Cell doublets arranged in circular patterns.

July issue

This month we consider how cells form rotating doublets, celebrate a century of bosons, and feature a Review on electronic excitations at the plasmon–molecule interface.


  • Artistic schematic of two atoms forming a molecule.

    This Insight issue celebrates and reviews recent progress in the generation and study of cold and ultracold molecules and ions for applications in quantum simulation, metrology and chemistry.

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  • This year marks the hundredth anniversary of Satyendra Nath Bose’s paper that stimulated the study of quantum statistics. We take this opportunity to celebrate the physics of bosons.

  • It has many names and yet no name. The designation of the universal gas constant as R has remained a mystery, as Karen Mudryk recounts.

    • Karen Mudryk
    Measure for Measure
  • Construction of the European Spallation Source began 10 years ago. Upon completion, its advanced technology and sustainable design will herald a new era for neutron scattering experiments.

Light caught under the hand of a student as they plug wires into an electrical circuit

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