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50 Years of Leadership.



A HUN REN SZTAKI munkatársai 2024. május 30-31-én részt vettek a második személyes megbeszélésen a [CINEA] által támogatott [BATTwin] projekt kapcsán. A megbeszélésen szóba került a HUN-REN SZTAKI által vezetett munkacsomag tervezése, melynek 24 hónapos időablaka júniussal kezdődik.
Colleagues from the Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems participated in the face-to-face kick-off meeting of the new Horizon Europe project, GreenDIGIT. The 36-month-long project aspires to lower the environmental footprint of Digital Infrastructures. The project's coordinator, the University of Amsterdam welcomed the 15-member consortium in Amsterdam and launched the project with an in-person meeting in spring of 2024.
A svájci székhelyű IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) a három nagy nemzetközi szabványosítási szervezet (ISO, IEC és ITU) egyike. Több mint 10 ezer nemzetközi szabvány kötődik hozzá. Az IEC SC45A albizottsághoz a nukleáris létesítmények mérő-, szabályozó- és villamosenergia-rendszerei tartoznak, ezen belül a WGA9-es munkacsoport területe a rendszerek teljesítménye és a külső behatásokkal szembeni robusztussága.
The Rudolf Kálmán Prize, founded by HUN-REN SZTAKI, was awarded to Prof. Dr. Ir. Paul Van den Hof during the symposium "Four decades of data-driven modeling in systems and control – achievements and prospects", held at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), where he gave the valedictory lecture. Prof. Dr. József Bokor, Director of Research at HUN-REN SZTAKI, and Prof.dr. Roland Tóth, Senior Research Fellow at the institute’s Systems and Control Lab, also gave presentations at the symposium.
Researchers of HUN-REN SZTAKI's Engineering and Management Intelligence laboratory participated in an intensive workshop in Vienna, where researchers from Fraunhofer Austria presented a recent result: they measured the variable current consumption of a manufacturing cell using PLC data.
A kétnapos, 2024. április 11. és 12. között rendezett eseményen számos európai akkumulátor iparban dolgozó cég és projekt kapott lehetőséget a bemutatkozásra, illetve két panelbeszélgetésen vitatták meg a résztvevők az európai akkumulátorgyártás és -ipar kihívásait és stratégiai céljait.
In April 2024, the 33rd Networkshop Conference took place in Eger at the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University. One of the distinguished sponsors of the event was HUN-REN SZTAKI. Several departments and research laboratories of HUN-REN SZTAKI were represented at the conference - the Department of Network Security and Internet Technologies, the Department of Distributed Systems, and the Parallel and Distributed Systems Research Laboratory. They delivered presentations and workshops on various topics.
SLICES-SC consortium members gathered with Hungarian stakeholders in Budapest to discuss the working plan for the last period of the EU H2020 project. HUN-REN SZTAKI hosted partners from 10 European countries, working towards reinforcing the international research infrastructure community.
The final accomplishments of the 42-month-long DIGITbrain project were presented during the EC review in Brussels. HUN-REN SZTAKI was among the main contributors who made this project a success that enabled Manufacturing-as-a-Service for several European SMEs.

SZTAKI Coordinated National Laboratories



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ApertusVR is a MIT licensed, open source, platform independent programmers library, which delivers a new perspective of integration of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies on fields such as research, industry, or application design. Due to the scalability, and distributed approach, the applications developed with ApertusVR are easy to couple with already existent applications...
Intensification of competition and developments such as market-driven and customer-focused supply chains forced companies to become parts of complex production and logistics networks, instead of producing in isolation. In the future only companies will be competitive which are capable of ensuring the effectiveness of their entire supply chain. To achieve a competitive edge and shorter time to...
Customer-oriented manufacturing companies need production planning tools that help them to fulfill orders in a fast and flexible way. At the same time, these tools should keep production costs as low as possible, and eliminate all the unnecessary fluctuations of the production load. These challenges can only be met if companies exploit state-of-the-art planning technologies to their full potential...
Consulting tasks, micro-developments and workshops about reactive programming topics, especially about RxJava and related libraries/technologies.
The eLearning Department of SZTAKI has dealt with mobile-based software development since 2005. As a result of this activity, a new application family was created under the name of GUIDE@HAND that was able to meet a wide variety of aspects of life in today's age and trends. The first such mobile application served for tourist purposes and was granted with several prizes in Hungary and abroad. Due...


Our fundamental task is to perform basic and application-oriented research in an interdisciplinary setting in the fields of computer science and information technology. Contract-based target research, development, training and expert support for domestic and foreign industrial, governmental and other partners are also important activities at the Institute.

The aim of this project is to develop and evaluate a computer-based methods for automated and improved detection and classification of different colorectal lesions, especially polyps.

Progressive and well scheduled building of bridges between the physical and digital worlds, a special readiness for innovative adaptation, answers to challenges in a prompter way than any time before, including bold steps to be made concerning innovation.

The European manufacturing industry is facing challenges in terms of adaptability, flexibility and vertical integration. The SYMBIO-TIC project adresses these important issues towards a safe, dynamic, intuitive and cost effective working environment were inmersive and symbiotic collaboration between human workers and robots can take place.