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This is a transcript for dialogue with Securitron gatekeeper at The Strip North Gate.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Submit to a credit check or present your passport before proceeding to the gate. Trespassers will be shot. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Move along. 2
VFreeformFreesideVFSSecuritronGreeterTopic000 Credit check? What's that for? Neutral 50 Admission to the Strip requires an official passport or proof that you are carrying the required minimum balance. 3
Neutral 50 These policies prevent less-reputable persons from entering and ensure a good time will be had by all who enter the Strip. 4
VFreeformFreesideVFSSecuritronGreeterTopic001 I'll submit to the credit check. <2,000 caps required.> Neutral 50 Thank you, sir. You may proceed. 5
I'll submit to the credit check. <2,000 caps required.> Neutral 50 Thank you, madam. You may proceed. 6
I'll submit to the credit check. <2,000 caps required.> Neutral 50 I'm sorry, but your balance does not meet the minimum balance. 7
VFreeformFreesideVFSSecuritronGreeterTopic002 [Passport] I've got a passport. Neutral 50 Thank you, sir. You may proceed. 8
[Passport] I've got a passport. Neutral 50 Thank you, madam. You may proceed. 9
[Passport] I've got a passport. Neutral 50 Thank you, sir. You may proceed. 10
[Passport] I've got a passport. Neutral 50 Thank you, madam. You may proceed. 11
1C 3C R34 M. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] <Various buzzing and clicking noises> 12
Neutral 50 Thank you, sir. You may proceed. 13
1C 3C R34 M. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] <Various buzzing and clicking noises> 14
Neutral 50 Thank you, madam. You may proceed. 15
Robot! Let me past! Neutral 50 [FAILED] Please submit to a credit check or present a passport. 16
VFreeformFreesideVFSSecuritronGreeterTopic004 What do I need to do to get in? Neutral 50 If you are unable to meet the minimum balance requirement, an official passport is an acceptable alternative. 17
VFreeformFreesideVFSSecuritronGreeterTopic005 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Please return when you have sufficient caps or a passport. 18


HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Thank you for visiting New Vegas. 19
Hello Neutral 50 Move along. 20
VFSSecuritronHalt VFSSecuritronHalt Neutral 50 You have entered a restricted area! Exit the gate area or you will be fired upon! 21
VFSSecuritronKill VFSSecuritronKill Neutral 50 You have been warned! Extermination imminent! 22
VFSSecuritronKill Neutral 50 Vaporization subroutine initiated! 23
VFSSecuritronKill Neutral 50 Unauthorized entry detected! 24
VFSSecuritronKill Neutral 50 Have a nice day! 25
VFSSecuritronKill Neutral 50 Exterminate! 26