Open Bug 1886323 Opened 4 months ago Updated 3 months ago

Widevine is listed twice in about:addons after unchecking the "Play DRM-controlled content" setting in another tab


(Core :: Audio/Video: GMP, defect)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- unaffected
firefox124 --- disabled
firefox125 --- disabled
firefox126 --- disabled


(Reporter: cpeterson, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 1 open bug, Regression)


(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

Andrew, I bisected this regression to this pushlog where you enabled Widevine L1 CDM in bug 1865746. I realize that bug just flipped a pref, so the actual code regression landed in an earlier changeset. This bug seems harmless (Widevine is temporarily listed twice in about:addons, which few users will ever see), but I want to make sure this bug is a side effect of a deeper regression in CDM initialization.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open about:addons.
  2. Click "Plugins".
  3. See that "Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc." is listed.
  4. In a new tab, open about:preferences.
  5. Search the settings for "Play DRM-controlled content".
  6. Uncheck "Play DRM-controlled content". This will disable and then uninstall the Widevine CDM.
  7. Switch back to the about:addons tab.

Expected result

Widevine should only be listed at most once in about:addons, regardless of whether it is enabled or disabled.

Actual result

Widevine is listed (disabled) twice. See the attached screenshot.

If you reload about:addons, Widevine is no longer listed. That is expected because unchecking "Play DRM-controlled content" uninstalls the CDM and it must be download again before Widevine content can be played.

Flags: needinfo?(aosmond)

I can reproduce this bug on Windows 11 and macOS 14.4.

OS: Unspecified → All

Marking 124 and 125 as disabled.
media.gmp-widevinecdm-l1.visible and media.gmp-widevinecdm-l1.enabled are still nightly only for now

This is the level 1 cdm. We just haven't updated the text.

Severity: -- → S3
Flags: needinfo?(aosmond)
Blocks: mf-playback

:aosmond, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1865746, could you take a look?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(aosmond)
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