Halfway through season three of the Clearleft podcast

Each season of the Clearleft podcast has six episodes. Three of the six episodes of the current season are available with another three still to come.

In case you missed them, the episodes of season three released so far are:

  1. Coaching
    What’s the difference between training, coaching, and mentorship?
  2. Design Engineering
    A role that sits at the intersection—or rather, the gap—between design and engineering.
  3. Design Research
    The journey from evaluative research to generative research.

That’s quite a mixed bag. You might think that there’s no particular unifying to a season of the podcast.

Well, that’s kind of true. There’s no specific theme. But each season does have a meta-grouping.

At Clearleft, we think about our services in three interconnected categories: explore, create, and grow.

  • Explore” is all about the big strategic picture.
  • Create” is the nitty-gritty work of delivery.
  • Grow” is what connects those together.

Each season of the podcast focuses on one of those categories. This season it’s all about “explore” with a bit of “grow” thrown in.

The next three episodes of this season will double down on the big-picture thinking. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but I’ll just remind you that if you’re not already subscribed to the Clearleft podcast, I highly recommend rectifying that situation.

Subscribe via RSS, or on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts from.

And if you’re already subscribed …thank you. If you’re enjoying listening to it half as much as I’m enjoying making it, then I’m enjoying it twice as much as you.

Seriously though, if you like what you hear, please share it around. Drop a link to the Clearleft podcast into your work Slack channel or share it in a tweet.

Thank you for listening.

Previously on this day

7 years ago I wrote Акула

Taxi Driver meets The Hunt For Red October.

9 years ago I wrote Far afield

What a day! What a lovely Responsive Field Day!

13 years ago I wrote My links, my links (my lovely lady links)

A public service announcement for those of you subscribed to my Delicious feed.

17 years ago I wrote adactumblr

There’s something about Tumblr I like.

18 years ago I wrote Halfway through Web Directions South

Day one is over, and what a day it was!

18 years ago I wrote One talk down, one to go

Web Directions South 2006 is in full swing.

19 years ago I wrote Connecting the dots

Whilst trawling through my regular RSS feeds last month, I came across this plea from Min Jung Kim:

20 years ago I wrote Tally-ho!

The Labour Party Conference is being held in Brighton this week. The area near the conference centre has been surrounded by a "ring of steel" manned by bored police officers pulling twelve hour shifts.

22 years ago I wrote The Mirror Project, Sunday September 15, 4PM

Congratulations, Heather. 10,000 is a lot of pictures.