Ticket #837
Status: Closed
Opened by CrispyLeper
- Won't Fix
Feature Request
3/31/16 4:06 pm 3/31/16 4:06 pm
3/31/16 9:07 pm 3/31/16 9:07 pm

Remove presentation mark on solo contests.

I think they should get rid of the presentation mark on solo contests. I think for a team contest you can expect there will be someone on the team who is experienced with renders/writing lore, but for solo contests that isn't always the case. For the most part, builders in solo contests don't do their own renders or lore and its allowed even though it is a solo contest. It is a build contest, not a render/lore contest. Paying for renders is essentially paying for a portion of the marks on a contest and it shouldn't be allowed, if the presentation mark isn't removed then surely they should add a rule saying people have to do their own renders etc.

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03/31/2016 9:07 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
set status to Closed, set resolution to Won't Fix.
03/31/2016 4:43 pm
Level 1 : New Skinner
CrispyLeper's Avatar
Sorry, did not realise presentation was not judged by renders, everything I said about lore still stands though. Also would like to mention that the top 50 results shouldn't be picked by diamonds since getting diamonds relies on renders/popularity more so than build quality.
03/31/2016 9:05 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
Regarding your issue with renders and lore, the entire point of Solo Build Contests is to see what each individual is able to accomplish entirely on their own. People who are able to create better entries will in turn receive higher scores. This is the entire point of a competition. If you believe someone to have an advantage over you because of some talent or ability they have that you don't, then your options are either improve your own abilities in that area by learning similar techniques, try to focus more on some other aspect of your entry that you're strongest in that the other person might not be as strong in, or choose to do nothing and accept that you're going to get a lower score. We're not going to change how things work to give specific groups of people an extra boost or handicap. Everyone enters the competition on a level playing field.

But regardless of this, things like lore and renders aren't factored into the Presentation Score. The presentation factor is about how well the build itself is presented in-game.
For instance, you could make the most complicated and amazing group of castle builds in history for the contest, but if you did something like scatter tall bulky towers around the castles which obscure their visibility from a distance and make it difficult to know what the castles looked like or how well they were done overall without going out of your way to closely examine them and map them out to figure out what they look like as a whole, then you may score pretty high for Technique and Execution, but you would have done a poor job at presenting the build, resulting in a lower Presentation score. This is just one example and there's more that goes into it, but this should give you an idea of what we're looking for with that.

I'd also like to point out that you shouldn't be paying anyone for renders for your entries in solo build competitions in the first place, as the entire project is intended to be done by you alone with no help from others, including people you hire. If we catch anyone doing this, they'll be disqualified from the competition, as we state repeatedly in the rules. It's perfectly fine to do this after the competition is finished, as many people end up doing, however before it's over, nobody is allowed to receive any help from others. There are plenty of free quality rendering tools around the internet like Chunky, so even if renders did factor into the score, you're by no means being forced to pay for them in order to achieve a score that can compete with others.

Finally, fame or popularity is by no means required to win a high score in the contest. There are 50 spots for finalists which is more than you'd think. While the group of popular builders that enter will most likely make it into the finals (and usually they're of the quality that deserve to be there in the first place), there are still plenty of other spots available to the lesser-known builders, and time after time, many lesser-known builders make it to the finals each contest. It's by no means impossible if your entry is good enough.

In conclusion, there is no plan to change anything as we do not see a problem in the way contests are currently handled.
03/31/2016 4:36 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
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Discussion can be continued, but should be started on polite footing.
03/31/2016 4:09 pm
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03/31/2016 4:11 pm
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