Slides: Implementing Accessibility for a11yTO

Last night I spoke for about 25 minutes at the Accessibility Toronto meet-up. Joseph McLarty led with an overview of accessibility as a concept, touching on disabilities and simple testing techniques (see his slides at SlideShare). Then I ran through the following slides discussing how, from a process perspective, you can work to bring accessibility into your organization.

If the embedded slides don’t show for you, then you can get to them directly at SlideShare.

During the Q&A after (and hallway chats), I got some questions about how to motivate people within an organization to care about accessibility. I referenced my talk Selfish Accessibility (that links to the version I gave at Google in late 2015) that discusses one tactic, but please note that it may not apply for your organization.


John McNabb posted these to the Meetup page and was kind enough to let me post them here.

Photo of Joseph in front of one of his slides, this one showing problems with color contrast. Photo showing much of the length of the room at HackerYou with many people at tables watching the slides. Adrian standing in front of his ‘Identify Stakeholders’ slide. Adrian in front of his ‘Budgeting’ slide.
Using John’s captions, clockwise from the top left: Joseph presents colour contrast info; HackerYou is a great space for our meetup; Adrian Roselli shares strategic advice on accessibility; Adrian Roselli debunks myths about budgeting for accessibility.


People tweeted, so I have pasted some of them below.