Tags: inputs


Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Fine-tuning Text Inputs

Garrett talks through some handy HTML attributes: spellcheck, autofocus, autocapitalize, autocomplete, and autocorrect:

While they feel like small details, when we set these attributes on inputs, we streamline things for visitors while also guiding the browser on when it should just get out of the way.

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

Displaying HTML web components

Those HTML web components I made for date inputs are very simple. All they do is slightly extend the behaviour of the existing input elements.

This would be the ideal use-case for the is attribute:

<input is="input-date-future" type="date">

Alas, Apple have gone on record to say that they will never ship support for customized built-in elements.

So instead we have to make HTML web components by wrapping existing elements in new custom elements:

  <input type="date">

The end result is the same. Mostly.

Because there’s now an additional element in the DOM, there could be unexpected styling implications. Like, suppose the original element was direct child of a flex or grid container. Now that will no longer be true.

So something I’ve started doing with HTML web components like these is adding something like this inside the connectedCallback method:

connectedCallback() {
    this.style.display = 'contents';

This tells the browser that, as far as styling is concerned, there’s nothing to see here. Move along.

Or you could (and probably should) do it in your stylesheet instead:

input-date-future {
  display: contents;

Just to be clear, you should only use display: contents if your HTML web component is augmenting what’s within it. If you add any behaviours or styling to the custom element itself, then don’t add this style declaration.

It’s a bit of a hack to work around the lack of universal support for the is attribute, but it’ll do.

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Pickin’ dates on iOS

This is a little follow-up to my post about web components for date inputs.

If you try the demo on iOS it doesn’t work. There’s nothing stopping you selecting any date.

That’s nothing to do with the web components. It turns out that Safari on iOS doesn’t support min and max on date inputs. This is also true of any other browser on iOS because they’re all just Safari in a trenchcoat …for now.

I was surprised — input type="date" has been around for a long time now. I mean, it’s not the end of the world. You’d have to do validation on inputted dates on the server anyway, but it sure would be nice for the user experience of filling in forms.

Alas, it doesn’t look like this is something on the interop radar.

What really surprised me was looking at Can I Use. That shows Safari on iOS as fully supporting date inputs.

Maybe it’s just semantic nitpickery on my part but I would consider that the lack of support for the min and max attributes means that date inputs are partially supported.

Can I Use gets its data from here. I guess I need to study the governance rules and try to figure out how to submit a pull request to update the currently incorrect information.

Thursday, April 11th, 2024

Pickin’ dates

I had the opportunity to trim some code from The Session recently. That’s always a good feeling.

In this case, it was a progressive enhancement pattern that was no longer needed. Kind of like removing a polyfill.

There are a couple of places on the site where you can input a date. This is exactly what input type="date" is for. But when I was making the interface, the support for this type of input was patchy.

So instead the interface used three select dropdowns: one for days, one for months, and one for years. Then I did a bit of feature detection and if the browser supported input type="date", I replaced the three selects with one date input.

It was a little fiddly but it worked.

Fast forward to today and input type="date" is supported across the board. So I threw away the JavaScript and updated the HTML to use date inputs by default. Nice!

I was discussing date inputs recently when I was talking to students in Amsterdam:

They’re given a PDF inheritance-tax form and told to convert it for the web.

That form included dates. The dates were all in the past so the students wanted to be able to set a max value on the datepicker. Ideally that should be done on the server, but it would be nice if you could easily do it in the browser too.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could specify past dates like this?

<input type="date" max="today">

Or for future dates:

<input type="date" min="today">

Alas, no such syntactic sugar exists in HTML so we need to use JavaScript.

This seems like an ideal use-case for HTML web components:

Instead of all-singing, all-dancing web components, it feels a lot more elegant to use web components to augment your existing markup with just enough extra behaviour.

In this case, it would be nice to augment an existing input type="date" element. Something like this:

   <input type="date">

Here’s the JavaScript that does the augmentation:

 customElements.define('input-date-past', class extends HTMLElement {
     constructor() {
     connectedCallback() {
         this.querySelector('input[type="date"]').setAttribute('max', new Date().toISOString().substring(0,10));

That’s it.

Here’s a CodePen where you can see it in action along with another HTML web component for future dates called, you guessed it, input-date-future.

See the Pen Date input HTML web components by Jeremy Keith (@adactio) on CodePen.

Saturday, April 6th, 2024

How would you build Wordle with just HTML and CSS? | Scott Jehl, Web Designer/Developer

This is a great thought exercise in progressive enhancement …that Scott then turns into a real exercise!

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Hanging punctuation in CSS

There’s a lovely CSS property called hanging-punctuation. You can use it to do exactly what the name suggests and exdent punctuation marks such as opening quotes.

Here’s one way to apply it:

html {
  hanging-punctuation: first last;

Any punctuation marks at the beginning or end of a line will now hang over the edge, leaving you with nice clean blocks of text; no ragged edges.

Right now it’s only supported in Safari but there’s no reason not to use it. It’s a perfect example of progressive enhancement. One line of CSS to tidy things up for the browsers that support it and leave things exactly as they are for the browsers that don’t.

But when I used this over on The Session I noticed an unintended side-effect. Because I’m applying the property globally, it’s also acting on form fields. If the text inside a form field starts with a quotation mark or some other piece of punctuation, it’s shunted off to the side and hidden.

Here’s the fix I used:

input, textarea {
  hanging-punctuation: none;

It’s a small little gotcha but I figured I’d share it in case it helps someone else out.

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

SCALABLE: Save form data to localStorage and auto-complete on refresh

When I was in Amsterdam I was really impressed with the code that Rose was writing and I encouraged her to share it. Here it is: drop this script into a web page with a form to have its values automatically saved into local storage (and automatically loaded into the form if something goes wrong before the form is submitted).

Wednesday, March 20th, 2024

Progressive disclosure defaults

When I wrote about my time in Amsterdam last week, I mentioned the task that the students were given:

They’re given a PDF inheritance-tax form and told to convert it for the web.

Rich had a question about that:

I’m curious to know if they had the opportunity to optimise the user experience of the form for an online environment, eg. splitting it up into a sequence of questions, using progressive disclosure, branching based on inputs, etc?

The answer is yes, very much so. Progressive disclosure was a very clear opportunity for enhancement.

You know the kind of paper form where it says “If you answered no to this, then skip ahead to that”? On the web, we can do the skipping automatically. Or to put it another way, we can display a section of the form only when the user has ticked the appropriate box.

This is a classic example of progressive disclosure:

information is revealed when it becomes relevant to the current task.

But what should the mechanism be?

This is an interaction design pattern so JavaScript seems the best choice. JavaScript is for behaviour.

On the other hand, you can do this in CSS using the :checked pseudo-class. And the principle of least power suggests using the least powerful language suitable for a given task.

I’m torn on this. I’m not sure if there’s a correct answer. I’d probably lean towards JavaScript just because it’s then possible to dynamically update ARIA attributes like aria-expanded—very handy in combination with aria-controls. But using CSS also seems perfectly reasonable to me.

It was interesting to see which students went down the JavaScript route and which ones used CSS.

It used to be that using the :checked pseudo-class involved an adjacent sibling selector, like this:

input.disclosure-switch:checked ~ .disclosure-content {
  display: block;

That meant your markup had to follow a specific pattern where the elements needed to be siblings:

<div class="disclosure-container">
  <input type="checkbox" class="disclosure-switch">
  <div class="disclosure-content">

But none of the students were doing that. They were all using :has(). That meant that their selector could be much more robust. Even if the nesting of their markup changes, the CSS will still work. Something like this:

.disclosure-container:has(.disclosure-switch:checked) .disclosure-content

That will target the .disclosure-content element anywhere inside the same .disclosure-container that has the .disclosure-switch. Much better! (Ignore these class names by the way—I’m just making them up to illustrate the idea.)

But just about every student ended up with something like this in their style sheets:

.disclosure-content {
  display: none;
.disclosure-container:has(.disclosure-switch:checked) .disclosure-content {
  display: block;

That gets my spidey-senses tingling. It doesn’t smell right to me. Here’s why…

The simpler selector is doing the more destructive action: hiding content. There’s a reliance on the more complex selector to display content.

If a browser understands the first ruleset but not the second, that content will be hidden by default.

I know that :has() is very well supported now, but this still makes me nervous. I feel that the more risky action (hiding content) should belong to the more complex selector.

Thanks to the :not() selector, you can reverse the logic of the progressive disclosure:

.disclosure-content {
  display: block;
.disclosure-container:not(:has(.disclosure-switch:checked)) .disclosure-content {
  display: none;

Now if a browser understands the first ruleset, but not the second, it’s not so bad. The content remains visible.

When I was explaining this way of thinking to the students, I used an analogy.

Suppose you’re building a physical product that uses electricity. What should happen if there’s a power cut? Like, if you’ve got a building with electric doors, what should happen when the power is cut off? Should the doors be locked by default? Or is it safer to default to unlocked doors?

It’s a bit of a tortured analogy, but it’s one I’ve used in the past when talking about JavaScript on the web. I like to think about JavaScript as being like electricity…

Take an existing product, like say, a toothbrush. Now imagine what you can do when you turbo-charge it with electricity: an electric toothbrush!

But also consider what happens when the electricity fails. Instead of the product becoming useless you want it to revert back to being a regular old toothbrush.

That’s the same mindset I’m encouraging for the progressive disclosure pattern. Make sure that the default state is safe. Then enhance.

Wednesday, August 9th, 2023

Progressively Enhanced Form Validation, Part 1: HTML and CSS – Cloud Four

A great reminder of just how much you can do with modern markup and styles when it comes to form validation. The :user-invalid and :user-valid pseudo-classes are particularly handy!

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

Why Chatbots Are Not the Future by Amelia Wattenberger

Of course, users can learn over time what prompts work well and which don’t, but the burden to learn what works still lies with every single user. When it could instead be baked into the interface.

Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Dumb Password Rules

A hall of shame for ludicrously convoluted password rules that actually reduce security.

Thursday, January 19th, 2023

Three attributes for better web forms

Forms on the web are an opportunity to make big improvements to the user experience with very little effort. The effort can be as little as sprinkling in a smattering of humble HTML attributes. But the result can be a turbo-charged experience for the user, allowing them to sail through their task.

This is particularly true on mobile devices where people have to fill in forms using a virtual keyboard. Any improvement you can make to their flow is worth investigating. But don’t worry: you don’t need to add a complex JavaScript library or write convoluted code. Well-written HTML will get you very far.

If you’re using the right input type value, you’re most of the way there. Browsers on mobile devices can use this value to infer which version of the virtual keyboard is best. So think beyond the plain text value, and use search, email, url, tel, or number when they’re appropriate.

But you can offer more hints to those browsers. Here are three attributes you can add to input elements. All three are enumerated values, which means they have a constrained vocabulary. You don’t need to have these vocabularies memorised. You can look them when you need to.


The inputmode attribute is the most direct hint you can give about the virtual keyboard you want. Some of the values are redundant if you’re already using an input type of search, email, tel, or url.

But there might be occasions where you want a keyboard optimised for numbers but the input should also accept other characters. In that case you can use an input type of text with an inputmode value of numeric. This also means you don’t get the spinner controls on desktop browsers that you’d normally get with an input type of number. It can be quite useful to supress the spinner controls for numbers that aren’t meant to be incremented.

If you combine inputmode="numeric" with pattern="[0-9]", you’ll get a numeric keypad with no other characters.

The list of possible values for inputmode is text, numeric, decimal, search, email, tel, and url.


Whereas the inputmode attribute provides a hint about which virtual keyboard to show, the enterkeyhint attribute provides an additional hint about one specific key on that virtual keyboard: the enter key.

For search forms, you’ve got an enterkeyhint option of search, and for contact forms, you’ve got send.

The enterkeyhint only changes the labelling of the enter key. On some browsers that label is text. On others it’s an icon. But the attribute by itself doesn’t change the functionality. Even though there are enterkeyhint values of previous and next, by default the enter key will still submit the form. So those two values are less useful on long forms where the user is going from field to field, and more suitable for a series of short forms.

The list of possible values is enter, done, next, previous, go, search, and send.


The autocomplete attribute doesn’t have anything to do with the virtual keyboard. Instead it provides a hint to the browser about values that could pre-filled from the user’s browser profile.

Most browsers try to guess when they can they do this, but they don’t always get it right, which can be annoying. If you explicitly provide an autocomplete hint, browsers can confidently prefill the appropriate value.

Just think about how much time this can save your users!

There’s a name value you can use to get full names pre-filled. But if you have form fields for different parts of names—which I wouldn’t recommend—you’ve also got:

  • given-name,
  • additional-name,
  • family-name,
  • nickname,
  • honorific-prefix, and
  • honorific-suffix.

You might be tempted to use the nickname field for usernames, but no need; there’s a separate username value.

As with names, there’s a single tel value for telephone numbers, but also an array of sub-values if you’ve split telephone numbers up into separate fields:

  • tel-country-code,
  • tel-national,
  • tel-area-code,
  • tel-local, and
  • tel-extension.

There’s a whole host of address-related values too:

  • street-address,
  • address-line1,
  • address-line2, and
  • address-line3, but also
  • address-level1,
  • address-level2,
  • address-level3, and
  • address-level4.

If you have an international audience, addresses can get very messy if you’re trying to split them into separate parts like this.

There’s also postal-code (that’s a ZIP code for Americans), but again, if you have an international audience, please don’t make this a required field. Not every country has postal codes.

Speaking of countries, you’ve got a country-name value, but also a country value for the country’s ISO code.

Remember, the autocomplete value is specifically for the details of the current user. If someone is filling in their own address, use autocomplete. But if someone has specified that, say, a billing address and a shipping address are different, that shipping address might not be the address associated with that person.

On the subject of billing, if your form accepts credit card details, definitely use autocomplete. The values you’ll probably need are:

  • cc-name for the cardholder,
  • cc-number for the credit card number itself,
  • cc-exp for the expiry date, and
  • cc-csc for the security again.

Again, some of these values can be broken down further if you need them: cc-exp-month and cc-exp-year for the month and year of the expiry date, for example.

The autocomplete attribute is really handy for log-in forms. Definitely use the values of email or username as appropriate.

If you’re using two-factor authentication, be sure to add an autocomplete value of one-time-code to your form field. That way, the browser can offer to prefill a value from a text message. That saves the user a lot of fiddly copying and pasting. Phil Nash has more details on the Twilio blog.

Not every mobile browser offers this functionality, but that’s okay. This is classic progressive enhancement. Adding an autocomplete value won’t do any harm to a browser that doesn’t yet understand the value.

Use an autocomplete value of current-password for password fields in log-in forms. This is especially useful for password managers.

But if a user has logged in and is editing their profile to change their password, use a value of new-password. This will prevent the browser from pre-filling that field with the existing password.

That goes for sign-up forms too: use new-password. With this hint, password managers can offer to automatically generate a secure password.

There you have it. Three little HTML attributes that can help users interact with your forms. All you have to do was type a few more characters in your input elements, and users automatically get a better experience.

This is a classic example of letting the browser do the hard work for you. As Andy puts it, be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager:

Give the browser some solid rules and hints, then let it make the right decisions for the people that visit it, based on their device, connection quality and capabilities.

This post has also been translated into French.

Thursday, September 8th, 2022

TIL: You Can Access A User’s Camera with Just HTML

The capture attribute is pretty nifty—and I just love that you get so much power in a declarative way:

<input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="environment">

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

Bring Focus to the First Form Field with an Error :: Aaron Gustafson

A handy little script from Aaron to improve the form validation experience.

Saturday, June 4th, 2022

The ‘Form’ Element Created the Modern Web. Was It a Big Mistake? | WIRED

Paul Ford:

The web was born to distribute information on computers, but the technology industry can never leave well enough alone. It needs to make everything into software. To the point that your internet browser is basically no longer a magical book of links but a virtual machine that can simulate a full-fledged computer.

Monday, April 25th, 2022

UI Pattern: Natural Language Form

I only just found this article about those “mad libs” style forms that I started with Huffduffer.

Tuesday, April 19th, 2022

Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager. - Build Excellent Websites

This one-page site that Andy has made to illustrate his talk at All Day Hey is exactly what I was talking about with declarative design.

Give the browser some solid rules and hints, then let it make the right decisions for the people that visit it, based on their device, connection quality and capabilities. This is how they will get a genuinely great user experience, rather than a fragmented, broken one.

Thursday, April 14th, 2022

Declarative design

I feel like in the past few years there’s been a number of web design approaches that share a similar mindset. Intrinsic web design by Jen; Every Layout by Andy and Heydon; Utopia by Trys and James.

To some extent, their strengths lie in technological advances in CSS: flexbox, grid, calc, and so on. But more importantly, they share an approach. They all focus on creating the right inputs rather than trying to control every possible output. Leave the final calculations for those outputs to the browser—that’s what computers are good at.

As Andy puts it:

Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager.

Reflecting on Utopia’s approach, Jim Nielsen wrote:

We say CSS is “declarative”, but the more and more I write breakpoints to accommodate all the different ways a design can change across the viewport spectrum, the more I feel like I’m writing imperative code. At what quantity does a set of declarative rules begin to look like imperative instructions?

In contrast, one of the principles of Utopia is to be declarative and “describe what is to be done rather than command how to do it”. This approach declares a set of rules such that you could pick any viewport width and, using a formula, derive what the type size and spacing would be at that size.

Declarative! Maybe that’s the word I’ve been looking for to describe the commonalities between Utopia, Every Layout, and intrinsic web design.

So if declarative design is a thing, does that also mean imperative design is also a thing? And what might the tools and technologies for imperative design look like?

I think that Tailwind might be a good example of an imperative design tool. It’s only about the specific outputs. Systematic thinking is actively discouraged; instead you say exactly what you want the final pixels on the screen to be.

I’m not saying that declarative tools—like Utopia—are right and that imperative tools—like Tailwind—are wrong. As always, it depends. In this case, it depends on the mindset you have.

If you agree with this statement, you should probably use an imperative design tool:

CSS is broken and I want my tools to work around the way CSS has been designed.

But if you agree with this statement, you should probably use a declarative design tool:

CSS is awesome and I want my tools to amplify the way that CSS had been designed.

If you agree with the first statement but you then try using a declarative tool like Utopia or Every Layout, you will probably have a bad time. You’ll probably hate it. You may declare the tool to be “bad”.

Likewise if you agree with the second statement but you then try using an imperative tool like Tailwind, you will probably have a bad time. You’ll probably hate it. You may declare the tool to be “bad”.

It all depends on whether the philosophy behind the tool matches your own philosophy. If those philosophies match up, then using the tool will be productive and that tool will act as an amplifier—a bicycle for the mind. But if the philosophy of the tool doesn’t match your own philosophy, then you will be fighting the tool at every step—it will slow you down.

Knowing that this spectrum exists between declarative tools and imperative tools can help you when you’re evaluating technology. You can assess whether a web design tool is being marketed on the premise that CSS is broken or on the premise that CSS is awesome.

I wonder whether your path into web design and development might also factor into which end of the spectrum you’d identify with. Like, if your background is in declarative languages like HTML and CSS, maybe intrisic web design really resonates. But if your background is in imperative languages like JavaScript, perhaps Tailwind makes more sense to you.

Again, there’s no right or wrong here. This is about matching the right tool to the right mindset.

Personally, the declarative design approach fits me like a glove. It feels like it’s in the tradition of John’s A Dao Of Web Design or Ethan’s Responsive Web Design—ways of working with the grain of the web.

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

Priority of design inputs

As you may already know, I’m a nerd for design principles. I collect them. I did a podcast episode on them. I even have a favourite design principle. It’s from the HTML design principles. The priority of constituencies:

In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity.

It’s all about priorities, see?

Prioritisation isn’t easy, and it gets harder the more factors come into play: user needs, business needs, technical constraints. But it’s worth investing the time to get agreement on the priority of your constituencies. And then formulate that agreement into design principles.

Jason is also a fan of the priority of constituencies. He recently wrote about applying it to design systems and came up with this:

User needs come before the needs of component consumers, which come before the needs of component developers, which come before the needs of the design system team, which come before theoretical purity.

That got me thinking about how this framing could be applied to other areas, like design.

Designers are used to juggling different needs (or constituencies); user needs, business needs, and so on. But what I’m interested in is how designers weigh up different inputs into the design process.

The obvious inputs are the insights you get from research. But even that can be divided into different categories. There’s qualitative research (talking to people) and qualitative research (sifting through numbers). Which gets higher priority?

There are other inputs too. Take best practices. If there’s a tried and tested solution to a problem, should that take priority over something new and untested? Maybe another way of phrasing it is to call it experience (whether that’s the designer’s own experience or the collective experience of the industry).

And though we might not like to acknowledge it because it doesn’t sound very scientific, gut instinct is another input into the design process. Although maybe that’s also related to experience.

Finally, how do you prioritise stakeholder wishes? What do you do if the client or the boss wants something that conflicts with user needs?

I could imagine a priority of design inputs that looks like this:

Qualitative research over quantitative research over stakeholder wishes over best practices over gut instinct.

But that could change over time. Maybe an experienced designer can put their gut instinct higher in the list, overruling best practices and stakeholder wishes …and maybe even some research insights? I don’t know.

I’ve talked before about how design principles should be reversible in a different context. The original priority of constituencies, for example, applies to HTML. But if you were to invert it, it would work for XML. Different projects have different priorities.

I could certainly imagine company cultures where stakeholder wishes take top billing. There are definitely companies that value qualitative research (data and analytics) above qualitative research (user interviews), and vice-versa.

Is a priority of design inputs something that should change from project to project? If so, maybe it would be good to hammer it out in the discovery phase so everyone’s on the same page.

Anyway, I’m just thinking out loud here. This is something I should chat more about with my colleagues to get their take.

Tuesday, October 5th, 2021

Build a Better Mobile Input

This is such a handy tool for building forms! Choose different combinations of type, inputmode, and autocomplete attributes on input elements and see how that will be conveyed to users on iOS and Android devices.