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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Additional tools which are available to users with a reputation of 10,000 or higher.
42 questions
Stack Overflow has reached 10 million questions. We'll probably celebrate this feat on Meta!
45 questions
For questions about the festivities in Fall 2018 to celebrate Stack Overflow's 10th birthday on September 27, 2018.
3 questions
For questions about Stack Overflow's Error 404 page, and where, when, and why it appears. (Related: [broken-link].)
30 questions
Questions regarding questions abandoned by their poster.
7 questions
0 questions
For questions regarding functionality on Stack Exchange which is subject to A/B testing.
37 questions
For questions about (potentially) abusive behaviour by users, e.g. posts containing abusive language, or robo-reviewing (fast and blindly clicking through the review queue).
51 questions
0 questions
The accepted answer is the answer the question owner thought best met their needs. This tag is for discussing issues related to accepted answers, not indicating that a question has an accepted answer.
419 questions
Questions related to the usability of Stack Overflow by people with disabilities.
For questions regarding Stack Overflow accounts and linked accounts on other platforms.
176 questions
Account suspension is the act of temporarily blocking the account of a specific user.
62 questions
The achievements dropdown is contained in the top-bar and contains recent changes in badges, reputation, and privileges.
73 questions
For questions about the Activity tab, which can be found on each user's profile page and shows all actions by that user, except those deemed private (such as specific up- and downvotes).
60 questions
0 questions
For discussion about the explicitly commercial advertising that appears on this site (if any), as well as the Community Promotion Ads which are voted on by users of each site.
241 questions
Age refers to questions about age limits and other elements where the age of posters is an issue. You should use this tag when the age of an individual or object is relevant to your question.
5 questions
For questions about the policy on AI-generated content.
1 question
used to be for the Official Stack Overflow application only. The app was available in the Play Store, for Android devices running 4.1 and above — but due in part to the developmen…
175 questions
For questions related to animations, effects added to multimedia stuff.
4 questions
For "official" announcements from either the elected moderator team or the Stack Exchange staff
0 questions
Any user that is not signed in is an anonymous user. The anonymous user is used for any action preformed by a non-signed-in user that must be associated with a user.
28 questions
0 questions
Metric used to work out if an answer is sub-par and needs "attention". Not publicly detailed or gutted. (Copied from
73 questions
for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.
The Stack Exchange application programming interfaces (the “API Services”) are a set of programming interfaces which can query and connect to Stack Overflow and other sites in the Stack Exchange Netwo…
68 questions
For posts aimed at showing appreciation for the work of others
1 question
Users without full edit privileges can suggest edits to posts and tag wikis.
6 questions
For questions about new site "features" (which are actually pranks) that appear on or around April 1st as part of the site's traditional April Fools Day celebration.
38 questions
For questions about the architecture of the software and hardware that powers the Stack Exchange Network of Q/A sites.
17 questions
Archive is for questions that deal with the archiving of Stack Overflow posts or data in formats other than SEDE (Data Explorer) or CC Dumps.
6 questions
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