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  1. I don’t like the idea of supporting religious schools and their extremist ideology. Think Pakistan.

    1. Flat earther’s and creationism believers are hoping more religious private schools are able to be created. It’s the best way they can add members to their ranks.

  2. Yes, the message is “you’re not poor enough…..” It happens in a lot of government programs. It’s there for a reason, the programs should be there for a helping hand, a stepping stone to help individuals better their life position. They are not there to supplement income for families or individuals who should be capable of providing for themselves. IMHO, if you plan on having children, then you need to have enough foresight to plan how you are going to care for that child. If you want to send your child to a private school, then suck up, buck up and dig into your pocketbook. If the public school system is not adequate in your opinion, fine; that’s your choice. But don’t expect the public to pay for your choices. You chose to procreate, now you need to assume all of the responsibilities that go with your decision.