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National 'splinternets' already here, Web pioneer O'Reilly says

Blockchain-based Web3 rush is 'similar to dot-com period' as money floods in

Tim O'Reilly likened the current Web3 rush to the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000s, with "a lot of money chasing opportunities."   © Reuters

TOKYO -- The severing of Russia from much of the broader internet in response to its invasion of Ukraine has revived talk about the fragmentation of the internet in a similar vein to the Cold War divide, but veteran Silicon Valley thinker Tim O'Reilly sees the situation a bit differently.

"I would just say it was already splintered ... and it might become more splintered," O'Reilly, founder and CEO of technology education company O'Reilly Media, told Nikkei.

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