October 6 Panel Follow-up

For those of you who attended the Business First Power Breakfast: Online Networks this past Tuesday, October 6 and have reached out to me to offer feedback and ask questions, thanks for your interest and thanks for coming. I was thrilled to see a room full of keenly interested attendees.

Based on some of the questions I have received since then I’d like to make a few comments.

First, the Social Media Revolution video I posted Tuesday afternoon is not mine. I had nothing to do with it, it was playing when I got there. It’s a great overview of the growth of social media and other online technologies, but it isn’t mine, I just embedded it so you could view it here in case you forgot the title.

Second, some of you realized, in retrospect, that the guy you saw taking photos of the food with his cell phone camera was me. I am surprised how many people caught on to my comments about food photos and I know some of you went looking for the photos on my Twitter feed. Unfortunately, because I use Brightkite for my photos (which posts to Twitter) and because Brightkite went down that morning for a massive upgrade (and still hasn’t come back up), those photos never made it out. So I’ve dropped smaller versions of them below.