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    Mining for critical materials, geothermal energy and geological storage will be essential aspects of decarbonizing energy systems.

    Image: Image: Opla/Getty Images. Cover design: Carl Conway.
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    Understanding the heterogeneities in Earth’s mantle, including their origin, structure, and variability, is crucial for comprehending the long-term history of internal changes that have shaped our planet.

    Image: Dorling Kindersley: Arran Lewis / NASA / Alamy Stock Photo
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    Climate chronicles brings together Nature Reviews Earth & Environment's annual series of 'Year in Review' articles.

    Image: Carl Conway
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    2024 marks 200 years since William Buckland reported his research on Megalosaurus, later recognised as the first non-avian dinosaur genus to be formally named by science.

    Image: The Natural History Museum / Alamy Stock Photo
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    Soils are vital for food production, biodiversity conservation, and climate regulation.

    Image: Lucas Ninno / Moment / Getty
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    Earth’s tectonic plates extend and break-apart during rifting.

    Image: Ulrich Doering / Alamy Stock Photo
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    Physics research comes with an environmental cost. It can also have many benefits.

    Image: Susanne Harris, Springer Nature Limited
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    In this collection, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment features a series of Tools of the Trade articles (short articles on a method, instrument, or approach used in Earth and environmental science research) written by early career members of the GeoLatinas.

    Image: Images from Christian Emmanuel Robles Rivera, Valeska Meirelles, and Esteban Jiménez; logo compliments of the GeoLatinas
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    Under extreme pressure, matter can exhibit novel or counter-intuitive phenomena such as superconductivity at unusually high-temperature, unexpected chemical stoichiometries and reaction kinetics, or new material phases.

    Image: Lars Plöger, Pixabay
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    Plastic is ubiquitous in our lives and the environment.

    Image: Lasha Tsertsvadze / EyeEm/ Getty Images
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    Deep water refers to the water, and its constituent ions, in Earth’s interior.

    Image: ©2019 Gemological Institute of America, Inc. Photo by Tingting Gu