots. Follow @SOBotics on Twitter. Handy Links: https://sobotics.org | Github: https://sobotics.org/github | Redunda: https://sobotics.org/redunda | Team/Channel: http://sobotics.org/team
27s ago – jmoerdyk
Yunnosch: 1m ago, 62576 posts (2%)Natty: 5m ago, 582263 posts (27%)jmoerdyk: 16m ago, 19298 posts (0%)double-beep: 18m ago, 32924 posts (1%)M--: 20m ago, 2020 posts (0%)SmokeDetector: 1h ago, 101588 posts (4%)NotTheDr01ds: 3h ago, 1981 posts (0%)Ryan M: 3h ago, 2077 posts (0%)Steve: 4h ago, 10805 posts (0%)Generic Bot: 5h ago, 35255 posts (1%)Queen: 6h ago, 169081 posts (7%)VLAZ: 10h ago, 1398 posts (0%)Vickel: 14h ago, 3189 posts (0%)mozway: 6d ago, 9622 posts (0%)Félix Adriyel Gagnon-Grenier: 929d ago, 99 posts (0%)Johannes Kuhn: 1746d ago, 11 posts (0%)

Burnination progress for the software

For discussion and progress-tracking of cleanup for the software-engineering tag per: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/341843/users-stuck-at-the-software-engineering-whiteboard-a-lot-of-them-actually
2664d ago – Ed Cottrell

SO Close Vote Reviewers

This room is for support and discussion about reviewing and coordination of site-wide cleanup efforts. Read our FAQ at https://socvr.org.
2m ago – dbc
dbc: 2m ago, 778 posts (0%)TylerH: 25m ago, 62631 posts (5%)gre_gor: 1h ago, 226 posts (0%)SmokeDetector: 1h ago, 2869 posts (0%)Ryan M: 5h ago, 18277 posts (1%)Stephen Ostermiller: 5h ago, 1101 posts (0%)Robby Cornelissen: 7h ago, 89 posts (0%)VLAZ: 11h ago, 8391 posts (0%)Ken White: 11h ago, 953 posts (0%)Makyen: 13h ago, 28770 posts (2%)Chris: 16h ago, 246 posts (0%)Adrian Mole: 17h ago, 22455 posts (1%)miken32: 18h ago, 768 posts (0%)jmoerdyk: 21h ago, 289 posts (0%)NathanOliver: 23h ago, 46713 posts (3%)snakecharmerb: 1d ago, 330 posts (0%)Ocaso Protal: 1d ago, 15 posts (0%)NotTheDr01ds: 2d ago, 336 posts (0%)tink: 2d ago, 2530 posts (0%)aynber: 4d ago, 901 posts (0%)Kevin B: 4d ago, 6906 posts (0%)Karl Knechtel: 5d ago, 1709 posts (0%)Spevacus: 8d ago, 594 posts (0%)Vickel: 14d ago, 1717 posts (0%)Turing85: 130d ago, 2124 posts (0%)Braiam: 260d ago, 16140 posts (1%)Andrew T.: 270d ago, 145 posts (0%)Marvin: 321d ago, 11 posts (0%)Félix Adriyel Gagnon-Grenier: 494d ago, 1445 posts (0%)The Dreams Wind: 560d ago, 2 posts (0%)

 SOCVR Request Graveyard

This room is ONLY to receive action requests (cv-pls, etc.) from SOCVR; it is intended as an archive for easy searching. DO NOT TALK HERE. For more, see http://socvr.org/faq#why-do-you-invite-me-to-the-cv-request-graveyard-room
25m ago – TylerH
Ryan M: 5h ago, 4083 posts (0%)VLAZ: 3d ago, 756 posts (0%)

SOCVR Testing Facility

Testing lab for the SO Close Vote Reviewers (with all their bot friends). Please take the tour: https://socvr.org/tour and *definitely* read the FAQ https://socvr.org/faq. You can see the backlog of cv-pls requests at https://chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=tagged%2Fcv&room=41570&page=1&pagesize=100&sort=newest
75d ago – Generic Bot
Generic Bot: 75d ago, 341 posts (0%)

 SOCVR Room Meetings

Periodic meta conversations about SO Close Vote Reviewers Chat Room
1609d ago – Stephen Kennedy


processors of close votes by batches, and other endeavors. Please visit our beehive: https://sites.google.com/site/technologydrew/files for lists and to read our FAQ
2428d ago – Ashish Ahuja

Duplicate Posts

This contains a list of possible duplicate questions in various tags reported by Queen. If you have any problems contact us in SOBotics room (/rooms/111347). Link to the github project https://git.io/vruHy.
1671d ago – Queen
Queen: 1671d ago, 304049 posts (99%)

GoDaddy burnination

Coordination room for the burnination of GoDaddy. http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/331817/5735775
2834d ago – Queen

guidance on exactly what a "small num

2953d ago – Tunaki
2964d ago – Tom

3083d ago – Sam

Android Canonicals

To create and maintain a list of canonical android posts.
1844d ago – user3956566

 New Answers to Old Questions Headquar

Where the New Answers to the Old Questions are logged. If you have any problems contact us in Sobotics room (/rooms/111347). Link to the github project https://git.io/vi0YX NOTE: This room is only in gallery mode for bot messages, no one will be accepted
1m ago – Natty
Natty: 1m ago, 2703940 posts (99%)VLAZ: no posts

 SOBotics Workshop

A place to test new bots that will eventually graduate to the SOBotics main room. Github: https://sobotics.org/github | Redunda: https://sobotics.org/redunda | Channel: https://sobotics.org/team
2d ago – Generic Bot
Generic Bot: 2d ago, 307 posts (0%)Queen: 12d ago, 9262 posts (16%)Yunnosch: 169d ago, 4 posts (0%)