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LookBook for WooCommerce – Shoppable with Product Tags

LookBook for WooCommerce – Shoppable with Product Tags


WooCommerce Instagram Shop will be a new opportunity for newbie start-ups in the middle of the digital shift and the rise of online business. If you are thinking about the Instagram shop with WooCommerce, start an online business on WooCommerce and Instagram platforms, the WooCommerce Lookbook plugin should not be ignored. WooCommerce Instagram Shop will come true if you start setting up the special goals and let’s run into business with this plugin.

WooCommerce Lookbook allows you to create realistic lookbooks of your products, help your customers visualize how products look in real life.

Try the Demo | Documents | Pro Version) | Facebook group

Important Notice:

  • Plugin works based on WooCommerce 7.x plugin.
  • It is released on ‘’ and you can use plugin as free to build themes for sale.



  • Create Lookbooks: Create Lookbooks by using nodes to mark products position on photos. By click on nodes, customers can see products information with name, short description, price… Customers will also be able to add products to cart from Lookbooks..

  • Add node: Adding 2 nodes and drag and drop it to mark product positions on Lookbooks.

  • Drag and drop: Easy to select node position by using drag and drop feature. Hold mouse over nodes and move it to the product position on pictures.

  • Slides: You can combine lookbooks and display it on front-end as a slide.

  • Autoplay: Automatical plays the slide with a specified auto-move duration.

  • Autoplay duration: Select a specified time to move to the next lookbook with autoplay slides option.

  • Lookbooks in single product page: Automatical finds lookbooks that include the product and displays that lookbook in the product description.

  • Link Redirect: If this option is enabled, clicking on a node will redirect to the single product page.

  • External Link: An option for External/Affiliate products, clicking on a node will redirect to the external link instead of the single product page.

  • Shortcodes: Use shortcodes to put lookbook anywhere you want on your sites


  • Quickview: By click on nodes, customers will open a QuickView popup. The QuickView popup provides them the product name, short description, price.

  • Add to Cart: There is also an Add to Cart button on the QuickView popup, allowing customers to select a quantity and add the product to cart.


  • Shop by Instagram: Sync published pictures from any Instagram account to your WooCommerce Lookbook and using it to create lookbooks, slides. Enter an Instagram username to sync pictures from that account to WooCommerce Lookbook. You will be able to sync 12 pictures at one time.

  • Link to Instagram: Enable the “View on Instagram” button on the Quickview popup, the button will lead to the original Instagram page which you used to create the Lookbook.

  • Carousel/Gallery display: Display Instagram lookbooks on the frontend in Carousel or Gallery style.


  • Nodes color: Design nodes with main color, background color, border color

  • Product title: Choose to display or hide the product titles above the nodes on Lookbooks.

  • Title color: Design product titles color with text color and background color.

  • Quickview pop-up design: Design QuickView popup with text color, background color, border-radius.

  • Close button: Select to display or hide the Close button on Quickview popup.

  • See more button: Select to display or hide the see more button on Quickview popup. The see more button will lead to the single product page.

  • Slide size: Customize the slide size with width and height.

  • Slide Pagination/Navigation: Enable or disable the slide pagination/navigation on the frontend.

  • Custom Script: Add your own CSS code to fully customize lookbook as you want.


  • Easy to use: Easy to find out how to use this plugin with a friendly user interface


Using shortcode to display lookbooks on front-ends as a single lookbook image, gallery, carousel.

  • Carousel of Instagram photos: [woocommerce_lookbook_instagram style=’carouse’ row=’number’ limit=’x’]

  • Gallery of Instagram photos: [woocommerce_lookbook_instagram style=’gallery’ row=’number’ limit=’x’]

  • Single lookbook: [woocommerce_lookbook id=’111′]

  • Gallery of lookbooks: [woocommerce_lookbook_slide id=”123,456″ layout =”gallery”]

  • Carousel of lookbooks: [woocommerce_lookbook_slide id=”123,456″ layout =”carousel”]


All features of the free version.

6 months Premium support

Auto-update: Using Envato purchase code to enable the auto-update feature. Each purchase code can be used to active auto-update for one domain.

Add node: Adding unlimited nodes and drag and drop it to mark product positions on Lookbooks.

Node Icon: Select your favorite node icon with four options default, number, marker, alphabet.

Loading Icon: Select your favorite loading icon with ten available icons to be selected.

Support RTL: support the Right to Left website fully.

Instagram sync schedule time: Let the plugin automatically sync photos from Instagram.

Instagram synced picture status: Select visible status for lookbook synced from Instagram pending, publish or a draft.

Image Quantity: Select how many images will be synced from Instagram.


► Check screenshots at


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Plugin Links


  • Fashion demo
  • Furniture demo
  • Product detail
  • Shop


  1. Unzip the download package
  2. Upload woo-lookbook to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


October 18, 2021 1 reply
I am a website builder as a beginner, though I can use it easily. recommend!
November 16, 2020
author has an extraordinary facility to explain very well all the steps necessary for the plugin to work; Untagged Instagram images are tagged in woo commerce. It´s works. I didn’t get it or I didn’t understand why I didn’t sync the tagged images back to Instagram. It is on Instagram that I have a great interest in seeing my tagged images. It is possible that I did not understand very well, but I understand it is interesting to return the tagged images to Instagram. The sync worked for me only from instagram to woocommerce and not from woocommerce to instagram. Instagram ==> woocommerce OK woocommerce ====> instagram not OK.
January 8, 2020 1 reply
Still can’t seem to figure out the video part. The Lookbook or pictures for sure is working great. I wish that text would only appear when hovering, but that is (guessing) a pro setting. Together with another plugin that works with layers and this lookbook you can make perfect pictures or complete frontpages. Ideas keep coming more and more I’m working with the Lookbook. Great stuff
April 16, 2018
This is a great plugin – it looks really sleek, plus it’s very easy to configure and set up the way you’d like. Also, credit goes to the fast and helpful support team.
Read all 5 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“LookBook for WooCommerce – Shoppable with Product Tags” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.1.5 – 2024.05.20
– Updated: System status page

1.1.4 – 2024.05.15
– Updated: Update security

1.1.3 – 2024.05.06
– Updated: Update support css file

1.1.2 – 2024.04.13
– Updated: Update support file
– Updated: Compatible with WC 8.7 and WP 6.5

1.1.1 – 2024.01.04
– Updated: Role for search product in create new lookbook

1.1.0 – 2023.09.05
– Updated: Compatible with High-Performance order storage (COT)

1.0.10 – 2023.02.21
– Updated: Add nonce for ajax action

1.0.9 – 2022.05.21
– Updated: Update support file
– Update: Compatible with Elementor 3.1

1.0.8 – 2022.03.29
– Fixed: Error when save Lookbook data
– Updated: Update support file – 2022.03.21
– Fixed: Lookbook align option on single product
– Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.3 and WP 5.9
– Update: support class – 2022.01.15
– Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.1 – 2021.08.12
– Update: support class – 2020.07.23
– Fixed: Sync from Instagram – 2020.07.17
– Updated: Facebook API update permission

1.0.7 – 2020.05.20
– Updated: Compatible with Elementor – 2020.04.23
– Updated: Support file

/ – 2019.11.16
-Fixed: Sanitize input data

/ – 2019.10.10
-Fixed: Setting link in plugin page

/ – 2019.10.07
– Updated: Update readme

/ – 2019.09.26
– Updated: Remove Facebook trademarks

/ – 2019.05.10
– Updated: Change plugin name
– Updated: Change premium version url

/1.0.6 – 2019.04.03
– Fixed: Tab JS in backend
– Updated: Make admin notices dismissible

/ – 2018.10.17/
– Remove: Upgrade notice

/ – 2018.10.15/
– Remove: Upgrade notice

/1.0.5 – 2018.07.05/
– Updated: Instagram API
– Updated: Support class

/1.0.4 – 2018.06.15/
– Fixed: Warring on category

/ – 2018.05.11/
– Updated: Class Support

/1.0.3 – 2018.04.16/
– Updated: New Instagram API

/1.0.2 – 2018.04.16/
– Fixed: CSS on front end

/ – 2018.04.11/
– Updated: Class support

/1.0.1 – 2018.04.02/
– Updated: New Instgram API

/ – 2018.03.09/
– Fixed: add external product

/1.0.0 – 2018.03.08/
~ The first released