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5:19 AM
The chat-gpt policy post is not [featured] again. Could a mod make it featured again?
5:51 AM
Oh, wow. It's reached 5000 upvotes.
6:18 AM
That almost as many as I'd have if I ran in an election IRL. Well, probably without the zeroes. And without the five.
2 hours later…
7:53 AM
My two cents, we don't feature any of our other policies. It's no longer a temporary meta policy, it's no longer handled under exceptional circumstance, it's a permanent part of our site and documented in the help center. I don't necessarily think that it still needs to be featured after two years. IMO if anything it should be converted to an . Again, just my own opinion on the matter there.
8:34 AM
There are no edits visible on the staging ground item
It was posted 11 hours ago, too, so cache seems an unlikely culprit.
9:05 AM
@cottontail The featured tag was intentionally allowed to lapse. Some brief discussion is on this answer on the policy.
I'm not opposed to the existence of an , but... glances at the answers section ...not that exact post, please...
We'd have to completely change its format, to the point that we might as well start over from scratch on a new post. That one can be preserved for ...historical reasons, I guess.
(separately, I'm not sure we need an FAQ question on it, but I'm open to being persuaded otherwise)
9:30 AM
I'd be very easily convinced that the help center document is enough. Though there is always benefit in having something on MSO to close things as duplicates of. Though I agree the answers on that are too much to be useful. - If I could do anything I'd delete all the answers make it an announcement and lock it...
@VLAZ wait, it's even stranger. If you do a straight search for [api] [fetch] you don't get the SG result. It shows up in my custom filter, though. And my custom filter is just a simple tag filter, no extra options or anything:
@VLAZ can't repro: i.sstatic.net/fzHgako6.png
Weird. Maybe it is some sort of caching that's for my custom filter?
If you reload the page, is it still there?
@RyanM Yes.
9:36 AM
Look at my first screenshot - it says the question was posted 11 hours ago. In the second one that it was posted 12 hours ago. I did come back later. I tried several refreshes of the search and the filter. It's consistent - searching doesn't bring it up, filter does every time.
I'll try to recreate the filter and see if that changes anything.
Yeah, I noticed that the page appeared to have been reloaded, so I didn't expect that to change anything, but...
And I just got the filter showing no results when I clicked on it. Well, it says "2 questions" but there were no results shown. I refreshed and now it says "0 questions" and shows the SG item
I can't get it to not show any items any more. Refreshing just flips the N in "N questions" to either zero or two.
Which, I suppose, is a form of binary. Just not very helpful one.
... I deleted the filter and recreated it. The SG item showed up again
I changed it to [fetch] and [api] now it correctly shows nothing
I applied the filter and got the SG question, I refresh and it goes away.
That might be because I didn't save the filter though
1 hour later…
11:18 AM
Another yt video dissing SO was recently dropped.
I didn't watch it and I don't know if I ever will, but I wonder if there is someone out there sadistic enough to write a transcript and summarise the thing so we don't have to.
11:31 AM
@E_net4 YouTube has a built-in transcript feature
I did not watch the video because I don't need to watch a 20-minute version of a blog post that would take 5 minutes to read, but I did read the transcript, and honestly it sounded pretty reasonable.
And if you need a summary, ask an AI chatbot :-p
Stack Overflow, a programmer Q&A site, was once a go-to platform for developers. Its success relied on high-quality answers from experienced users and avoiding repetitive content. However, Stack Overflow has faced criticism for its unwelcoming atmosphere towards beginners and outdated information due to its focus on unique questions. Additionally, moderator resignations highlighted internal issues and user dissatisfaction.

The rise of AI chatbots offering solutions has potentially impacted Stack Overflow's traffic. In response, Stack Overflow partnered with OpenAI to integrate AI features.
(as a human who read the transcript, I endorse this summary - by my employer's chatbot - as largely accurate, minus the fact that it sort of conflates actions taken by the company and mods, where the video did a somewhat better job, and the last sentence is...debatably accurate as to whether it says that it strained things further)
Makes sense I guess. The comments are usually the worst out of these YouTube videos.
...yeah, I don't know why I looked at the comments. It's a trash fire.
11:48 AM
Big mistake
12:34 PM
Q: How can I improve this answer to an HTTP spec question?

EvaI received a downvote to this answer to a question about the HTTP spec that I don't understand. Given that my answer is directly copied from the spec, the only reasons I could think for the downvote were: I shouldn't have used the current spec instead of the spec at the time of posting I didn't ...

2 hours later…
2:04 PM
Q: Questions published from the Staging Ground should get a new timestamp

Laurenz AlbeWhen a question is published from the staging ground, it has the timestamp from when it was originally created. So if the question has been whacked around a bit in the Staging Ground, it can appear far from the top of the "Newest Questions" list. I think such questions should get equal footing wi...

2:28 PM
Q: What to do about the [wss] tag?

Sam MasonThe wss tag is currently described as referring to "Windows SharePoint Services", but almost all of the recent questions under this tag refer to the "WebSocket Secure" (which uses wss:// urls) protocol. I retagged a few questions before realizing the majority of the first few (at least) pages ne...

2:46 PM
"What's that mysterious ticking noise?" "It's a pipe bomb!" stackoverflow.com/questions/78724480/…
3:03 PM
@NewPosts I'm trying to replicate this (and failing) but found something else that is actually odd - if you have enabled SG items to show among other questions, they seem to not be counted in the per page limit. Or...something.
see screenshot - there are 52 questions. The two extra are SG. According to the timestamp, they shouldn't even be there - 50th question on the page is from 21 minutes ago, 51st (SG) is from 1 hour ago. Page 2 starts with a question from 22 minutes ago.
Q: What details that are missing in this question?

OokerThe question How to create a layout for a quote with image and caption? (closed) has -4 votes and closed for lacking details. What details are missing?

That's the /questions page sorted by newest
@RyanM I propose a new metric, any YouTube video or Reddit post or Twitter thread or whatever that criticizes SO is to be outright ignored as wrong/uninformed unless they state any replies/comments will be summarily deleted unless said replies/comments include a specific link to an example of the comment's criticism or complaint, and any such replies/comments must get basic facts about the site correct, like not saying "mods" when they mean another user.
3:18 PM
@NewPosts I don't understand why the meta question is getting downvoted, honestly
@KarlKnechtel Not useful to future visitors. Ignore and move on.
3:32 PM
Why the "Why the downvote?"?
You’ll get more responses if you ask about that on meta.
I mean, issues are almost never going to be "useful to future visitors" on Meta. But we need to have them on Meta. It fundamentally can't be the same kind of reference-only space that the main Q&A is intended to be.
@TylerH Personally I would prefer the video author to "pin of shame" and roast someone
but also, there's a dearth of Youtube videos that actually explain such basic facts. (I've thought about filling that in.)
4:16 PM
@KarlKnechtel I've seen YT comments doing that. And I don't see how that helps but to potentially humiliate a top contributor to the platform and make them stop contributing.

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