Open Bug 1859947 Opened 9 months ago Updated 8 months ago

Fluent linter doesn't catch quotes if used around placeables


(Core :: Internationalization: Localization, defect)





(Reporter: flod, Unassigned)


firefoxview-search-history-results-header = Search results for '{ $query }'

This should be caught by the linter, but it's not because the check is on visit_TextElement().

I thought I had a reasonable solution, but then I realized how ugly it is:

  • By moving the checks to visit_Message(), the node's value is the message including comments. The only way I found to remove the comments is to glue together parts and reserialize the message.
  • The message includes function calls and parameterized terms. To remove these, I'm using regular expressions.
  • The line reference always points to the first line of the message, even if the error is a couple of lines below (e.g. in an attribute).
Assignee: francesco.lodolo → nobody

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:eemeli, could you have a look please?

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Flags: needinfo?(earo)
Severity: -- → S3
Flags: needinfo?(earo)
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