Little did anyone know, when few members came together to form team KPIT one day, that team KPIT would number more than several thousands today. 

Little did anyone know, that work meetings which would once happen in the living room of a founder member’s home, would eventually go beyond global telepresence and hundreds of meetings rooms.

From one room office to six offices in pune, to sixteen offices worldwide and beyond, we have all grown stronger, grown wiser and maybe...just maybe, have also been growing old together!

Locations change, jobs come and go, career choices evolve, but what we take with us through them all, is the growth of knowledge, the joy of memories, the warmth of relationships and the richness of friendships.

Here we look at helping you to leverage it all. This platform brings an opportunity to look back at good times and continue creating some more in the future. Look up old connects, make some new ones, contribute with your story, be there by volunteering, join our future meet-ups and events, feel free to start a discussion thread or just pause to look back and share a smile for a moment. 

Welcome onboard again dear KPIT alumni. Like we have always believed… relationships are forever.

KPIT Alumni team

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