Off Label

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Alistair has spent his whole life hating himself for the things he wants. Zevran is just looking for a fun way to pass the time. What could possibly go wrong when someone who has no experience with sex gets into a D/s relationship with someone who has no experience with healthy relationships?

Or: Alistair and Zevran serve as a case study on how to do (almost) everything wrong but still end up in the right place (eventually).


This series started as a mildly angsty semi-crackfic, best summarized by a commenter: Alistair the blushing Dom. If that's what you're looking for, read the first story and stop.

Then I made the mistake of writing the other end of the relationship arc, because I thought it would be fun and fluffy.

Then I made the worse mistake of thinking about what it would take to get them from where they start to where they end up.

Then I made the worst mistake: I started writing it.

These stories were written across two years and not written in order. I cleaned up the worst of the continuity issues, but I know it's not perfect. If you want to point out issues, cool, but I'm probably not going to fix anything that will require major re-writes.

A rough timeline for those who care, though I recommend against poking at it too hard:

Off Label (six months after Ostagar, four to five months after Zevran joins the party)
Yes (a week after Off Label)
Names (three-ish weeks after Yes)
Rain (three days after Names)
Good Ideas (three-ish months after Rain)
Shadows (three to four weeks after Good Ideas)
Wolves (a day or two after Shadows)
Drifting Roads (a week after Wolves)
The Maker's Light (a week or two after Drifting Roads)
Now (twelve-ish hours after The Maker's Light)
Words Unspoken (six months after Now)


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