Open Bug 1517784 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 months ago

Consider having a talos or other performance test for shutdown performance


(Testing :: Talos, enhancement, P3)



(firefox66 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox66 --- affected


(Reporter: Gijs, Unassigned)



(Keywords: perf, perf:frontend, Whiteboard: [fxp])

As far as I'm aware, we don't currently have integrated performance testing for shutdown times.

We probably should. In part because it's just annoying when Firefox hangs on shutdown, it causes problems when people try to then start it up again and the old process is still around, and in part because any perf issues are likely to also affect content process shutdown timing, which will become more critical with the Fission work, as processes are likely to be created and destroyed relatively frequently over the lifetime of the parent process.
Moving to the Talos component for now.
Component: General → Talos
Product: Core → Testing
Whiteboard: [fxperf] → [fxperf:p3]
Priority: -- → P3

From bug 1598383 comment 0:

This might be one test or several tests.

What we should probably try to measure is:

  1. How long it takes to shut down a single content process
  2. How long it takes to shut down multiple content processes - perhaps when closing a tab with a reasonable number of oop-iframes in it
  3. How long it takes to shut down the parent process with a reasonable number of tabs and content processes loaded in it
Severity: normal → S3
Keywords: perf, perf:frontend
Whiteboard: [fxperf:p3]
Whiteboard: [fxp]
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