
Awareness raising for better reintegration: the experience of girls in street situations in Douala

Nyalla, a district of Douala, is home to many young girls from rural and disadvantaged areas who do not live with their families. Because of their isolation and lack of resources, many of them end up in street situations. There is an increased risk of prostitution, whether forced or out of spite, exposing them to numerous dangers such as trauma, unwanted pregnancy and disease. To address this issue, we are working with our partner Chaîne des foyers Saint-Nicodème (CFSN) to support young girls living on the streets through the New-Bell day centre and the Arts and Style vocational training centre. Through these two facilities, they are supported until they become socially and financially independent.

Children's month celebrations on the African continent

The International Day of the African Child on 16 June commemorates the movement of children in Soweto, South Africa, under the Apartheid regime in 1976, who were murdered while demonstrating for their right to education. Since then, it has been celebrated across the continent as a reminder of the importance of respecting the rights of all children. The month of June is often dedicated to children. Our partners organise various activities to raise awareness of the different issues faced by the children they support. Let's take a look back at the events organised by two of our partners in June 2024.

Exams finished for Birdhouse apprentices with a 100% success rate!

The years go by and never look the same at Birdhouse, our vocational training restaurant for young people who have dropped out of school, based in Geneva. The 5th school year is already coming to an end this July, with the exam session for the AFP and CFC apprentices. We are proud to count 4 new graduates for the school year 2023-2024, a 100% success rate! Since the project began in 2019, we have 18 young graduates.

Mario Fetz hands over to Bénédicte Pansier as Secretary General of FAAI

Secretary General of the FAAI since 2017, Mario Fetz has played an active role in the development and influence of the Foundation, contributing his considerable expertise and commitment. He has made a significant contribution to the protection and defence of children's rights and the integration of young people in difficulty, both in the field with our partners and in Geneva with the Birdhouse Restaurant. He is now handing over to Bénédicte Pansier.

Steeve Haller, a committed educator for young people at Birdhouse

The Birdhouse, our Geneva-based vocational training restaurant for young people who have dropped out of school, aims to support young apprentices until they obtain their diploma (AFP or CFC). To this end, professionals supervise them on a daily basis to ensure they are in the best possible conditions to succeed. Story of the day: Steeve Haller, integration coach since the Birdhouse opened in 2019.

Our partners celebrating 12 April: united for children in street situations!

International Day for Street Children is a day of celebration for our local partners. Every 12 April, they organise events to send strong messages to the authorities and raise awareness among the general public, but also to celebrate the day with children in street situations. Our partners offer them activities specially designed for them, including games, meals, medical care as well as discussion and awareness-raising sessions. Our partners are mobilising alongside the children on this special day. Here's a look back at the activities that took place in Brazzaville (Congo), Douala (Cameroon) and Antananarivo (Madagascar).

From the streets of Madagascar to the Human Rights Council: Ronaldo and Elia speak out

To mark International Day for Street Children (12 April), two children who have lived on the streets of Madagascar came to Geneva to talk about their experiences at the United Nations. The two children spoke at the Human Rights Council's annual Day on the Rights of the Child, which focused on inclusive social protection. Ronaldo and Marie Elia, 13, tell the story of this extraordinary adventure.

Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International

The Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International (FAAI) is a Swiss charitable foundation established in 2013. It is committed to protecting children’s rights, promoting the education and integration of young people in difficulty and supporting families, in partnership with local actors who share the same goals.

Alongside its partners, the FAAI advocates for children’s rights with United Nations institutions, focusing on children in street situations. 

Who we are

Our activities

Child protection

Support children in street situations to promote their rights and reintegrate them sustainably into society.

Integration and entrepreneurship

Provide young people with vocational training and socio-educational support to enable them to build a better future.

Family and parenting support

Support parents in their educational role and empower them as key actors in child protection.


Support our partners in their advocacy activities with national and international decision-makers to ensure respect for children’s rights.