a list of all rooms, recently active rooms first


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and chatbots without upsetting anyone.
6m ago – Seggan
Seggan: 6m ago, 348 posts (0%)OakBot: 9h ago, 7503 posts (6%)SegganBot: 10h ago, 72 posts (0%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 1d ago, 494 posts (0%)Ginger: 66d ago, 3184 posts (2%)caird coinheringaahin g: 588d ago, 1374 posts (1%)SmokeDetector: 1762d ago, 78 posts (0%)

The Restaurant at the End of the Univ

General discussion for https://scifi.stackexchange.com, both on-topic and off-topic. Engage at the risk of your own sanity, but please be nice and don't panic.
9m ago – DavidW
DavidW: 9m ago, 7179 posts (4%)SmokeDetector: 2d ago, 625 posts (0%)Alex: 31d ago, 13454 posts (8%)

Ask Ubuntu General Room

Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & official Ubuntu derivatives. For other Linux distros please see: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/26/dev-chat
19m ago – stumblebee
Journeyman Geek: 3d ago, 29252 posts (1%)Videonauth: 380d ago, 22983 posts (1%)


A room for fishing.
20m ago – OakBot
OakBot: 20m ago, 4246 posts (77%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 20m ago, 1237 posts (22%)

The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for https://codegolf.stackexchange.com | Guidelines: https://cgcc-se.github.io/chatiquette/
22m ago – lyxal
lyxal: 22m ago, 50717 posts (2%)Neil: 24m ago, 5155 posts (0%)Seggan: 28m ago, 10996 posts (0%)Ginger: 29m ago, 25808 posts (1%)caird coinheringaahin g: 40m ago, 54440 posts (2%)emanresu A: 1h ago, 25261 posts (1%)Rydwolf Programs: 2h ago, 67176 posts (2%)New Posts: 3h ago, 2501 posts (0%)Sandbox Posts: 3h ago, 1762 posts (0%)noodle person: 10h ago, 2542 posts (0%)Unrelated String: 12h ago, 17712 posts (0%)l4m2: 16h ago, 1005 posts (0%)Bubbler: 2d ago, 10869 posts (0%)hyper-neutrino: 2d ago, 55375 posts (2%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 23d ago, 15 posts (0%)


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math questions alike. Just ask; don't ask to ask. Rarely if ever expressible as a ratio of integers. Chat guidelines: http://tinyurl.com/hzl2955 | $\LaTeX$ in chat: http://tinyurl.com/cfqcvpc
23m ago – Jakobian
Sine of the Time: 40m ago, 3541 posts (0%)robjohn: 1h ago, 73390 posts (2%)leslie townes: 3h ago, 54407 posts (1%)Xander Henderson: 1d ago, 24518 posts (0%)Thorgott: 3d ago, 30127 posts (0%)

 The Garbage Disposal

Trash, garbage, and other miscellaneous cruft for Programming Language Design and Implementation chatrooms. Access requests will be ignored.
28m ago – Ginger

The Garbage Collector

General discussion for https://langdev.stackexchange.com
28m ago – Ginger
Ginger: 28m ago, 2733 posts (8%)New Posts: 3h ago, 1014 posts (3%)Alexis King: 3d ago, 1374 posts (4%)Michael Homer: 3d ago, 1661 posts (5%)lyxal: 6d ago, 1819 posts (5%)Eldritch Conundrum: 6d ago, 652 posts (2%)Seggan: 6d ago, 2679 posts (8%)ratchet freak: 7d ago, 67 posts (0%)Unrelated String: 36d ago, 380 posts (1%)

The Heap™ – Consultancy ©®

General on- and off-site discussion for http://dba.stackexchange.com. Jokes explained at great length (JEAGL) please. We are using SQL. It's always morning in the Heap™ Best gymnastics group anyone could ask for.
38m ago – Hannah Vernon
Hannah Vernon: 38m ago, 23087 posts (3%)Erik Darling: 1h ago, 32589 posts (4%)Yano_of_Queenscastle: 1d ago, 195 posts (0%)Criggie: 2d ago, 405 posts (0%)J.D.: 3d ago, 3658 posts (0%)Cade Roux: 6d ago, 7569 posts (1%)Forrest: 7d ago, 1040 posts (0%)Lamak: 11d ago, 26355 posts (3%)

Cafe and Tavern on the math.se

A place to socialize, have fun, share humor and war stories, and more. Note: All Octupi and Dolphins welcome!!!
40m ago – Peter
leslie townes: 15h ago, 9342 posts (19%)Xander Henderson: 10d ago, 2766 posts (5%)

English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by English (or other languages) in the raw. That doesn't mean we want to talk about YouTube comments or hemorrhoids or other such topics.
48m ago – Cerberus
Cerberus: 48m ago, 381755 posts (16%)Robusto: 2h ago, 166271 posts (7%)jlliagre: 2h ago, 9730 posts (0%)Xanne: 2h ago, 3868 posts (0%)gparyani: 17h ago, 18 posts (0%)Criggie: 1d ago, 453 posts (0%)Lambie: 3d ago, 904 posts (0%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 6d ago, 9 posts (0%)

Charcoal HQ

Where smoke is detected, diamonds are made, and we break things by developing on production. This room is for Charcoal, a volunteer organization focused on detecting and eliminating spam and rude/abusive posts on all SE sites. 275k true positives and counting. For more information, see https://charcoal-se.org/about. Handy links: https://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com; https://github.com/Charcoal-SE
51m ago – SmokeDetector
SmokeDetector: 51m ago, 1011049 posts (48%)Vickel: 1h ago, 1956 posts (0%)Makyen: 2h ago, 54917 posts (2%)Ryan M: 5h ago, 13621 posts (0%)VLAZ: 8h ago, 4067 posts (0%)cocomac: 10h ago, 4799 posts (0%)gparyani: 1d ago, 1980 posts (0%)dbc: 1d ago, 67 posts (0%)Andy: 3d ago, 8181 posts (0%)Dragonrage: 6d ago, 1700 posts (0%)NotTheDr01ds: 8d ago, 36 posts (0%)Jiminy Cricket.: 9d ago, 101 posts (0%)Andrew T.: 14d ago, 937 posts (0%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 28d ago, 36 posts (0%)Xander Henderson: 61d ago, 22 posts (0%)caird coinheringaahin g: 217d ago, 156 posts (0%)motosubatsu: 271d ago, 26 posts (0%)Johannes Kuhn: 348d ago, 186 posts (0%)Videonauth: 1322d ago, 1089 posts (0%)greg-449: 1924d ago, 12 posts (0%)

The Sphinx's Lair

General discussion for http://puzzling.stackexchange.com
53m ago – Jafe
Jafe: 53m ago, 14092 posts (3%)juicifer: 8h ago, 3459 posts (0%)Lukas Rotter: 1d ago, 2933 posts (0%)Gareth McCaughan: 4d ago, 15371 posts (3%)GentlePurpleRain: 13d ago, 3049 posts (0%)Bubbler: 49d ago, 786 posts (0%)


For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopen/Edit/Delete for questions and answers on Math SE (for Math Meta stuff go to https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/64952). Install Makyen's review-script linked from https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/54361568 (requires GreaseMonkey or Tampermonkey) to see real-time request status.
1h ago – KReiser
Xander Henderson: 2h ago, 11444 posts (11%)


Ad linguam Latinam (etc.) disputandam | http://latin.stackexchange.com/ | https://ephor.us/latinwordle/
1h ago – Adam
Adam: 1h ago, 8035 posts (11%)Cerberus: 1d ago, 22412 posts (31%)

Makyen test 01

testing chat features
1h ago – metasmoke
metasmoke: 1h ago, 10444 posts (99%)Makyen: 5d ago, 43 posts (0%)

TeX, LaTeX and Friends

2h ago – Alan Munn
Alan Munn: 2h ago, 26545 posts (2%)David Carlisle: 2h ago, 115734 posts (12%)Ulrike Fischer: 2h ago, 32248 posts (3%)yo': 2h ago, 41486 posts (4%)Stefan Kottwitz: 10h ago, 7450 posts (0%)cfr: 18h ago, 5935 posts (0%)enkorvaks: 3d ago, 30 posts (0%)barbara beeton: 4d ago, 12912 posts (1%)Marcel Krüger: 6d ago, 2492 posts (0%)Faheem Mitha: 11d ago, 28201 posts (2%)Phelype Oleinik: 68d ago, 5803 posts (0%)

Home Improvement

General discussion for http://diy.stackexchange.com
2h ago – Criggie
Criggie: 2h ago, 1323 posts (1%)BMitch: 4h ago, 8357 posts (10%)Journeyman Geek: 7h ago, 615 posts (0%)Shalvenay: 103d ago, 762 posts (0%)

The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about http://codereview.stackexchange.com/ - Welcome to The 2nd Monitor! http://codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5967/welcome-to-the-2nd-monitor - Site Business always comes first
Peilonrayz: 1d ago, 9468 posts (0%)Heslacher: 2d ago, 7580 posts (0%)toolic: 15d ago, 70 posts (0%)

The Reading Room

Welcome to chat for https://literature.stackexchange.com/ — Read any good books lately?
2h ago – bobble
Peter Shor : 5d ago, 210 posts (0%)Alex: 114d ago, 834 posts (0%)
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