Closed Bug 191398 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Copying sent mail to sent folder fails all the time.


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kim.horn, Assigned: Bienvenu)



(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021212
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021212

When I press the send button  a dialog pops up saying mail was sent but cannot
be copied to the sent folder. Tha same occurs for drafts folder.
This happens with every email.
I now have to use Outlook as this product is totally disfunctional.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Send email

Actual Results:  
A dialog pops up saying cannot copy to sent/drafts folder.

Expected Results:  
copied the email to sent folder or drafts folder.
A new problem is that after presing send, a progress shows that the
email is being copied to sent folder but it stays up forever. The
the copy never finishes.
Works for me using Imap Mail acount on Netscp Mesg server 6.1
with today's trunk build
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030130


Are you using imap or pop?
What type of mail server are you using? I think there is known bug
with cyrus/courier with sent folder.
Where is your sent folder stored: under mail account or under local folders.

Maybe try a more current build?

I'm not seeing either error mesg.
cyrus/courier bug for sent folder is  bug 27002 and i see
you commented in similar bug 89285
Same for me, Mozilla-1.3beta on Linux, messages stored on Cyrus-IMAP-Server. I
watched Cyrus at it's work, he's creating the file (length zarro) and seems to
wait (and wait and wait ...) until Mozilla states that, there was a problem
copying the mail to sent. You cancel (sent is sent ;-) ) and - Magic! - Cyrus
creates the file! In fact, all works (well, hum ... :-( ) but the timeout is
about 30 min or more and that's really boring. I'm just using moz-1.2.1 now for
work. Hope you find the bug real quick :-)

Flags: blocking1.3+
Reporter: Please don't touch fields in a bug if you don't know what they mean
Flags: blocking1.3+
Mr. Strebel, please do not set the 1.3 final blocking to "+", particularly on an
unconfirmed bug.  If you wish to confirm it, that's fine.  The "?" value is for
asking drivers if the bug should block a release.

Matti's comment was intended for Mr. Strebel.
When I send mail, I consistently receive the error "The current command did not
succeed. The mail server responded APPEND [TRYCREATE] failed." when mozilla is
trying to copy the mail to my sent folder over imap. The mail gets sent, but
then this error pops up and I'm asked if I want to return to the composer. I'm
running mozilla 1.3 beta (build 2003021008) on linux. The imap server is gnu
imap4d from gnu mailutils. I've tried both the 20021017 and the 20030122 of that
imap package from debian. Copying to my sent mail folder works fine using the
evolution mailer. I've tried changing the sent mail folder option in preferences
to "Other" and then specifying both "Sent" and another file as the target
folder. Neither worked. Also, dragging a message into the Sent folder works
fine, so mozilla can definitely write to the target folder.
After my comment about gnu imap4d (from mailutils) not working with mozilla's
sent mail copying, I installed the UW imapd. The sent mail copying works fine
with that server for me. 
Well, to Matti, breaking a not-brocken function on the effort to fix another is
a showstopper for me. Somebody has (see Release-Note of 1.3beta) tried to fix
'problems with IMAP-Servers' and brock others (see messages about brocken Cyrus
and GNU-imap4d). So - for me - yes, it is a new bug, and the one who introduced
it should be able to fix it (at least by revoking his changes and rethinking
them ;-) ). And due to the severity, it's blocking 1.3+ for me. 

I don't have the sources, i don't know what's been changed, so i can't confirm
it, but i can see the effect of it and i can categorize its severity.

In spite of  censuring me, you should better find your bug :-).


P.S.: Keep on goin, Mozilla is still me favourite and i don't even think of
changing my browser :_).
Blocks: 193931
Reporter, to troubleshoot this problem, please follow these steps. When you
reply, make sure to include your operating system version and the Mozilla build
ID. The Mozilla build ID is located in the Mozilla title bar. If the problem is
sovled, please indicate what step solved it.

1. Make sure that the test machine you're running is in good condition. On
Windows 9x, run scandisk. On Windows NT/2000/XP, error-check the drives. On
*nix, check for filesystem errors. Furthermore, if you have an antivirus
program, make sure the antivirus definitions and program files are up to date.
Make sure you have recently scanned the system for viruses, and removed any you
find. Once this is complete, can you still reproduce the problem?

2. Download and install the latest trunk nightly build.  Running a nightly build
has a slight amount of risk involved. Back up your Mozilla data including your
bookmarks before proceeding. You can download the latest nightly build from . For example, for Windows,
download the file mozilla-win32-installer-sea.exe. Uninstall your current
Mozilla build. Make sure the new directory where you will install the new build
is completely empty, except for any plugins subdirectory. Install the nightly
build. Having done that, can you still reproduce the problem?

3. If it still fails, exit Mozilla. Go to your profile directory. Find the file
xul.mfl (or xul.mfasl on *nix). Rename it. Restart Mozilla. Does that solve the

4. Is the computer you are running Mozilla on running an antivirus program? If
so, please detail what program and what version it is. Temporarily disable the
antivirus program. Then try to reproduce the problem you describe. Does the
problem still occur?

5. Go to Edit | Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings | Outgoing Server (SMTP) and
check "never" on whether to use a secure connection (SSL). Now try to reproduce
the problem. Does it still occur?

6. Go to Edit | Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings. In the appropriate account,
under Copies & Folders, unselect "place a copy in." Now try to reproduce the
problem. Does it still occur? If this works, is this an IMAP account? Are there
many messages in the sent folder?

7. Is the computer behind a firewall? If so, temporarily disable it, or put the
computer directly on the Internet. Can you still reproduce the problem? If not,
what product and version number is the firewall?

8. Delete all your SMTP server entries. Exit Mozilla. Restart Mozilla. Recreate
all your SMTP server entries. Can you still reproduce the problem?

9. Do you have spellchecker installed? If so, disable it or remove it. Does that
solve the problem?

10. Is your profile hosted on a network drive (or NFS mount)? 

If none of these steps work, please attach an SMTP log. Attach the SMTP log to
this bug. The steps for creating the log can be found here:
Reuested info, logfile follows.
Thank you very much. If it's not too much trouble, could you also post an IMAP
logfile of trying to copy the file to the sent folder?

This could be a duplicate of bug 190106.
Hum, think makes no sense. I checked the log, there are only messages like 'user
stb has openen INBOX.Sent' and that's all.

This may be the same issue that has been reported in Bug 89285.

I too can confirm this is happening to me under Linux x86 Mozilla 1.3b with
UW-IMAPD. Didn't seem to occur (at least very often) in 1.2 or prior versions. I
happen to be using TLS over port 993 to access the IMAP server.
Mistankenly set Flag 'blocking 1.3' in 'add #4'. Please ignore/reset that.

Go on doing your jobs, you're doing that pretty good.

Cheers to all

P.S.: esp. to Matthias Versen <> and Ben Bucksch
<>, my stupidity made the ragious. Sorry 'bout that.
Don't like do say this but:

copying message to Sent folder on Cyrus-IMAP-1.6.24 times out (no SSL)
copying message to Sent folder on M$ Exchange 2000 works (both with/without SSL).

Mozilla-Build ID 2003021822 on Linux.

I'll strace the imap-server process and see if i can get some enlightenment.

Excellent. Klaus, could you please try a nightly build of 20030224 or later?
There was a fix for an IMAP-related hang that has since checked in.
I tried Build 2003022505. First via SSL. Didn't work. Then without SSL. Didn't
work either. The i found out, that he still tried via SSL! Stupid me, you've
told me the close all Mozilla windows. I killed all mozilla-bin's, restarted,
and it worked! So, it seems to be a problem with SSL. I'll check my
certificates, 1.3 seems to do something in a different manner than 1.2 -  i
don't call that a bug anymore :->.

I can confirm that in nightly build 20030225 the problem seems to have gone
away. Result is much faster access IMAP folder message listing updates, and no
hanging when mail is being copied to the Sent folder.
Recreated Server certs (SuSE eMail II wasn't working, had to generate all by
hand :-( ). Tested with and without SSL.

For me it's solved. God work guys. Go! Go! Go! 


I'am using Mozilla 1.3
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030313

I'm still having the reported problem:

Blocked for a long time when I send an email while trying to copy the message to
my "Sent" IMAP folder (which is a subfolder in my case). In some cases it works
thru though. 

I see other people claimed it is fixed, but I'm using 1.3 release which is newer
and I am still having trouble with a SuSE IMAP server IMP version 2.2.3

It was working ok with previous releases of Mozilla (1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.1).


Hi guys,

I am still working on Bug #196635, but I think one of you should see if my solution works on your bug #191398. They sound related to me, so the FIX I offer might work for you also. Please keep me posted.

The problem seems to relate to a file lock on existing panacea.dat along with all the E-mail index files *.MSF. This MIGHT relate to a MS-DOS naming convention problem. I noticed that paths in some of the DAT files and the PREFS.JS file varried from one save to another (that was of a session that failed) and the second session had 8.3 naming convention paths.

Any rate, I use the following "Mozilla_Start.BAT file to automatically delete all the files just prior to an E-mail session, and everything works perfectly.

DEL C:\Docume~1\Admini~1\Applic~1\Mozilla\Profiles\default\zu7mg6tv.slt\panacea.dat

DEL C:\Docume~1\Admini~1\Applic~1\Mozilla\Profiles\default\zu7mg6tv.slt\Mail\\*.MSF

DEL C:\Docume~1\Admini~1\Applic~1\Mozilla\Profiles\default\zu7mg6tv.slt\Mail\\INBOX.SBD\*.MSF

DEL C:\Docume~1\Admini~1\Applic~1\Mozilla\Profiles\default\zu7mg6tv.slt\Mail\\PROJECTS.sbd\*.MSF

DEL C:\Docume~1\Admini~1\Applic~1\Mozilla\Profiles\default\zu7mg6tv.slt\Mail\\SENT.sbd\*.MSF

DEL C:\Docume~1\Admini~1\Applic~1\Mozilla\Profiles\default\zu7mg6tv.slt\Mail\\PROMO_~1.sbd\*.MSF


By the way. The above skull session has possibly removed questions about Panda Anti-Virus, Pest Patrol, and Kerio Personal Firewall as possible causes of trouble. I went to a previously running machine and removed the existing contents of the Mail sub-directory. I then copied the contents of C:\Docume~1\Admini~1\Applic~1\Mozilla\Profiles\default\zu7mg6tv.slt\Mail\\
into the existing Mail sub-directory. The failure pattern was repeated. The presence or absence of Panda Anti-Virus, Pest Patrol, and Kerio Personal Firewall made no difference.

The reports of Motherboard #1 working after removal of Pest Patrol are incorrect. Mozilla Mail worked ONCE correctly after Pest Patrol was removed, but then reverted back to its previous behavior.

So: I am left with index and configuration file opening problems. I would really appreciate it if someone could give me a clue to where to look. There must exist some difference between our systems and everyone else's system, else Mozilla Mail would not work as well as it does on my other systems.

"message was sent but copying to sent folder failed" is bug 89285.
Stalling at saving to sent folder is bug 123063

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 89285 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No longer blocks: 193931
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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