How would the most basic taproot transactions (not involving scripts) compare to P2WPKH transactions in terms of vbytes or fees?


1 Answer 1


Taproot inputs are smaller but outputs are larger. Specifically, P2WPKH (Native SegWit) inputs and outputs take 68 and 31 vbytes in a transaction, respectively, while P2TR (Taproot) inputs and outputs take 57.5 and 43 vbytes, respectively. In terms of fees this makes Taproot transactions about 1.5% more expensive when you don't use multisig or scripting.

Source: https://bitcoinops.org/en/tools/calc-size/

  • 2
    Note that the cost for the output is paid by the sender, but the recipient saves the cost on the smaller input; the recipient picks the address they'd like to get paid to, though. :)
    – Murch
    Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 2:47

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