Open Bug 1668962 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Consider filtering out/deprioritizing CUPS_PRINTER_REJECTING printers


(Core :: Printing: Setup, task, P2)





(Reporter: jwatt, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [print2020_v90])

Spinning this off from bug 1668002 comment 21.

We should investigate whether we should filter out CUPS_PRINTER_REJECTING in nsPrinterListCUPS::Printers. Or perhaps choose a different printer when getting the default printer if the actual default printer is in state CUPS_PRINTER_REJECTING. Or perhaps surface the fact that it's in this state to the frontend code via nsIPrinter.

Emily, Hiro, any thoughts welcome.

Flags: needinfo?(hikezoe.birchill)
Flags: needinfo?(emcdonough)

TBH, I didn't know the CUPS_PRINTER_REJECTING flag. Looks like we should filter out it at least on Linux. I've confirmed that printing out to a being-rejecting printer silently fails. It might not be silently I found Uncaught (in promise) undefined in the browser console, maybe it's an error in somewhere printing stuff.

Flags: needinfo?(hikezoe.birchill)

Would you be able to take this, hiro?

Flags: needinfo?(hikezoe.birchill)
Severity: -- → N/A
Whiteboard: [print2020_v83] → [print2020_v84]
Whiteboard: [print2020_v84] → [print2020_v85]
Keywords: perf
Whiteboard: [print2020_v85] → [print2020_v87]
Whiteboard: [print2020_v87] → [print2020_v90]
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