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Are you ready for your trial run, honey? A recent event with loved ones works best.Irma to the Sole Survivor

The Memory Den is a side quest in Fallout 4.

Quick walkthrough[]

Side quest: The Memory Den 
Speak to Irma
Pay a 100 cap upfront cost. 
Pass a medium charisma check. 
Sit in the Memory Lounger. 
Relive your memories. 
Talk to Irma. 
Reward: 150 xp
100 caps returned
Quest marker leading to Nick Valentine 
Reward: 150 xp
Quest marker leading to Nick Valentine 

Detailed walkthrough[]

This quest is obtained by entering the Memory Den in Goodneighbor at any time before rescuing Nick Valentine. Irma tells Sole Survivor the Den is not accepting new clients, but it is possible to convince her to grant a trial run, either with an easy Charisma check or an upfront payment of 100 caps.

One is asked to sit in a memory lounger to relive a recent memory, which is always the kidnapping of Shaun. During the recall, the player character can move around the cryo pod space of Vault 111 and interact with several targets including the cryo pods, the scientists in hazmat suits, Kellogg, and the pod containing Shaun and the Sole Survivor's spouse. As they relive the inevitable, the Sole Survivor vocalizes anguish, followed by rage and vowing to kill Kellogg after he shoots their spouse. Doctor Amari pulls them out of the memory after the events are relived.

Once the Sole Survivor emerges from the lounger, Irma apologizes for putting them through that trauma a second time. If a medium Charisma check is passed Irma will provide a refund if a fee has been paid. Regardless of how the conversation goes, Irma mentions that she knows a good detective in Diamond City that will be able to help find Shaun and points the player character to the Valentine Detective Agency.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
2 Talk with Irma
20 Sit in Memory LoungerIrma at the Memory Den says I can relive my past if I sit down in one of the den's Memory Loungers.
45 Relive Your MemoriesI'm inside my memory of Vault 111. I have no choice but to watch everything play out all over again.
80 Talk to IrmaI've relived my memories of Vault 111. I need to talk to Irma, the owner of the Memory Den, about what happened.
100Quest finishedQuest completeI relieved my memories of Vault 111. Irma, the owner of the Memory Den, was sorry for my loss, and told me that Nick Valentine in Diamond City might be able to help me.


  • This quest is no longer available once Nick Valentine has been rescued from Park Street Station. One can begin Unlikely Valentine and even kill some of the Triggermen inside the station, but can go no further than the one-way drop down into Vault 114 (as the only way out from there is with Nick). Afterwards, attempting to interact with Irma, even skipping the conversation with Valentine to keep "Unlikely Valentine" active and running to Goodneighbor, will only prompt her to say that the Den is not accepting new clients.
  • If the quest is initiated but one leaves the Memory Den without entering the memory lounger and goes to rescue Nick, it will be removed from the journal the moment the Sole Survivor talks to him in the Vault 114 overseer's office. The quest is not failed, it is simply removed without any notification.
  • If the player character has not yet started Jewel of the Commonwealth, the journal entry "Go to Valentine's detective agency" will be entered alongside "Go to Diamond City."
  • Even if the player character convinces Irma to grant the trial run free of charge, the "Demand refund" option will still be available, granting 100 caps for success. It is effectively a refund if they had to pay earlier and a net profit of 100 caps if they did not.
  • After completing this quest, Doctor Amari will later recognize the player character during Dangerous Minds and will say "not again" and assure the Sole Survivor that she is trying to find another memory as quickly as possible.
  • During the memory, activating one's spouse's cryo pod is the only time the player character will refer to them by name (Nate/Nora).
  • When activating the characters in the Vault 111 memory, the player character will react according to what is activated. For example, if the Sole Survivor's cryo pod is activated, they will say something along the lines of "Why, why shouldn't've it been me? Why didn't they take me?"

