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GNSO Appointees to ICANN Board

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In accordance with the ICANN bylaws, Article VI, Section 8, paragraph 1 (e)(f).

The GNSO shall make selections to fill Seats 13 and 14 on the ICANN Board by written ballot or by action at a meeting. Each of the two voting Houses of the GNSO, as described in Section 3(8) of this Article, shall make a selection to fill one of two ICANN Board seats, as outlined below; any such selection must have affirmative votes compromising sixty percent (60%) of all the respective voting House members:

a. the Contracted Party House shall select a representative to fill Seat 13; and

b. the Non-Contracted Party House shall select a representative to fill Seat 14

Election procedures are defined in the GNSO Operating Procedures.

Notification of the Board seat selections is to be provided to the Empowered Community Administration, with copies to the ICANN Secretary and the other Decisional Participants in ICANN's Empowered Community, consistent with Section 7.8(d) of the ICANN Bylaws. The Empowered Community Administration must then promptly notify the ICANN Secretary.

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