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Naoko Takano | WordPress Global Translation Day #2, Nov 2016
Globalizer (Automattic)

WordPress Japanese Translator since 2003
WordCamp Tokyo 2016 Co-Lead
@naokomc /
Naoko Takano
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Style Guide?
‣ Coding standards
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The Best Practices of Making WordPress Site Multilingual
The Best Practices of Making WordPress Site MultilingualThe Best Practices of Making WordPress Site Multilingual
The Best Practices of Making WordPress Site Multilingual

This document outlines Katz Ueno's presentation on best practices for making WordPress sites multilingual. It includes an agenda that covers site structure, content translation, and choosing a multilingual method. Katz introduces himself and his experience with multilingual websites. He emphasizes that there is no single answer for which plugin to use, as it depends on the specific site needs and structure. The presentation covers multilingual site planning, the ideal approach of separate teams per language, and the four main methods for making WordPress multilingual.


Chris Heilmann gave a talk about breaking out of endless callback loops in JavaScript development. He discussed the history and evolution of JavaScript, including its growing capabilities and uses. However, he emphasized that progressive enhancement and capability testing are still important principles on the client side to avoid broken experiences. While tools like transpilation and polyfills can help bring future features to current browsers, overreliance on them has downsides. The best approach is to embrace JavaScript's use in different environments and balance innovation with backward compatibility.

The Case for the WordPress REST API | WordCamp Montreal 2016
The Case for the WordPress REST API | WordCamp Montreal 2016The Case for the WordPress REST API | WordCamp Montreal 2016
The Case for the WordPress REST API | WordCamp Montreal 2016

There are many reasons ways the REST API can be utilized, but why should we care? Why are any of these reasons so good we need to have the API in core vs. a plugin? I will take a non-code approach to explaining from the basics, why the REST API is not just a good thing to have for development, but a good thing to have for WordPress to keep it going and keeping it relevant. Then you can be the judge if it is a good and necessary addition.

Apple Identity Guidelines
‣ Increase consistency
‣ Enhance quality
‣ Engage more contributors
‣ Deter arguments
‣ Reduce rework
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The Frontend Developer Landscape Explained and the Rise of Advanced Frontend ...
The Frontend Developer Landscape Explained and the Rise of Advanced Frontend ...The Frontend Developer Landscape Explained and the Rise of Advanced Frontend ...
The Frontend Developer Landscape Explained and the Rise of Advanced Frontend ...

Over the past several years, as the role of the browser has grown, rich desktop-like apps have emerged built entirely in the browser. To enable this movement, a new generation of powerful JavaScript frameworks have emerged including EmberJS, AngularJS, BackboneJS, and React. In this 30 minute crash course on front end frameworks, Bloc co-founder and CTO Dave Paola will cover the history of front end web development, the recent emergence of these new Javascript frameworks, and go over some of the pros and cons for learning them. We'll hear from Bloc co-founder and CTO Dave Paola and Bloc Developer Christian Schlensker. Prior to Bloc, Dave was a developer at Kontagent, has over 15 years of software development experience, and has founded numerous other companies. Christian comes to Bloc from Pinchit and TAG where he was a developer. Prior to that, Christian was also a graphic designer. In our experience, beginners are often overwhelmed by buzz words like "HTML5," "JavaScript," and "Ruby." Without an experienced guide, they can spend months going down rabbit-holes drilling into specific languages, and emerge frustrated that they can't build a real website. Dave will start by helping you visualize the front end web development landscape. Comparing Angular, Ember, Backbone, and React 2 Once you understand the landscape, Dave will introduce the four major front end frameworks that have emerged over the past two years. He'll discuss the pros and cons of learning each one, from the point of view of a beginner. These four frameworks are: AngularJS, EmberJS, BackboneJS, and ReactJS.

How I built web services in CakePHP
How I built web services in CakePHPHow I built web services in CakePHP
How I built web services in CakePHP

Version 1 of the API was a single fat controller with no separation of concerns. Version 2 improved on this but still had code in the AppController. Version 3 used CakePHP's CRUD plugin to automate CRUD actions, implemented filtering and sorting, and separated code into distinct classes and plugins for improved flexibility and extensibility. Lessons learned were to use routing prefixes, CRUD plugins, authentication, and create separation of concerns between classes and plugins.

Writing a Java Extension for LibreOffice with LOEclipse
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Writing a Java Extension for LibreOffice with LOEclipse

The document outlines the steps to set up a development environment for creating a Java extension for LibreOffice using LOEclipse, including installing Eclipse and the LOEclipse plugin, the LibreOffice SDK, and cloning a starter project from GitHub. It then explains how to modify the starter project's dialog to insert entered content into a document and include features like word counting and disabling the insert button when empty.

Who should
have one?
Invest time
to save time.
The Basic Elements

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For my talk at WPCampus 2016 I use Angular, Firebase, and WordPress to create a LIVE real-time notification plugin that allows you to send a notification to all active users on your website, LIVE.

Building plugins like a pro
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Building plugins like a pro

The document discusses best practices for building WordPress plugins, including improving one's workflow with version control and text editors, understanding WordPress code structure and APIs, following coding standards, defining a plugin's focus and structure, and testing plugins. It also provides examples from the speaker's own plugins and mistakes made. The speaker advocates investing in one's skills and producing well-coded, unique plugins that address user experience through standards compliance and robust testing.

Build and release in code with azure devops pipelines
Build and release in code with azure devops pipelinesBuild and release in code with azure devops pipelines
Build and release in code with azure devops pipelines

Build and release your code with Azure pipelines defined in YAML code. Everything is in the repository, everything follow branches, and simplify creating pipelines with templates.

‣ Writing tone
‣ Punctuation
‣ Formatting
‣ Branding
‣ Special rules
Step 1-1:
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guides in your locale
Build Your Locale Style Guide
Build Your Locale Style Guide

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Building End to-End Web Apps Using TypeScript

Gil Fink will present on building end-to-end web apps using TypeScript. The presentation will cover why TypeScript is useful, an introduction to TypeScript, building a simple app with TypeScript, and a Q&A. TypeScript is an open source language that compiles to JavaScript, adding features like static typing, classes and modules to support code encapsulation and maintainability. The presentation will demonstrate building a simple app in TypeScript and conclude with resources for learning more.

Bootstrapping your plugin
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Bootstrapping your plugin

This document summarizes Marko Heijnen's talk on bootstrapping a WordPress plugin using automation. It discusses setting up the basic files and structure for a plugin, including internationalization, version control and compiling assets. It also covers automating common tasks like minification, validation and testing through Grunt plugins. Grunt is presented as a JavaScript task runner that can be used to define and run repetitive tasks like compressing files, validating code and deployments. Examples are provided for configuring Grunt to create POT files for internationalization, download translations from GlotPress and perform other automated tasks.

My Contributor Story
My Contributor StoryMy Contributor Story
My Contributor Story

I have contributed since 2009 to WordPress and related projects. I have done some great things for WordPress like rewriting the image manipulation API and leading GlotPress for a long while. But It also lead to some disagreements which had an impact.

Build Your Locale Style Guide
Build Your Locale Style Guide
Step 1-2:
Find style guides in
English or other
Build Your Locale Style Guide

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Javascript everywhere
Javascript everywhereJavascript everywhere
Javascript everywhere

My presentation at JSFoo - JavaScript from business perspective: The success of any technology is in its usecase. Not in its technical merits. Programming languages are no exception to this rule. Thats why Javascript - an unassuming functional programming language has an unrelated name - “Java” & “Script”. In reality, the name "Java" & "Script" does not explain what Javascript is. Instead, it explains Javascript’s usecases.

Олександр Щедров та Альбіна Тюпа — Magic button. Can production releases be s...
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Олександр Щедров та Альбіна Тюпа — Magic button. Can production releases be s...

This document discusses the benefits of continuous integration (CI) workflow for software development projects. It states that using CI workflow is 90% of success and outlines reasons like enabling seamless releases, high quality code with fewer bugs, easy maintenance of environments, and ensuring everything is under control. The document also provides technical details of CI workflow, emphasizing automating everything through code-driven development with no manual steps and sharing a CI setup called CIBox that the authors use. It claims that with CI workflow, teams are more productive and collaborative and clients experience fewer bugs and shorter time between ideas and software.

Modern Messaging for Distributed Systems
Modern Messaging for Distributed SystemsModern Messaging for Distributed Systems
Modern Messaging for Distributed Systems

Il message-passing per più di dieci anni è stata la soluzione di riferimento per affrontare le sfide e l'implementazione di un sistema distribuito: problemi di rete, forte accoppiamento fra nodi, eterogeneità delle applicazioni (diversi linguaggi di programmazione). Questo talk tratterà le soluzioni per costruire un'architettura orientata ai servizi (SOA) ed effettuare message-passing in maniera performante ed affidabile; ripercorreremo insieme i concetti e le tecnologie principali che sono alla base dei sistemi distribuiti.

message passingbig dataasync
Step 2:
Think of common
inconsistencies issues
Step 3:
Keep iterating
‣ Mozilla Style Guide: Translation
‣ L10n:Teams:tl/Style Guide - MozillaWiki
‣ Microsoft Language Portal | Style Guide
‣ Guidelines for translation contractors
‣ Translation Style Guide
‣ Gengo Translation Resources

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