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WordPress News Articles

Stay up to date with WordPress news about releases, latest features and trends in the community. If you are a developer, site owner or business enthusiast this is for you.

what to expect from wordpress 6.3 featured image
WordPress News

WordPress 6.3 Release – What To Expect

WordPress 6.3, the second major WordPress release of 2023, is finally here! This release is packed full for features and improvements, primarily focused on the full site editing experience.

Team in office celebrating looking happy throwing papers
WordPress News

Celebrating WordPress at 20

The world’s most popular content management system is all grown up! On May 27th, WordPress is turning 20. The content management system has done a lot in two decades. An estimated 800 million websites use […]

Woman with glasses wearing yellow sweater holding pen using laptop with a notebook beside
WordPress News

Harnessing the Power of WordPress and AI

You can barely read the news or scan social media these days without encountering a story on artificial intelligence (AI).  Earlier this month in Post Status’ Slack, Matt Mullenweg said, “In 2015, I told you […]

White male standing at a podium with text Hot Takes from State of the Word
WordPress News

Hot Takes from State of the Word

WordPress had a big year in 2022. WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg shared many of the highlights in this year’s State of the Word.  The annual review of what’s happening with WordPress and where it’s headed […]

Red haired woman with tattoo sitting using laptop on table
WordPress News

WordPress Gutenberg Updates: All You Need to Know

The new WordPress block editor has improved a lot since its initial release. If you skipped making the switch to the Gutenberg block editor because you thought it wouldn’t work for your site or it […]