UX London 2024, day one

UX London is just two months away!

The best way to enjoy the event is to go for all three days but if that’s not doable for you, each individual day is kind of like a mini-conference with its own theme.

The theme on day one, Tuesday, June 18th is design research.

In the morning there are four fantastic talks.

A bearded short-haired man with light skin smiling outdoors amongst greenery. A smiling woman with dark hair with a yellow flower in it wearing an orange top outdoors in a sunny pastoral setting. A portrait of Aleks outdoors turning the camera with a smile. A smiling light-skinned woman with medium length hair and a colourful green top in front of a stucco wall.
  1. Tom Kerwin kicks things off with his talk on pitch provocations. Tom will show you how to probe for what the market really wants with his fast, counterintuitive method.
  2. Clarissa Gardner is giving a talk about ethics and safeguarding in UX research . Clarissa will show you how to uphold good practice without compromising delivery in a fast-paced environment.
  3. Aleks Melnikova’s talk is all about demystifying inclusive research. Aleks will show you how to conduct research for a diverse range of participants, from recruitment and planning through to moderation and analysis.
  4. Emma Boulton closes out the morning with her talk on meeting Product where they are. Emma will show you how to define a knowledge management strategy for your organisation so that you can retake your seat at the table.

After lunch you’ll take part in one of four workshops. Choose wisely!

A white man with short hair and a bit of a ginger beard with a twinkle in his eye, wearing a plaid shirt. A fair-skinned woman with long hair smiling. Close up of a smiling light-skinned woman wearing glasses with long red hair. A man with short hair and glasses with a neutral expression on his face.
  1. Luke Hay is running a workshop on bridging the gap between research and design. Luke will show you how to take practical steps to ensure that designers and researchers are working as a seamless team.
  2. Serena Verdenicci is running a workshop on behaviorual intentions. Serena will show you how to apply a behavioural mindset to your work so you can create behaviour-change interventions.
  3. Stéphanie Walter is running a workshop on designing adaptive reusable components and pages. Stéphanie will show you how to plan your content and information architecture to help build more reusable components.
  4. Ben Sauer is running a workshop on the storytelling bridge. Ben will show you how to find your inner storyteller to turn your insights into narratives your stakeholders can understand quickly and easily.

After your workshop there’s one final closing keynote to bring everyone back together. I’m keeping that secret for just a little longer, but trust me, it’s going to be inspiring—plenty to discuss at the drinks reception afterwards.

That’s quite a packed day. If design research is what you’re into, you won’t want to miss it. Get your ticket now.

Just to sweeten the deal and as a reward for reading all the way to the end, here’s a discount code you can use to get a whopping 20% off: JOINJEREMY.



# Liked by Sahil 🐧 on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024 at 3:15pm

# Liked by Jerome on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024 at 3:15pm

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Previously on this day

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6 years ago I wrote Workshops

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12 years ago I wrote Announcing dConstruct 2012

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