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BLOCKCHAIN - Blockchain

About This Committee

The INCITS/Blockchain Technical Committee is focused on the development of national and international standards in the domain of blockchain and distributed ledger technology systems. Main Areas of focus are: • Foundational aspects of Blockchain as vocabulary, architecture • Security, privacy, and identity for Blockchain and DLT • Interoperability of Blockchain and distributed ledger technology systems • Smart contracts and their applications • Governance • Use cases • Other applications of Blockchain and DLT INCITS/Blockchain is the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 307 and its working groups. In this capacity it proactively participates to all of ISO/TC 307 activities. Note: INCITS/Blockchain was formerly known as INCITS/Blockchain and Electronic Distributed Ledger Technologies (EDLT) until January 2022.


  • Group Chair: John Greaves , Florida Institute of Technology
  • Int'l. Rep: Sal Francomacaro
  • Secretariat Support: Deborah Spittle , INCITS Secretariat