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DiRicamo, your premier destination for exquisitely embroidered sweatshirts and t-shirts for women, men, and kids. Established in 2019, DiRicamo was born out of a passion for creating unique, high-quality embroidered apparel that stands out in both style and comfort. At DiRicamo, we believe that clothing is more than just fabric; it’s a form of self-expression. Our journey began with a simple idea: to blend art and fashion through the intricate craft of embroidery. Each piece in our collection is meticulously designed and crafted, ensuring that every stitch tells a story.

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 → この結果、国内でも中々お目に掛かれない密度へ(しかも農村部で、おそらく私がマッピングしなければ100年は放置されていたであろう)



・やっぱり��地調査を行なってくれるユーザーが居ないと辛いところがある (コンビニっぽい建物にセブンイレブンのポイントを追加してくれるだけで謎の多幸感に襲われた)

・恐らく必要以上に水路をマッピングした地域がある (先日、青い森鉄道や東北新幹線から田んぼを凝視したが、明らかに田んぼである所を水路にしてそうだなと思った)

・was:buildingタグの建物の削除を行なってしまった (これは私の無知。しかし、首都圏などでこれを一々マッピングしてたらとんでもないことになりそうだと推測)











Tasking Manager, an open-source project, recently undertook a significant migration: transitioning from Flask to FastAPI for our web framework and from psycopg to asyncpg for our database interactions. FastAPI offers substantial performance improvements by leveraging asynchronous programming and simplifying API development with automatic interactive documentation and modern Python features. asyncpg enhances database interaction throughput with its asynchronous design and high optimization. Despite challenges like the learning curve and extensive code refactoring, this transition promises enhanced performance and scalability, providing valuable insights for the community and encouraging the exploration of FastAPI and asyncpg for similar projects.

For a detailed account of our migration journey, read our full post here. We invite the community to get involved, share feedback, and contribute to Tasking Manager. Your insights and collaboration are invaluable as we continue to innovate and improve in the world of open-source software.

Welcome to the fifteenth OpenStreetMap NextGen development diary.

I am sorry for the delay in the development diary! Due to my participation in the recent State of the Map EU 2024, I had to dedicate some of my time to making the presentations and attending the event. Nonetheless, thanks to other project contributors, we have more highlights to show off! This is the beauty of an open community collaboration 🙂.

🔖 You can read other development diaries here:

⭐ This project is open-source — join us today:

GitHub Stars

🛈 This initiative is not affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

Multiple Changeset Bounding Boxes

OpenStreetMap-NG is resolving one of the most common newbie issues on OpenStreetMap while making area monitoring more accurate. Changesets now support incremental and deterministic clustering of changes, enabling multiple bounding box support.

This change is backwards compatible, as API 0.6 and others will continue to return a single bounding box per changeset. This feature will only be available directly on the website, as well as in API 0.7.

Let’s mark the end for issues like these:

Why it’s bad: Everyone monitoring for changes within the bounding box receives a notification. When a single changeset covers half of the world, this leads to a lot of noise, making the system less reliable and difficult to follow.

Implementation of Recent Activity Chart

We have also finished the implementation of the recent activity chart, which is displayed on user profiles. Originally announced in Development Diary #11.

This feature will make it easier to moderate and monitor activity on OpenStreetMap, providing a quick peek at the recent mapping experience of a user.

Updated Geolocation Icon

We have received feedback that the existing geolocation icon is confusing, making some people unaware of this feature. We are now experimenting with a new, more typical design for it:

In the future, we will make the new icon theme match the surrounding icons. Currently, the icon appears a little too thin.

Feature-Parity Process

This week, we have also made progress towards reaching the feature-parity goal. This includes final development of the search functionality and the “Where is this?” feature. We have also corrected a few small bugs and added support for Data Layer alert auto-dismissal.

Simplified Authorization System

During the recent State of the Map EU 2024, I received a hint that the authorization system could be made even simpler, making it easier to test and maintain. We no longer have a separate system for handling user session tokens (cookies); we are now reusing OAuth2 core with a simple wrapper on top of it. Nothing has changed functionally, there’s simply less code. Win-win-win \🙂/.


This two week’s work was sponsored by 17 people!
8 donors on Liberapay, and 9 on GitHub Sponsors.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger — Together! Thank you all!

Please consider supporting the OpenStreetMap-NG development with any amount. As a thank you, you will be eligible for the unique OpenStreetMap-NG Founder profile badge. You will also help to push the project forward 🏋.


Department of Disaster Management (DDM) , Thimphu Municipality (TT) and BSc. Environment Management, Royal Thimphu College (RTC) and the Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific (OMH-AP)


Since OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the most accessible data for individuals and agencies for map visualization, geospatial analysis, research, and decision-making, the DDM and TM conducted a one-day session on using spatial data in urban planning and humanitarian efforts. During this session, students learned how to update or contribute point data or Point of interest (PoIs), such as shops, offices, and hotels, to OSM using a mobile app called Organic Map. A session was also included by Mr. Mikko from OMH-AP, the Philippines.

Session on OSM

Who maps the most

For a duration of five days after students were taught how to update OSM, they were encouraged to do mapping by declaring mobile data as prizes for top contributors. Students mapped up to 590 PoIs over 5 days, likely during their time off from college in Thimphu, Bhutan.

Today I realised that it’s probably significantly more efficient (in terms of effort and time) to simply state the reason(s) for (in)validating a task in the task comments, and ask contributors to read the project comments where I can post some more detailed comments, explinations, pictures etc. related to common mistakes I find while validating the project.

This efficiently accomplishes at least four objectives;

  1. Contributors who read the comments recieve feedback regarding their contributions
  2. It is easier to get an overwiew of quality issues in the project.
  3. It saves time in comparison to giving feedback on each individual task.
  4. Contributors to the project who map areas yet to be mapped and read the project comments can get a heads up, before contributing increasing the likelihood that they will avoid making the same mistakes.

Farewell to giving feedback on every task, unless it is truly unique. 😌

Posted by Rajendran Keerthana on 23 July 2024 in English.

My journey with mapping began during my undergraduate studies in geography at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. My fascination with maps and the potential of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to solve real-world problems sparked a deep interest that would shape my career. In 2019, I joined OpenStreetMap (OSM), an open-source platform that allows users to create and share maps of their communities. This was the beginning of a transformative experience. Through OSM, I discovered a vibrant community and shared my passion for open data and community development. I quickly became an active contributor, dedicating countless hours to mapping underserved areas in Sri Lanka.

As my involvement with OSM grew, I became proficient in using various mapping tools and mobile applications, which allowed me to conduct efficient and accurate mapping projects. I got appointed as the YouthMappers Chapter Secretary at Eastern University, where I played a pivotal role in promoting open mapping practices among students and local communities. My commitment to mapping and community development led me to join Sarvodaya Fusion, an NGO dedicated to empowering communities through technology. At Sarvodaya Fusion, I organized workshops and training sessions to teach others how to use OSM and GIS tools. These initiatives not only enhanced the mapping capabilities of participants but also fostered a sense of community and shared purpose.

In 2024, my dedication and hard work were recognized on an international level when I honored as the “Mapper of the Month” by the United Nations. This prestigious recognition highlighted my significant contributions to the OSM community and my role in promoting open data and mapping. My journey with mapping took another exciting turn when I was selected for the YouthMappers Fellowship Program in Jamaica on 2023. This opportunity allowed me to collaborate with fellow mappers from around the world, exchange knowledge, and contribute to impactful mapping projects. The fellowship enriched me to understand of global mapping challenges and provided me with new perspectives and ideas. Throughout my journey, has remained committed to using mapping as a tool for social and economic development. My journey with mapping is a testament to the impact that dedicated individuals can have in building resilient and informed communities through open mapping. I continues to explore the potential of GIS and contribute to the global mapping community.

I am mapping every day, but i am unable to write a diary entry for every day i map. due to limited internet access and being on the move most of the time.

During the past 4 days, including today, i have mapped Villages Mesul, Cerjan, Bishqem and Papër and i have done a lot of mapping in Kosovo.

I have also gotten some private message these days to whom i have been unable to respond, so i ask you to bear with me. I will be back home in a week and will catch up with you all. Thanks a lot for contributing on mapping Albania! <3

“#100villagesin100days “

Posted by JJSchmerer on 19 July 2024 in English.

Good morning!

This is my first diary entry. I am new to OSM and have a lot of learning and growth to do. I have to say I knew nothing about OSM and am absolutely blown away by how many companies use OSM in their mapping efforts. Truly awesome!

I am starting out building a interactive eruv map using OSM. I am getting lot of help and I am learning all the code words of the OSM community. Learning what for instance nods are points, I think they are called wazes or lines, and relations are a combinations of points and lines. Learning to Tag as well. I am also learning and trying to learn daily the LearnOSM website. Going through the tutorials are very good. I am enjoying doing it, yes it is frustrating at times but that is learning.

I am building this eruv map for my community and looking to embed it on the Synagogues website. Learning right now I am learning about the editor and how to place points and lines.

I will keep posting every so often my wins, loses, and how it worked for me.


New OSMer


On May 24, 2024, I led an “Introduction to OpenStreetMap (OSM)” training session at the Geography Department of the University of Laos in Vientiane. The session was organized with the help of Professor Sonnasack Phaipasith, who provided translation support and organized the venue and invited his students. We had 15 participants, all students of Geography - eight women and seven men.

This training was part of my assignment with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s (HOT’s) Open Mapping Hub - Asia Pacific (AP Hub) Guru Fellowship program. The Guru Fellowship program is a program aiming to engage with and upskill OSM mappers to fully utilize their knowledge and experience in advancing the Open Mapping movement in the region. Within this Open Mapping Guru Fellowship program, I also organized a Happy Hours OSM mapping meetup in Vientiane as well as 2 online trainings about “Mapping Relations” and “Good practices of Tagging Names in OSM”.

Training participants

For this in-person “Introduction to OpenStreetMap” training we met from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the University of Lao. We covered the basics of OpenStreetMap, how to use it effectively and explored how mapping and OSM skills can benefit young Geographers in building their career.

The training covered the following topics:

  1. Understanding OpenStreetMap, Its Data, and Community We started with an overview of OpenStreetMap, including its website, wiki, and community. We also compared Google Maps with OSM to highlight their similarities and differences.

  2. Accessing and Using OpenStreetMap I demonstrated various ways to access and use OpenStreetMap data. Participants explored the OSM website, Organic Maps, the QGIS plugin (quickOSM), the HOT export tool, Geofabrik, and Overpass Turbo. This session showed how versatile and accessible OSM data can be.

  3. Contributing to OpenStreetMap One of the key parts of the training was learning how to contribute to OpenStreetMap using the iD editor and briefly showed the JOSM editor. These tools help users add and update map data, making it easy to contribute to the community.

  4. Local Initiatives and Community Involvement We also talked about local OSM initiatives and how participants can get involved. I shared information about the Lao OSM community and HOT’s work, encouraging everyone to contribute to these efforts.

  5. Skills and Opportunities for GIS Professionals The session wrapped up with a discussion on the skills needed and opportunities available for GIS professionals in Laos. This part was important for those looking to use their new OSM skills in their careers.

The “Introduction to OpenStreetMap (OSM)” training at the University of Laos was a great success and fun for everybody. With support from the Geography Department esp. Mr. Sonnasack Phaipasith, the participants learned about OSM and gained some practical skills they can use in the mapping community and their professional lives.

This training was a valuable step towards building a more connected mapping community in Laos and beyond.