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Building the things you need to build a better tomorrow!— Slogan, H&H Tools factory terminal entries

H&H Tools Company, also known as H&H Tools, Inc. and H&H Tool Company, was a pre-War tools manufacturer.


The H&H Tools Company was inherited by Anthony House and his half-brother Robert following the death of their father. Anthony used his lawyers to cut Robert out of his part of the inheritance and assume sole control of the company. Under his leadership, the company initially prospered and its employees enjoyed great benefits.[1] As the years went on, he found himself missing his father's presence and advice more and more, but told himself he would not be weighed down by the past, convincing himself that it wasn't really family, as the House family was broken.[2][Non-game 1]

Meanwhile, Robert House had been developing his own corporation, RobCo Industries, and grew to become one of the most wealthy and influential figures in the United States of America. Anthony, well aware of Robert's success, began to grow paranoid and unstable, fearing reprisal from his brother for stealing what was rightfully his. In 2062, Anthony's paranoia manifested itself in an irrational suspicion of an employee named Henderson, believing that Robert was conspiring with Henderson to take over H&H Tools. Anthony had his human resources manager Cindy-Lou Kreb keep an eye on him.[3] As a result of his growing paranoia, he also began introducing extreme security measures and employee policies.[4][5][6]

This worsened when RobCo Industries began attempting a corporate takeover, attacking H&H Tools on the stock market.[7] This resulted in Anthony suffering a total mental breakdown, and several months before the Great War, he sealed the Vegas factory and activated its security systems, turning the factory into a deathtrap for centuries to come.[8]

Known facilities[]


Known employees[]


  • The company came into existence by May of 2020.[11] Robert House was born in June of 2020.[12]
  • The company and locations alternate using the distinction "H&H Tool" and the plural "H&H Tools" for their name.
  • The pre-War auto-axe seen in Fallout 76 bears the H&H Tools logo. Its assets (including animations and mods) were added to the files in the Wastelanders update, but it was not implemented until Expeditions: The Pitt.


H&H Tools Company appears in Fallout: New Vegas and its products appear in the add-on Lonesome Road, as well as Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update. H&H Tools Company cosmetic items could be unlocked in Fallout 76's tenth and thirteenth seasons.[Non-game 3] Its products were also introduced to Fallout 4 in 2024 with its next-gen update.

Behind the scenes[]

H&H Tools Company is a reference to the real world Hughes Tool Company.



  1. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; terminal, E-Mail from Jack Maynard
  2. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; Journal Entry 05/14/2061
  3. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; suspicious terminal, Journal Entry 07/12/2062
  4. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; terminal, HR E-mail 05/14/2020
  5. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; terminal, HR E-mail 07/25/2022
  6. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; terminal, HR E-mail 11/08/2023
  7. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; terminal, E-Mail from Alan Dalton
  8. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; Anthony House's terminal, Journal Entry 06/19/2077
  9. Placard in the lobby and four signs throughout the workshop
  10. Fallout 4 loading screens: The baseball launcher began as a modified H&H Tools Blowjet CC-500E, a fusion powered leaf blower design to jettison pesky leaves off your yard and into the stratosphere. In modern times, wastelanders were able to modify the blower to fire baseballs with increased velocity and lethal results.
  11. H&H Tools factory terminal entries
  12. A tragedy has befallen all mankind
  13. The Courier: "Where might I find these parts?"
    William Farber: "I don't know. Try the various traders around the wastes, or the pawn shop in Westside might have some parts. Oh, I've heard of a place called House Tools you could check out! Its an old factory on the north side of Vegas. Just a word of warning, though. I hear no one who goes in there comes back out. Could be traps, crazy robots, or who knows what in that place."
    (William Farber's dialogue)


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collectors Edition p.305: "[2.06] H&H Tools factory
    Long before the war, H&H Tools Company provided Nevada and California high-quality robotics equipment. Owned by the half-brother of Robert Edwin House (the founder of RobCo, and—were it not for the 200 year gap—the same man who lives in the Lucky 38 Casino). When their father was killed in an accident, the elder brother swindled Robert out of the family fortune, and assumed control of the company.
    Robert went on, through his dealings with RobCo and their lucrative contracts, to become one of the wealthiest men on earth. His half-brother meanwhile, became increasingly paranoid, seeking to guard himself against a vengeance that never came, and inflicting all manner of strange HR rules on his workforce. The remains of this factory still stand, surrounded by husk-like remains of North Vegas' industrial area."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  2. Fallout 76: Is the Atomic Shop or Creation Club considered canon?: Emil Pagliarulo: "Atomic Shop is a lot...we found that Atomic Shop tends to not be canon so much, it's a lot looser. Just because it's, y'know, stuff that you purchase or use Atoms get into your game that is, like... there's a big fun factor there. There's a lot of stuff in Atomic Shop that we could take out because it's not strictly Fallout canon, and then players would be bummed. Because it's in a live multiplayer game, you... it's always a judgement call, it's tough. There's a lot of stuff that's... the canon rules are a lot lighter with the Atomic Shop stuff. Because we want people to have what they want and just have fun." Note: This video is an excerpt from a longer interview at Gamescom 2020.
  3. Fallout 76 season 10 and rewards.