chat user since2012-03-04
last message214d ago
last seen147d ago
about wake up and smell the disgust
parent user milleniumbug
15.6k 3 48 72


Owner of these rooms

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers will answer.
18h ago – Jerry Coffin
Mgetz: 18h ago, 10679 posts (6%)ratchet freak: 5d ago, 4481 posts (2%)nwp: 7d ago, 17726 posts (10%)MangaD: 272d ago, 468 posts (0%)


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | - For Easy Code Pasting | - Please read the flagging rules before flagging a post as spam | Often mistaken for rubber ducks | Due to recent ban waves, here's a link to our community discord
12m ago – Hans1984
Hans1984: 12m ago, 25691 posts (0%)OakBot: 13m ago, 4970 posts (0%)Alex: 1h ago, 3600 posts (0%)Captain Obvious: 1h ago, 29530 posts (1%)VLAZ: 2h ago, 2927 posts (0%)Botler: 3h ago, 17143 posts (0%)nyconing: 3h ago, 14372 posts (0%)Wietlol: 4h ago, 87585 posts (3%)ntohl: 4h ago, 20886 posts (0%)Squirrelkiller: 8d ago, 45254 posts (1%)JamesBot: 20d ago, 638 posts (0%)ARr0w: 34d ago, 1795 posts (0%)Makyen: 50d ago, 7 posts (0%)Zarenor: 1091d ago, 992 posts (0%)


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
10h ago – TelKitty
nwp: 4d ago, 17335 posts (0%)Mgetz: 4d ago, 22235 posts (0%)ratchet freak: 16d ago, 4979 posts (0%)MangaD: 65d ago, 328 posts (0%)Rapptz: 258d ago, 132505 posts (2%)Dean Seo: 462d ago, 1217 posts (0%)Luc Danton: 1064d ago, 88300 posts (1%)JNat: 2414d ago, 13 posts (0%)
2948d ago – milleniumbug