Open Bug 1724018 Opened 3 years ago Updated 10 days ago

Intermittent dromaeo_css | Could not find report in browser output: [('tsformat', ('__start_report', '__end_report')), ('tpformat', ('__start_tp_report', '__end_tp_report'))]


(Testing :: Talos, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: malexandru [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2021-08-04T15:38:08.573Z] 15:38:08     INFO -  TEST-INFO | started process 6564 (C:\Users\task_1628081648\build\application\firefox\firefox -wait-for-browser -no-deelevate -profile C:\Users\task_1628081648\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpll1k6zyn\profile)
[task 2021-08-04T15:41:04.146Z] 15:41:04     INFO -  PID 6564 | Cycle 1(1): loaded (next:
[task 2021-08-04T15:44:06.026Z] 15:44:06     INFO -  PID 6564 | Cycle 1(1): loaded (next:
[task 2021-08-04T15:46:39.758Z] 15:46:39     INFO -  PID 6564 | 1628091999758	addons.xpi	ERROR	System addon update list error Error: Failed downloading XML, status: 0, reason: error
[task 2021-08-04T15:47:07.555Z] 15:47:07     INFO -  PID 6564 | Cycle 1(1): loaded (next:
[task 2021-08-04T15:50:09.072Z] 15:50:09     INFO -  PID 6564 | Cycle 1(1): loaded (next:
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:12.965Z] 15:53:12     INFO -  PID 6564 | Cycle 1(1): loaded (next:
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.542Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.543Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.543Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.543Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.544Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.544Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.544Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.544Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.544Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.545Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.545Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.545Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.545Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.546Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.546Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 |
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.562Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  PID 6564 | Exiting due to channel error.
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.595Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  TEST-INFO | 6564: exit 1
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.658Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  mozcrash checking C:\Users\task_1628081648\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpll1k6zyn\profile\minidumps for minidumps...
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.659Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | dromaeo_css | Could not find report in browser output: [('tsformat', ('__start_report', '__end_report')), ('tpformat', ('__start_tp_report', '__end_tp_report'))]
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.659Z] 15:53:13    ERROR -  Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.659Z] 15:53:13     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1628081648\build\tests\talos\talos\", line 336, in run_tests
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.660Z] 15:53:13     INFO -      talos_results.add(mytest.runTest(browser_config, test))
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.660Z] 15:53:13     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1628081648\build\tests\talos\talos\", line 65, in runTest
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.660Z] 15:53:13     INFO -      return self._runTest(browser_config, test_config, setup)
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.661Z] 15:53:13     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1628081648\build\tests\talos\talos\", line 274, in _runTest
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.661Z] 15:53:13     INFO -      counter_management.results() if counter_management else None
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.661Z] 15:53:13     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1628081648\build\tests\talos\talos\", line 95, in add
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.662Z] 15:53:13     INFO -      global_counters=self.global_counters,
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.662Z] 15:53:13     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1628081648\build\tests\talos\talos\", line 346, in __init__
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.662Z] 15:53:13     INFO -      self.parse()
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.663Z] 15:53:13     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1628081648\build\tests\talos\talos\", line 373, in parse
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.663Z] 15:53:13     INFO -      "Could not find report in browser output: %s" % self.report_tokens
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.663Z] 15:53:13     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1628081648\build\tests\talos\talos\", line 357, in error
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.663Z] 15:53:13     INFO -      raise utils.TalosError(message)
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.664Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  talos.utils.TalosError: Could not find report in browser output: [('tsformat', ('__start_report', '__end_report')), ('tpformat', ('__start_tp_report', '__end_tp_report'))]
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.664Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  TEST-INFO took 909025ms
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:13.664Z] 15:53:13     INFO -  SUITE-END | took 909s
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.073Z] 15:53:14    ERROR - Return code: 2
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.073Z] 15:53:14  WARNING - setting return code to 2
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.073Z] 15:53:14    ERROR - # TBPL FAILURE #
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.073Z] 15:53:14     INFO - Running post-action listener: _package_coverage_data
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.073Z] 15:53:14     INFO - Running post-action listener: _resource_record_post_action
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.074Z] 15:53:14     INFO - Running post-action listener: process_java_coverage_data
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.074Z] 15:53:14     INFO - [mozharness: 2021-08-04 15:53:14.074278Z] Finished run-tests step (success)
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.074Z] 15:53:14     INFO - Running post-run listener: _resource_record_post_run
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.204Z] 15:53:14     INFO - Total resource usage - Wall time: 911s; CPU: 13%; Read bytes: 308441088; Write bytes: 313479680; Read time: 7; Write time: 4
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.204Z] 15:53:14     INFO - TinderboxPrint: CPU usage<br/>13.2%
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.204Z] 15:53:14     INFO - TinderboxPrint: I/O read bytes / time<br/>308,441,088 / 7
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.204Z] 15:53:14     INFO - TinderboxPrint: I/O write bytes / time<br/>313,479,680 / 4
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.204Z] 15:53:14     INFO - TinderboxPrint: CPU idle<br/>6,329.9 (86.8%)
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.204Z] 15:53:14     INFO - TinderboxPrint: CPU user<br/>922.8 (12.7%)
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.205Z] 15:53:14     INFO - install - Wall time: 2s; CPU: 13%; Read bytes: 65536; Write bytes: 8876032; Read time: 0; Write time: 0
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.212Z] 15:53:14     INFO - run-tests - Wall time: 910s; CPU: 13%; Read bytes: 307837952; Write bytes: 168505856; Read time: 7; Write time: 4
[task 2021-08-04T15:53:14.448Z] 15:53:14  WARNING - returning nonzero exit status 2
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.492Z]    Exit Code: 2
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.492Z]    User Time: 0s
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.492Z]  Kernel Time: 0s
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.492Z]    Wall Time: 16m6.2087129s
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.492Z]       Result: FAILED
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.492Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.492Z] Task Duration: 16m6.2087129s
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.578Z] Uploading artifact public/logs/localconfig.json from file logs\localconfig.json with content encoding "gzip", mime type "application/octet-stream" and expiry 2022-08-04T14:00:29.608Z
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.778Z] Uploading artifact public/test_info/dromaeojs_errorsummary.log from file build\blobber_upload_dir\dromaeojs_errorsummary.log with content encoding "gzip", mime type "text/plain" and expiry 2022-08-04T14:00:29.608Z
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:14.877Z] Uploading artifact public/test_info/dromaeojs_raw.log from file build\blobber_upload_dir\dromaeojs_raw.log with content encoding "gzip", mime type "text/plain" and expiry 2022-08-04T14:00:29.608Z
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:15.004Z] Uploading artifact public/test_info/resource-usage.json from file build\blobber_upload_dir\resource-usage.json with content encoding "gzip", mime type "application/octet-stream" and expiry 2022-08-04T14:00:29.608Z
[taskcluster 2021-08-04T15:53:15.193Z] Uploading redirect artifact public/logs/live.log to URL with mime type "text/plain; charset=utf-8" and expiry 2022-08-04T14:00:29.608Z
[taskcluster:error] exit status 2
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