Staying one step ahead of the competition is critical. It’s no longer enough to focus on one’s own business, product offerings, customer service, operations, and the like. Business owners need to be actively engaged in collecting insights and data points about the state of their competition. Heck, how are you supposed to know how to win if you don’t know who is running the race and how they’re running it?

In fact, the discipline of collecting competitive insights isn’t simply about gauging the business landscape in your particular vertical. It’s about actively improving your business. Why? Because whether you like it or not, your competitors are, in all likelihood, succeeding in some way that you’re not. They’re failing in some way you’re not. And when you truly start to analyze these successes and failures, you’re in for a veritable goldmine of ideas about how to improve your own operations.

In this post, we’re going to run through seven of the most actionable insights you can collect on your competitors. We’ll show you where to find them, and what they mean. And most importantly, we’ll show you what to do with this data to make more revenue in the form of greater market share this year.

Top competitive insights to collect

There are a ton of ways to go about collecting (and analyzing) competitive insights, and that’s exactly what we’re here to talk about today. Here are the top competitive insights we’re going to cover:

  1. Product suite, features, positioning, and pricing
  2. Review and credibility analysis
  3. Authority and top-level SEO analysis
  4. Content gap, top keywords, and top pages
  5. Backlink analysis
  6. Paid keyword strategy
  7. Paid social creative strategy

Let’s dive in.

1. Product suite, features, positioning, and pricing

Products, features, positioning, and pricing are probably the most important competitive insights you can collect. Why? Because if your products and services aren’t positioned or priced correctly, no amount of marketing or competitive research is going to allow you to beat your competitors.

For pricing, try using a competitive pricing tool like PriceLabs or Repricer. Or try pricing your products or services how they are actually valued. Look at your competitors’ websites. How are they packaging their offerings? What prices are they using? How is your product meaningfully better than theirs? How is it worse? Do you use better materials? Do you have better customer service? How are they positioning their offering as better or different than the other offerings on the market?

example of pricing options from competitor for competitive insights

With regard to price, you may be tempted to undercut your competitors to win more business. But consider what having a lower price says about your product. In fact, consumers will often choose the higher price because they believe a higher price equates to a higher value. And for consumers looking for a lower price, an honest conversation with your sales team about why you are priced higher than your competitors (because your product is better!) is often enough to win the sale.

A good ole’ SWOT analysis can help you keep track of these competitive insights. Try out one of these SWOT analysis templates or check out these SWOT analysis examples to get started.

👀 Want to know how much your competitors might be paying for Google Ads? Download our Search Advertising Benchmarks to find out!

2. Review and credibility analysis

You can use a competitive analysis tool to analyze reviews en masse, but if you’re cash-strapped, you’ll be happy to hear that this step is completely free. Just head to your competitors’ pages on Yelp, Google Business, Amazon, Trustpilot, and the like. Anywhere your competitors’ customers have gone to tell the world exactly how they feel about them.

example of review from competitor

We used a restaurant example here, but whether you’re a software company, a roofing company, or an ecommerce brand, reviews are where you go to understand where your competitors are falling short of their customers’ expectations, where they are meeting them, and where they are exceeding them.

Do they take too long to respond to a support chat? That’s an area where you can beat them. Is there a particular feature one customer wishes they had? That’s an area where you can beat them. Are customers responding positively to your competitors’ pricing? Well, you may want to consider lowering your prices a touch to compete for that business.

⭐️ Want more reviews for your business? We’ve got you covered! Free download >> The Complete Email Marketing Toolkit

3. Authority and top-level SEO analysis

Page and domain authority are a huge factor in your competitor’s ability to outrank you in the search results. Authority is measured on a scale of 0-100, and is essentially the fruit of your greatest ally in off-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization): backlinking.

Does your competitor have a lot of links from other websites? Are they quality links from reputable sites with strong content? These are the questions you need to ask yourself, and you’ll find the answers in tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Moz: any tool that measures authority and can show you your competitors’ backlink profiles.

To find this competitive insight, try typing the name of your domain into Ahrefs, and click on the “Organic Competitors” tab. Note: you will need a paid version of this tool or a free trial to see this competitive insight.

example of competing domains organic traffic

As you can see, Ahrefs gives us a nice scatter plot of how we compare to our competitors in terms of organic traffic, number of pages in the search results, domain rating (or authority), number of organic keywords, and more.

example of competing domains in ahrefs

4. Content gap, top keywords, and top pages

Since we’re talking about SEO, we might as well follow this thread to our content gap analysis. This competitive insight shows you which pages or keywords are generating the most organic traffic for your competitors that you do not rank for. This is yet another tab within tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, and Moz, and it looks like this:

example of keyword gap tool

There are a number of ways to slice and dice this report. You can see which keywords your competitors rank for on page one that you rank for on page two. You can see which keywords you don’t rank for at all that you should rank for. You can sort by traffic. You can also simply pull a list of your competitors’ top organic keywords by traffic.

example of keyword rankings report

Creating a content plan and not sure where to start? Head to the “Top Pages” tab, search for “blog” in the URL, and see where the lion’s share of your competitors’ organic blog traffic is coming from.

However you choose to do it, these reports will start to give you a great idea of what type of content you need to create, and what types of keywords you need to target, in order to enjoy the same organic success as your competitors.

🔎 Need help finding the right keywords? Try our Free Keyword Tool!

5. Backlink analysis

Once we have a high-level hold on how we compare to our competitors organically, we can start digging a bit deeper. It looks like the competitor at the top of the list, the one with whom we share the most common keywords, is crushing us in organic traffic. How have they accrued the domain authority to outrank us on so many critical keywords?

Let’s take a look at their backlinks. We can do this by clicking on the “Backlinks” tab after searching their domain.

example of backlink analysis for competitive insights

We can see here that the first two websites linking to our competitor have really strong authority (92). If we scroll down the list, not only do we start getting a sense of what kind of links we need to accrue in order to compete, but we can start to mark down some great targets for link outreach.

6. Paid keyword strategy

We’ve discussed how to use your competitors’ organic keywords to buoy your business; now, let’s look at a paid keyword report. Once again, you can find this report in a tool like Semrush.

example of paid keyword report

You can see that once we enter a competitor’s domain, we can see who they are competing with, how much paid search traffic they are getting, where their ads are positioned, and most importantly, their top paid keywords. Hop over into the Ad Copies tab, and you can see what messaging they’re using for each of these top keywords:

report that shows where keywords are being used

If you’re running Google Ads on the search network, this is invaluable insight. Understanding where your competitors are getting business from on the search network, and how they’re doing so, can tip you off on what types of keywords you should be bidding on, what your ad copy might look like, and how many clicks and leads you can expect to get from those ads.

🛑 Worried you’re falling behind your competitors in Google Ads? Find out with a free, instant audit >> Google Ads Performance Grader

7. Paid social creative strategy

If you’re running any kind of visual advertising–be it Facebook, Instagram, Display, or Out-of-Home–you’re going to want to get familiar with the Meta Ads Library.

With this library, you can search for any of your competitors’ brands and see exactly what kind of creative they are running:

meta ads library to collect competitive insights

This an awesome sneak peek into your competitor’s paid social strategy. Here you’ll find what types of messaging your competitors use to promote their products, what call-to-actions they use, promotions, ad types, landing pages, and more. You can use this information to do any number of things: inspire your own campaigns, go after a different segment of the market, innovate your products, develop new creative strategies, and more.

Get better competitive insights, build a bigger business

When it comes to competitive insights, the point of diminishing returns comes when you’re focusing more on your competitors than on yourself. But so few business owners are able to think beyond the scope of their own day-to-day operations. The truth is, even small investments in competitive research and analysis can go a long way.

Focus on these seven competitive insights, and you’ll be well on your way to winning business over your competitors.

If you’re in the mindset of analyzing where your business fits into your competitive landscape, you’ve probably heard of a SWOT analysis. Running a SWOT analysis allows business owners and leaders to take a frank look at their operations and determine the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats that they face in their niche.

Because if you don’t know what you do well, and what you don’t, how is it possible to grow and get better? It’s this question that a SWOT analysis seeks to answer, and it does so by providing a simple framework by which business owners can assess and optimize.

Let’s walk through a quick primer on what exactly a SWOT analysis is, and how to complete one effectively. Then, we’ll give a rundown of three SWOT analysis examples that you can use to see this powerful framework in action.


What is a SWOT analysis?

As mentioned, a SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing a business. SWOT analyses can also be undertaken for individual projects and decision-making processes, but for the sake of this post, we’ll stick with the broader, more popular definition.

swot analysis chart

To put it succinctly, a SWOT analysis provides a structured framework for understanding both internal and external factors that can impact the success or failure of your business. Strengths and weaknesses are internal. Opportunities and threats? These are external. Here’s how each of these components are typically defined:

Strengths: Internal attributes and resources that give an organization an advantage over others in achieving its objectives. These include things like skilled personnel, strong brand reputation, powerful technology, and efficient processes.

Weaknesses: Internal factors that hinder an organization’s performance or competitiveness. These could include lack of resources, outdated technology, poor management practices, or inefficient processes.

Opportunities: External factors or situations that an organization can exploit to its advantage. These include things like emerging markets, product innovation, changes in consumer preferences, or favorable regulatory changes.

Threats: External factors that could potentially cause trouble for the organization. These include things like increased competition, economic downturns, changing market trends, or regulatory challenges.

Ultimately, the goal of the SWOT analysis is to make it easier for business owners and stakeholders to make informed decisions and create effective strategies to achieve their goals and win more business.

🛑 Speaking of effective strategies… Worried your Google Ads strategy needs work? Find out with a free, instant audit >> Google Ads Performance Grader

SWOT analysis examples

Now that we’ve established a working definition of SWOT analysis, let’s dive into some examples. As we’re walking through each example, think about how you can use the information in the example to inform your own self-analysis.

SWOT analysis example #1: Disney

disney swot analysis example chart


  1. Robust cash flow. Disney has always boasted formidable cash flows, enabling the company to diversify investments across various sectors. With a consistent flow of $5 billion plus, this financial stability relieves pressures on business operators and stakeholders.
  2. Expansive suite of networks. Disney’s suite of networks is nothing short of impressive, encompassing a wide array of renowned brands. From Miramax and ABC to ESPN, Starwave, Pixar, Marvel, and beyond, this portfolio amplifies revenue streams and fortifies their market presence.

chart of disney's networks for swot analysis

Disney’s impressive suite of networks.

  1. Prestigious brand value. Disney’s brand is iconic and instantly recognizable. Whether it’s a movie or merchandise, the presence of Walt Disney Studios or Company symbolizes trust, recognition, and creativity.


  1. Reputational challenges. Disney has grappled with allegations of racism and workplace safety issues in recent years, tarnishing its once-spotless reputation. Over 700 Walt Disney World performers lodged complaints about unsafe working conditions, prompting backlash when Disney retaliated against their demands for testing and safety protocols.
  2. Untimely product innovation. Disney’s product development team has struggled to anticipate and capitalize on emerging trends, resulting in missed opportunities compared to competitors. While other companies swiftly respond to consumer demand with targeted campaigns, Disney has faltered in seizing such opportunities, hampering its ability to stay ahead in the market.

disney streaming share chart as part of swot analysis

Disney+ has made strides, but still lags behind Netflix because Disney was late to the streaming game.

  1. Challenging acquisitions. While acquisitions often spur growth, some can burden a company with long-term financial challenges. Disney’s acquisition of 21st Century Fox, though initially promising, has weighed heavily on its profitability.


  1. Global expansion. With its unparalleled brand recognition, Disney holds a special place in the hearts of many, making it a prime choice for businesses seeking effective branding strategies. Teaming up with Disney can offer significant advantages and opportunities for marketing and promotion.
  2. New theme parks worldwide. Beyond its presence in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, and Shanghai, Disney has the potential to capitalize on emerging markets by establishing new theme parks. Expanding into economies with a burgeoning middle class and improving economic conditions presents a ripe opportunity for further growth and revenue generation.

walt disney world and land locations across the world

  1. Expanding Disney+. Disney+ has rapidly gained traction, generating substantial revenue. By strategically expanding Disney+ into both developed and emerging markets, Disney could transform the streaming service into a multi-billion-dollar powerhouse.

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  1. Increase in piracy. The surge in piracy, fueled by customers’ desire for specific content rather than bundled offerings, poses a significant threat to Disney’s revenue and profitability. The widespread adoption of streaming services like Disney+ has intensified this issue, with peer-to-peer sharing making it easier for pirates to take advantage.
  2. Tighter regulations. The US Justice Department’s proposed revisions to regulations, such as the Consent Decree, could reshape the landscape between Hollywood studios and movie theaters. This shift has the potential to dismantle the advantage enjoyed by major production houses like Disney.
  3. High expense toll. Disney’s longstanding commitment to investing heavily in its workforce, employee development, and training has been a hallmark of its operations. However, with salary wages on a constant upward trajectory, Disney’s profits stand to take a serious hit.

3 takeaways from Disney’s SWOT analysis

Here are our top three takeaways from Disney’s swot analysis.

  1. Maximize financial stability: Take a cue from Disney’s robust cash flow and prioritize financial stability. Ensure consistent cash flow to diversify investments and weather uncertain economies.
  2. Cultivate brand value: Learn from Disney’s iconic brand value and invest in brand-building efforts. Foster trust and recognition among your customers through consistent branding and storytelling that resonates with your audience.
  3. Embrace innovation: Disney’s challenges with product innovation underscore the importance of staying agile and responsive to market trends. Foster a culture of innovation within your organization and prioritize continuous improvement to meet the needs of your customers.

By leveraging these lessons, you can enhance your business ops, capitalize on opportunities, and drive sustainable growth.

SWOT analysis #2: McDonald’s

mcdonalds swot analysis example chart


  1. Brand equity. McDonald’s is a dominant brand, and its golden arches are iconic. Its effective marketing campaigns have ingrained their logo and staple menu items, such as the Big Mac and fries, into the global consciousness.

mcdonald logos

A logo that every American knows.

  1. Technological prowess. McDonald’s remains at the forefront of technological innovation. From self-service kiosks that streamline ordering and payment processes, to impressive drive-through efficiency, McDonald’s consistently offers innovative solutions to its customers.
  2. Global presence. McDonald’s expansive global footprint is a testament to its widespread success. With restaurants in over 120 countries and a staggering 41,800 locations worldwide as of 2024, McDonald’s has achieved unparalleled reach and penetration.

👀 Looking for more ways to drive people to your site? Free guide >> 25 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website


  1. Employee satisfaction. Dissatisfaction among McDonald’s franchise employees regarding wages has been a persistent issue. Many feel that their hours of hard work are not adequately compensated. Moreover, since franchisees operate independently, wage disparities exist across locations. In response to this criticism, McDonald’s has pledged to address the wage disparity issue across all its restaurants by 2024.
  2. The food concern. While McDonald’s enjoys widespread popularity due to its taste and convenience, it’s undeniable that fast food poses health risks. Its food is laden with excess calories and lacks essential nutritional value, contributing to obesity, particularly among children and teenagers. Given McDonald’s significant market share, it becomes a major contributor to the obesity epidemic.

supersize me documentary represents threats to mcdonalds

Documentaries like Super Size Me brought to light McDonald’s contribution to obesity in America.

  1. Business model. McDonald’s franchising strategy, while instrumental in global expansion, presents inherent challenges. Franchise ownership makes it challenging to maintain consistent operational standards across locations, leading to variations in quality and customer experience. Consequently, the brand’s performance may fluctuate between regions and even within the same country.


  1. Business expansion. McDonald’s, currently spanning more than 120 countries, aims to achieve a global presence, and has the blueprint to reach every corner of the globe.
  2. Menu evolution. McDonald’s has the opportunity to overcome a key weakness by expanding its menu offerings. Embracing the trend towards healthy alternatives, like organic and fresh menu items, would cater to health-conscious consumers seeking better lifestyle choices.
  3. Sports sponsorship. McDonald’s consistently and strategically aligns with the excitement and passion of sports fans. McDonald’s recent move to become the new title sponsor for the French Ligue 1, for instance, shows its commitment to engaging sports enthusiasts and expanding brand visibility on a global scale.

mcdonalds all-american game showing mcdonalds sports sponsorships

The McDonald’s All-American Game.


  1. Emerging consumer preferences. In the dynamic landscape of consumer trends, adaptability is paramount for business survival. With a growing inclination towards clean and healthy eating habits, fast-food giants like McDonald’s face the challenge of staying relevant amidst shifting preferences. As more individuals opt for cleaner alternatives over traditional junk food, the fast-food industry could undergo significant transformation in the coming years.
  2. Competition dynamics. While McDonald’s currently reigns supreme in the fast-food industry, the landscape is far from devoid of formidable competition. Direct rivals like Burger King and Wendy’s engage in relentless marketing battles, offering similar fare of fries and burgers to entice customers. Moreover, indirect competitors such as KFC and Chipotle pose additional challenges, catering to varied tastes within the fast-food realm.

mcdonalds market share chart

While McDonald’s still enjoys huge market share, competition is ever-lurking. 

  1. Economic uncertainty. The broader economic climate plays a significant role in shaping consumer behavior, particularly in discretionary spending. Economic downturns pose a tangible threat to fast-food sales volumes, as consumers tighten their belts and reduce dining out expenditures.

3 key takeaways from McDonald’s SWOT analysis

  1. Invest in technological innovation. Stay at the forefront of technological advancements by implementing innovations to keep your customers happy.
  2. Address employee satisfaction. Acknowledge and resolve dissatisfaction among your employees to ensure morale and retention.
  3. Adapt to shifting consumer preferences. The needs of your customers are inevitably going to shift. You need to make sure your product suite can adapt with them.

SWOT analysis #3: Google

google swot analysis example chart


  1. Position as search engine market leader. Google’s dominance in the search engine realm is unparalleled, commanding an estimated 91% market share globally, with even higher figures in certain regions like Europe. This commanding position not only attracts a vast array of advertisers and partners but also grants Google access to invaluable user data, fueling continuous improvement in search algorithms and user experience.
  2. Huge user base. Google’s strength lies in its extensive user base, providing a wealth of data for insights into user behavior and emerging trends. This robust market position enables Google to deliver highly relevant search results, enhancing the overall user experience.

google market share chart

  1. Culture of product development. Renowned for its innovative culture, Google fosters an environment that encourages experimentation and the pursuit of new ideas. This commitment to innovation distinguishes Google from its competitors and drives its ongoing success.


  1. Revenue vulnerability. Google’s disproportionate reliance on advertising revenue, constituting over 80% of its total income, has fueled immense financial success. However, this heavy dependence also exposes the company to significant vulnerabilities. Heightened competition for ad revenue, compounded by the entry of new market players, threatens Google’s future financial stability.

chart of google revenue streams

  1. Privacy policy backlash. Despite offering a diverse array of services reliant on consumer data, Google has encountered substantial backlash over its privacy policies. Particularly concerning internet search practices, consumer concerns about data collection and transparency have eroded trust and prompted a shift towards platforms with more robust privacy policies. Despite Google’s efforts to address these concerns through new privacy features, lingering skepticism poses a significant threat to its ability to retain and attract users.
  2. Android ecosystem limitations. Despite commanding a significant market share with its Android operating system, Google faces constraints in controlling the devices utilizing this platform. These limitations, including restricted access to hardware features and challenges in uninstalling pre-installed applications, hinder Google’s ability to optimize user experience and innovation within the Android ecosystem.


  1. Cloud computing. Despite Google’s trailing position behind industry giants like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, cloud computing presents a significant growth opportunity. Businesses increasingly shift their IT infrastructure to cloud platforms, with spending reaching closing in on $100 billion. Google stands poised to capitalize on this expanding market, leveraging its resources to bolster its market share and compete more effectively.

google cloud computing capabilities

  1. Virtual reality ventures. The artificial reality and virtual reality (AR and VR) market offer immense potential for Google’s investment. With user numbers expected to soar to 2.5 billion by 2027, Google remains well-positioned to enhance its VR offerings and establish a stronger presence in this evolving sector.
  2. Revolution in AI. The emergence of AI-driven chat responses like ChatGPT has captivated global attention since late 2022, reshaping online interactions and posing a challenge to established players like Google. Competitors like Microsoft have swiftly entered the arena and established dominance. These developments underscore the vast potential in AI and machine learning, offering Google numerous opportunities for success.


  1. Market disruption by emerging competitors. The ascent of emerging technologies challenges Google’s market dominance, making strategic responses crucial. For instance, Google’s market response to ChatGPT’s emergence led to significant market value losses. Furthermore, in online advertising, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Amazon offer targeted use cases for advertisers, intensifying competition.
  2. Persistent legal battles and privacy concerns. Despite its stature, Google faces a barrage of lawsuits, exposing it to financial and reputational risks. While some lawsuits may lack merit, others, particularly intellectual property claims, can result in significant damages. Google’s privacy policies, including data collection and usage practices, have drawn criticism, undermining user trust and brand reputation.

google privacy controls

Google has had to double-down on Privacy to help assuage consumer concerns.

  1. Competitive dynamics within Alphabet Inc. As one of the world’s largest conglomerates, Alphabet Inc faces intense competition across diverse sectors, including search, entertainment, autonomous vehicles, and cloud computing. Competitors like Bing and DuckDuckGo challenge Google in search, while platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Vimeo compete in the entertainment space. This intense competition places pressure on Google to continually innovate, and diminishes its bargaining power in negotiations with partners and stakeholders.

3 key takeaways from Google’s SWOT analysis

  1. Leverage market leadership. As a business owner, you can emulate Google’s success by focusing on thought and product leadership in your industry.
  2. Diversify revenue streams: Over-reliance on one source of revenue can really leave you open and vulnerable. Make sure you diversify revenue streams to mitigate risk.
  3. Embrace emerging technologies. Always stay abreast of technological trends in your industry, and invest in emerging technologies when necessary.

Know who you are; know where you are going

That about does it. Now that you’ve seen three poignant examples in action, you can take what you’ve learned and start formulating your own SWOT analyses (here are some SWOT analysis templates to help you get started!)–either on your business as a whole, on a go-to-market strategy, product, or any other aspect of your business.

Business owners that take this critical step in self-examination inevitably gain a leg up on their competitors and learn how to optimize for growth. Don’t fall behind! Once you understand your strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities, you’ll be well on your way to increased dominance in your vertical.

July is filled with many opportunities for creative marketing—it’s National Anti-Boredom Month, Independent Retailer Month, home to World Emoji Day, Pandemonium Day, and plenty more.

In this post, I’ve taken care of all of the brainstorming and planning for you with:

  • A list of July awareness causes, themes, national days, and holidays.
  • Over 30 creative ideas for incorporating them into your articles, posts, events, and promotions.
  • Real examples of these ideas in action.


July awareness causes

  • Fireworks Safety Month
  • Eye Injury Prevention Month
  • UV Safety Month
  • Minority Mental Health Month
  • Ice Cream Month
  • Anti-Boredom Month
  • Grilling Month
  • Purposeful Parenting Month
  • Good care month
  • Independent Retailer Month
  • Therapeutic Recreation Week (second week of July)
  • Everybody Deserves a Massage Week (second week after 4th of July)
  • Parenting Gifted Children Week (third week of July)
  • Clean Beaches Week (July 1-7)
  • World Reggae Day (July 1)
  • National Culture Consciousness Week (July 1-7)

July holidays and national days

You can see a more complete list at the end of this post, but here is my curated mix of the serious, the sophisticated, and the downright silly:

  • July 1: National Postal Worker Day
  • July 3: Compliment Your Mirror Day
  • July 4: Independence Day
  • July 9: Cow Appreciation Day – Changes annually
  • July 11: Cheer Up The Lonely Day
  • July 14: Pandemonium Day
  • July 17: World Emoji Day
  • July 18: Get to Know Your Customers Day – Third Thursday of each quarter
  • July 21: Ice Cream Day – Third Sunday in July
  • July 25: Hire a Veteran Day
  • July 26: All or Nothing Day
  • July 28: National Buffalo Soldiers Day
  • July 30: National Get Gnarly Day

july marketing ideas cow appreciation day

In July we celebrate, America, parents, and cows. (Image source)

🚨 Want marketing ideas for every month of the year? Free guide >> The Mega Must-Have Marketing Calendar

Diversity, equity, and inclusion marketing ideas in July

While it’s always a good idea to include diversity, equity, and inclusion marketing in your plans year-round, there are a few observances specifically in July that you won’t want to miss:

National Minority Mental Health Month

July was proclaimed Minority Mental Health Month in 2008 by the US House of Representatives. This helps ensure that not only do people of color have access to adequate mental healthcare, but also that health professionals are culturally aware, empathetic, non-judgmental, and able to properly diagnose each patient who walks into their office.

Spread awareness using resources like BIPOC’s MMHM toolkit, or come up with an event of your own to support this inclusivity-related cause.


Special Recreation for the Disabled Day (July 2)

Did you know over 15% of the world’s population lives with a disability? Historically, people with different abilities have had limited access to recreational activities. Special Recreation for the Disabled Day aims to change that by bringing awareness to the ways the world can be more inclusive for all.

To take part in this day, sponsor or volunteer at a local recreation center that’s accessible to folks with varying abilities. Alternatively, reminding your audience to help spread awareness and providing tips on how they can make a difference can be just as effective.

july marketing ideas - small business facebook post on recreation for the disabled day

Image source

Malala Day (July 12)

Malala Day celebrates the work of Malala Yousafzai, an international human rights activist and the world’s youngest Nobel prize winner. Malala is from Pakistan which is an area known to deprive women and young girls of education. Her stand on education for all ultimately led to her being shot by the Taliban. Despite this event, Malala courageously continued with the cause she believed in.

Her perseverance has inspired a worldwide movement for more accessible education across all corners of the world. Inspire your audience with Malala quotes, like those included in her memoir: I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot. Another idea would be to celebrate the work of Malala and share how your business’s community is working towards better education accessibility for minorities.

july marketing ideas - content marketing post celebrating malala day

Image source

National Buffalo Soldiers Day (July 28)

It’s important to seize every opportunity you can to celebrate diversity in your marketing. Acknowledge National Buffalo Soldiers Day on July 28 to commemorate some of the earliest Black troops in the US Military who served on the Western frontier after the Civil War.

July marketing ideas for month-long awareness

And now, it’s time to get down to (marketing your) business. We’ll start with July marketing ideas based on monthly awareness causes and then move to single-day observances. And don’t forget to check out these July content ideas, too!

National Independent Retailer Month

July is the designated month for celebrating independent retailers who, like all local businesses, help to build our economy, towns, and communities. Promote your own business if you are one, or show your support for independent retailers in your community.
july marketing ideas facebook post showing support for independent retailers

National Anti-Boredom Month

After the July 4th festivities, the summer heat and structureless days can start to creep in with looming threats of boredom.

Here are some ideas to help your target audience avoid the dog days of summer:

  • Host a gratifying month-long challenge around food, fitness, hydration, or something related to your business.
  • Share your favorite summer spots and activities.
  • Write a blog post compiling events going on in your area.
  • Ask your followers for recommendations on books, places to go, DIY projects, etc.

Or, take a no-nonsense approach like this business did:

july marketing ideas - antiboredom month linkedin post

National Grilling Month

I tried to think of ways to put a creative twist on things to make it more widely applicable, but to no avail—unless you’re into grilling your customers for feedback…

But I did find some ideas on Facebook. This business ran a contest with a grilling-themed prize.

july marketing ideas grilling month facebook contest

This electric company encouraged its followers to save electricity by grilling outside:

july marketing ideas grilling month twitter post

National UV Safety Month

The sun won’t run out of hydrogen for another 5 billion years, so consider it an evergreen topic. No matter what business you’re in, you can’t go wrong with posting UV safety tips.

Make your own image with a content marketing tool like Canva, like this business did:

july marketing ideas uv safety month facebook post

Or borrow an infographic from the CDC:

July marketing ideas UV safety month infographic

Everybody Deserves a Massage Week (usually third week in July)

If you are in any way connected to massages, whether that be a traditional massage studio, a physical therapist, or a salon, you should definitely be taking advantage this week by running sales promotions.

If you’re not a spa or salon, partner up with a local provider to see if you can run a mutually beneficial deal.

Or take it a step further like these guys:

july marketing ideas everyone deserves a massage week dog getting massage

July marketing ideas based on national days

Christmas in July (varies)

According to my cursory research (aka Real Simple magazine), Christmas in July began in 1993 with a summer camp in Brevard, NC. And then somewhere along the line, businesses began using it as a marketing tool. Here are some ways you can follow suit.

Run deals and sales to get new customers coming in. BigCommerce tells us that repeat customers spend 25% more per transaction during the (real) holiday season, while a new customer spends only 17% more. So start building that repeat customer base now!

july marketing ideas christmas in july sale

This photographer promoted family photo shoots, framed as a way to get your Christmas card photo taken care of early (and when you’ve got that summer look going). Depending on the weather, winter clothes may or may not be a good idea!

july marketing ideas christmas in july instagram post

Or simply run a generous flash sale that’ll feel like, well, Christmas in July.

july marketing ideas christmas in july flash sale

🛑 Free guide >> PPC 101: Complete Guide to Google Ads

National Compliment Your Mirror Day (July 3)

National Compliment Your Mirror Day, observed on July 3, encourages people to feel positive about themselves—inside and out. If it fits with the tone of your brand and your audience, acknowledge it on social media.

You could even run an Instagram campaign where customers receive a percentage off products or services in exchange for posting a selfie and custom hashtag.
july marketing ideas compliment your mirror day instagram campaign

✅  Free Guide: The 30 Best Ways to Promote Your Business (With or Without Money!)

International Chocolate Day (July 7)

Anyone can get behind this holiday. Whether it’s with a candy counting contest, giving out Hershey’s Kisses to customers, or just posting a funny meme. Or, you could get some chocolatey USB drives made up with your logo on ’em!

july marketing ideas world chocolate day chocolate usb drive

Gruntled Workers Day (July 13)

So yes, gruntled is a word. It means pleased, satisfied, or content.

  • Gather feedback from your employees to see if you can make any improvements to their experience. Happy employees make for happy customers (who write reviews).
  • Write a thought leadership post on company culture building and highlight yours in the process.
  • Remind your audience of your commitment to customer experience.


july marketing ideas gruntled workers day facebook post

Give Something Away Day (July 15)

Rather than running an Instagram giveaway, consider hosting a charity fundraiser for Give Something Away Day. Consumers like doing business with people who share their values. Doing something for your community or a greater cause will engage your followers and make a positive impact.

july marketing ideas national give something away day donation drive on instagram

National Ice Cream Day (third Sunday in July)

I’m going to spare you the “I scream you scream” and share a little history with you. Back in the day (1984), former President Ronald Reagan decided July was to be National Ice Cream Month and that the third Sunday in July would be National Ice Cream Day. Ice cream shops, you know this one well. For the non-frozen dairy-delighted, try out these ideas:

  • Run an ice cream social: Use that frozen sugary goodness to lure customers into your store! In addition to offering free ice cream, provide special discounts on items or coupons with a purchase.


july marketing ideas ice cream social invite

  • Have an internal ice cream sundae party at your business and share on social media: the delicious masterpieces, the mess, the people indulging. Even better, purchase the ice cream from a local store and tag them in your posts.
  • Offer free ice cream after a class or session: Get more signups for a workout or yoga class with the promise of a free ice cream afterward. (Organic ice cream for the yoga folks).
  • Try getting creative with your content: We don’t always use ice cream cones to explain marketing concepts, but when we do…


marketing funnel ice cream cone

Get to Know Your Customers Day (third Thursday)

You should already know your customers like the back of your hand, but you should also always be learning—especially with the shape-shifters we consumers have become due to the pandemic.

Get to Know Your Customers Day happens on the third Thursday of every quarter—a good reminder to stay on your toes and a good opportunity to strengthen your client relationships.

Share a survey via email or social media—something brief but meaningful enough to demonstrate that you value your customers, and to be informative to you.

You could also take a lighter approach on social media. Ask more playful questions, like “would you rather,” “yea or nay,” “when was the last time you…” but keep the topics relevant so you can glean something from the answers.

july marketing ideas - get know customers facebook post example

National Parents’ Day (fourth Sunday in July)

With Mother’s and Father’s Day taking up all the wholesome limelight, Parent’s Day often gets neglected. Parents work tirelessly for their children, so honor the parents in your audience!

july marketing ideas - example facebook post for national parents day


Consider taking a more emotional approach with your brand on this day. Acknowledge the hard-working parents out there, but stay sensitive to the fact that not everyone has living parents, that not all parents are one item, and that there are many caretakers who are like a parent.

Fourth of July marketing ideas

But of course! It’s the biggest holiday of the summer. Here are some ways to incorporate 4th of July marketing ideas, slogans, promotions, and more into your monthly strategy:

  • Holiday promotions: Offer a 17.76% discount, reduce an item price to $17.76, or use promo codes like FIREWORKS or FREEDOM. Create buy-one-get-one deals for appropriately-themed products. Or just run a sale simply because it’s a holiday—ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.
  • Run a giveaway: Offer up a red, white, and blue-themed prize, barbeque supplies, a gift card, or even a survival kit like a lawn chair, bug spray, hand sanitizer, glowsticks, etc.
  • Write a blog post on topics related to your business, through the lens of themes like freedom, independence, stars, stripes, and more. Or, if applicable to your business, write more practical posts like firecracker safety tips, tips for keeping your dog calm during fireworks, or travel tips. You can use this for your July newsletter, too.
  • Get creative: Ditch the stock photography and get creative with your 4th of July social media posts. Or ditch the cliches and try out some of these authentic 4th of July Instagram captions.
  • Send a greeting to your customers: Whether it’s through a card, email, social post, or text, send a little 4th of July message to your customers wishing them a safe and happy holiday.

july marketing ideas american flag art

Image source

Got any July marketing ideas? Share em!

Not all of the July awareness causes and observances were covered in this post. There are far too many. But if you have any ideas of your own, feel free to add your own unique twist to help your business stand out this month!

PS: Here’s our full series of monthly marketing ideas:

And for a year’s worth of marketing ideas, check out this marketing calendar template from our friends at LocaliQ.

As promised, here is a more complete list of July observances that may or may not apply to your business:

Full list of July holidays

July 1

  • Canada Day
  • International Joke Day
  • American Zoo Day
  • National Postal Worker Day

July 2

  • Made in the USA Day
  • National Anisette Day
  • National Disco Day
  • World UFO Day

July 3

  • National Eat Your Beans Day
  • National Fried Clam Day

July 4

July 5

  • National Hawaii Day
  • National Workaholics Day
  • National Bikini Day
  • National Graham Crackers Day

July 6

  • International Kissing Day
  • National Fried Chicken Day
  • Virtually Hug a Virtual Assistant Day
  • National Hop-a-Park Day (first Saturday in July)

July 7

  • National Tell the Truth Day
  • National Dive Bar Day
  • National Father-Daughter Take a Walk Day
  • National Strawberry Sundae Day

July 9

  • Barn Day
  • Fashion Day
  • National Sugar Cookie Day
  • Cow Appreciation Day (changes annually)

July 10

  • National Kitten Day
  • National Pina Colada Day

July 11

  • National Cheer Up The Lonely Day
  • All American Pet Photo Day
  • National Mojito Day
  • National 7-Eleven Day

July 12

  • National Simplicity Day
  • National Different Colored Eyes Day
  • National Pecan Pie Day
  • National Hair Creator’s Day

July 13

  • National French Fry Day
  • National Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
  • National Beans and Franks Day
  • Embrace Your Geekness Day

July 14

  • National Pandemonium Day
  • National Tape Measure Day
  • National Nude Day

July 15

  • National Give Something Away Day
  • National I Love Horses Day
  • National Pet Fire Safety Day

July 17

  • National Lottery Day
  • World Emoji Day
  • National Get Out of the Dog House Day – Third Monday in July

July 18

  • National Caviar Day
  • National Sour Candy Day
  • Get to Know Your Customers Day – Third Thursday of Each Quarter

July 19

  • National Football Day
  • National Hot Dog Day
  • National Words with Friends Day

July 20

  • National Fortune Cookie Day
  • National Lollipop Day
  • Toss Away the “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day – Third Saturday in July

July 21

  • National Junk Food Day
  • National Be Someone Day

July 22

  • National Hammock Day
  • National Rat Catcher’s Day

July 23

  • Gorgeous Grandma Day

July 24

  • National Drive-Thru Day
  • National Cousins Day
  • National Amelia Earhart Day

July 25

  • National Hire a Veteran Day
  • National Wine and Cheese Day
  • National Refreshment Day – Fourth Thursday in July
  • National Intern Day – Last Thursday in July

July 26

  • National Aunt and Uncle’s Day
  • National Bagelfest Day
  • National Disability Independence Day
  • National All or Nothing Day
  • National Talk in an Elevator Day – Last Friday in July
  • National System Administrator Appreciation Day – Last Friday in July
  • National Get Gnarly Day – Last Friday in July

July 27

  • National Love is Kind Day
  • National Day of the Cowboy – Fourth Saturday in July

July 28

  • Buffalo Soldiers Day
  • National Waterpark Day
  • National Parent’s Day – Fourth Sunday in July

July 29

  • International Tiger Day
  • National Chicken Wing Day
  • National Lasagna Day
  • National Lipstick Day

July 30

  • National Father-in-Law Day
  • National Whistleblower Day
  • National Support Public Education Day
  • International Day of Friendship

July 31

  • National Mutt Day
  • Harry Potter’s Birthday
  • International Lifeguard Appreciation Day
  • National Avocado Day
  • Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
  • World Ranger Day

July is a blast, both literally and figuratively.

The month kicks off with the biggest holiday of the season. Then it continues with long sunny days spent at the grill, on the beach, and experiencing all manner of outdoor adventures. Add in the many meaningful days of observance, and you will have much to celebrate this month.

We’ve found some exceptional examples of July content ideas from incredibly creative brands and used them to riff on a bunch more. There are plenty of content options for email, video, search, and social, so pick your favorites and fill out your July marketing calendar.


💡 Get the Mega Must-Have Marketing Calendar for an entire year’s worth of marketing ideas.

4th of July content ideas

There’s no doubt that the 4th of July is the pinnacle of summer for many people. And that’s doubly true for marketers looking to engage their audiences with fun messaging.

From patriotic to promotional, here’s a handful of July content ideas focused on Independence Day.

Reel in your audience on Instagram

Reels are Instagram’s answer to TikTok’s short-form videos. They’re designed to be quick bite-sized bits of content that entertain and educate in 90 seconds or less. In other words, they’re perfect for sharing a fun tip for the 4th of July.

One way to do that is by crafting a party planning Reel that shows viewers how to throw the ultimate 4th of July jubilee.

July content ideas - screenshot of an Instagram Reel about 4th of July party planning.

The creators give tips for festive food, decorating, and more in the short video. You can copy the idea or try one of these variations on the theme:

  • Share fireworks safety tips (for humans and pets).
  • Focus on one aspect, like three Independence Day drinks or a 4th of July charcuterie board.
  • Make a party-planning shopping list.

Bring revelers to your blog

Blog posts give you more freedom (pun intended) to go deep into Independence Day topics.

Check out this post, which tells readers the best spots to see the fireworks spectacular in New York City.

July content ideas - screenshot of a blog post about where to watch fireworks.

Each option includes a quick blurb about the vibe, making it easier for visitors to pick their perfect pyrotechnic perch.

Make this idea your own with a few of these variations:

  • Make the list focused on kid-friendly ways to spend Independence Day.
  • Create a map showing where all the local events will take place.
  • Publish a checklist of tips for enjoying the fireworks (or a list of items to bring).

🛑 If you haven’t tried pairing your posts with paid ads, get started with this free step-by-step tutorial to pay-per-click ads.

Use hashtags to get more reach

Hashtags are the Dewey Decimal System of social media. They help group and organize content so people can find what they want to read and watch.

When you tag your posts with 4th of July-themed hashtags, you make it easier for your content to surface right when people want it most.

July content ideas - screenshot of an Instagram post with several holiday hashtags.

Notice that not every relevant hashtag is a version of “4th of July” or “Independence Day.” Your best bet is to use a mix of tags to reach the most people.

Get started with this list of hashtag potentials:

  • #july4
  • #independenceday
  • #thefourth
  • #freedom
  • #fireworks
  • #redwhiteandblue
  • #patriotic
  • #homeofthebrave

Engage with email this 4th of July

Email continues to be a successful marketing channel because, unlike search and social media, you own the audience. This means you’re not subject to the algorithmic whims of a third-party platform.

Email is a perfect way to share a heartfelt 4th of July message with your most devoted customers and followers.

July content ideas - screenshot of a blog post about the 4th of July.

Be authentic, be thankful, and remember that this holiday is about more than grilling and bottle rockets for many. Use these 4th of July newsletter ideas for more inspiration:

  • Write a quick post highlighting a key piece of American history.
  • Introduce a few “local heroes” in your community who epitomize American ideals.
  • Tell people the part your town played in American independence.

Social awareness July content Ideas

There are dozens of causes worth spotlighting in your July content. Look for a few that align closely with your audience and your business’s values, then share them throughout the month.

National Parks and Recreation Month

Parks are a natural topic for July content since so many people explore them in summer. It’s also a fantastic theme for real estate businesses since parks can be a big draw for people looking to move into a new community.

This real estate office makes good use of drone footage to show off the beauty of a local park for National Parks and Recreation Month.

July content ideas - screenshot of a Reel showing a park from a drone.

Potential buyers will picture their summer days spent lounging at this waterside greenspace.

Don’t have a drone? Not a real estate professional? No problem. Here are some other ways you can connect with our audience to celebrate local parks:

  • Share a list of events organized by your local parks and recreation office.
  • Let a parks and rec volunteer take over your social for the day.
  • Make a bucket list of the best parks and organize it into categories like “Best for families” and “Best for dog owners.”

World Listening Day (July 18)

Sometimes it feels like listening is a lost art (what did you say?). That’s why World Listening Day is gaining steam. It’s a reminder to take in the sounds that surround us.

The original focus of World Listening Day was on nature and ecology. But you can adapt it for your content, like this blog post does.

July content ideas - screenshot of a blog post about listening in the workplace.

The article explains the importance of listening to others in professional settings and gives tips to do it more effectively. How else can you adapt this message for your audience? Here are a few ideas:

  • Partner with a family therapist to share ways families can better listen to each other.
  • Create a listening challenge where people spend 10 minutes on focused listening and share what they notice.
  • List out several places that’ll pique people’s auditory senses, like a bird sanctuary or park.

National Mutt Day (July 31)

Pet pictures are magnetic in marketing messages, so celebrate National Mutt Day to close out July on a high note.

This video is a perfect example of having fun with your followers in a low-lift way.

July content ideas - screenshot of a YouTube video showing people's dogs.

It’s just a series of images showing employees with their furry friends. Easy peasy but oh so pleasy!

If you want to boop the snoot of this canine content, try one of these ideas this July:

  • Ask followers to share pictures of their doggos (bonus: Make it a theme relevant to your brand for some quick user-generated content).
  • Partner with a local shelter to feature adorably adoptable dogs.
  • Create a list of tips for helping dogs manage hot weather.

More July social awareness content ideas

We weren’t kidding when we said there were many worthy causes to celebrate in July. Here are several to choose from:

  • National Anti-Boredom Month
  • American Zoo Day (July 1)
  • Cheer Up the Lonely Day (July 11)
  • National Give Something Away Day (July 15)
  • Amelia Earhart Day (July 24)
  • National Love Is Kind Day (July 27)
  • Buffalo Soldiers Day (July 28)
  • World Day Against Trafficking in Persons Day (July 30)
  • National Support Public Education Day (July 30)

Pop cultural July content ideas

The great thing about pop cultural events is that people often talk about them, especially online. There’s plenty to talk about in July. Jump into those conversations for ready-made audience engagement.

Capture the Sunset Week

Here’s an event tailor-made for social media. This brand asked its followers to share their best sunset images. In return, people who submit photos will see them posted across the brand’s social feeds.

July content ideas - screenshot of an Instagram post with a sunset picture competition.

Would such an offer similarly sway your fans? Maybe they’d like one of these Capture the Sunset Week ideas better:

  • Make a sunset viewing bucket list of the best sunset locations worldwide.
  • Have a professional photographer give tips for capturing the perfect sunset pic.
  • Explain the conditions for the most vibrant sunsets (like just after rain).

World Emoji Day (July 17)

There are millions of emojis floating around the internet, so World Emoji Day is a fun event every brand can promote.

Want some proof? See how the World Bank gets in on Emoji Day with this impactful little Reel.

July content ideas - screenshot of an Instagram Reel from the World Bank.

Whether your message is serious or silly, there’s an emoji or twelve for you. Here’s how to get in on the fun:

  • Create custom brand emojis and ask your followers to find ways to use them.
  • Hold a giveaway and award prizes to people who post the most creative sentences using only emojis.
  • Dress up like your favorite emoji and challenge others to do so.

Summer Olympics (start July 26)

Millions of people in the US watch the Olympics’ opening ceremonies. That’s a massive audience of enthusiastic viewers ready for your July content.

Viewing parties are popular during the Olympics, so this Instagram video wins the gold medal for matching messaging to the market.

July content ideas - screenshot of an Instagram post about planning a Summer Olympics party.

It has the right mix of catchy visuals and helpful information. But it’s far from the only way to participate in this phenomenon. Here are a few others:

  • Get in on Olympic-themed TikTok trends.
  • Video your team participating in office Olympics (chair races, trash-can basketball, etc.).
  • Post quick Olympic updates, especially for lesser-followed sports (we mean no disrespect, race walking).

More pop culture July content ideas

From rocket launches to reclining loungers, you’ll find something from this list of July events for every audience:

  • World UFO Days (July 2)
  • Video Games Day (July 8)
  • Embrace Your Geekiness Day (July 13)
  • Paperback Book Day (July 30)
  • Space Exploration Day (July 20)
  • National Hammock Day (July 22)
  • Tell an Old Joke Day (July 24)

Food July content ideas

What’s your favorite summertime food? Is it a perfectly grilled hot dog or a double scoop of ice cream (we’ll take ours in a waffle cone, please)? Whatever it is, you can probably taste it right now. That visceral reaction is precisely why your July content calendar should include some food-related content.

National Grilling Month

True grill masters aren’t born; they’re made. You’ve got to work your way through some chewy chops and mushy veggies before you perfect the art and science of it.

That’s where you and your July content come in. Celebrate National Grilling Month by helping people improve their grill skills and you’ll have a follower for life.

July content ideas - screenshot of a blog post with ideas for grilling.

The best part is you don’t need to be the king of propane and propane accessories to participate. Just share your love of outdoor cooking with one of these content ideas:

  • Ask your followers to share their craziest grilling recipes (we like a charred Caesar salad).
  • Partner with a grilling influencer (they exist and are very popular) to create content for your brand.
  • Make a menu of healthy food prep options using the grill.

National Picnic Month

From family gatherings to first dates, picnics are a staple of July activities. July is also National Picnic Month, so shake off those ants and get to producing some picnic-themed content.

Since picnic baskets are filled with a variety of goodies, it’s an excellent time to partner with other businesses. Your shared content will reach more people than posts only featured on your feed.

July content ideas - screenshot of an Instagram post promoting two products for picnics.

Start by finding complementary businesses, like a purveyor of camp chairs and blankets to compliment your culinary creations.

Here’s a basket full of other options to celebrate National Picnic Month:

  • Suggest the best picnic spots for romance, wheelchair accessibility, or those close to other activities like hiking or biking.
  • Curate a list of 50 potential picnic recipes and beverage pairings.
  • Make a picnic playlist of mood-setting music.

National Ice Cream Day (July 21)

There’s always room for ice cream, especially after a full day of play in the heat. That makes July the ideal time to have fun on National Ice Cream Day.

Check out this example of how to surprise people in your feed. A carousel of ice cream facts may not be the first thing you think of, but that’s why it’s a creative way to stand out.

July content ideas - screenshot of an Instagram post with ice cream facts.

Your facts could include the weirdest flavors, the largest cone, or the history of ice cream. If it interests you, it’ll interest your frozen dairy treat-loving followers.

Once you’ve had your fill of facts, use these other ice cream-themed content ideas in July:

  • Start a social media debate over “chocolate vs. vanilla” or “plain vs. sprinkles” (or get really spicy and ask if sherbert counts as ice cream).
  • Ask people to vote on their favorite local ice cream shop.
  • Host an old-fashioned ice cream social (complete with a soda jerk outfit) and share the video on your feeds.

Have a blast with these July content ideas

July may start with a bang, but it doesn’t have to fizzle out after the 4th. Keep the party going with new content that helps people enjoy, celebrate, and commemorate special days throughout the month. Spread the messaging around in emails, social media posts, videos, and blog content so your customers can enjoy it the way they like best.

For more July marketing ideas, check out these posts:

Undertaking strategic work is vital for businesses that aim to grow. Whether you’re looking to launch a new product, face a competitor head-on, or simply take your existing offerings to the next level, a SWOT analysis can help you understand where you are and develop a plan to forge ahead confidently.

When tackling strategic brainstorming, don’t get bogged down in the documentation. Instead, you want to focus on expansive thinking and creative problem-solving.

That’s why we rounded up some of the best SWOT analysis templates on the web. Someone else has handled the layout and design so that you can dive right into the deep thinking.

Read on to learn more about the value of SWOT analyses and see our top template picks.


What is a SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a system for evaluating where your company stands in the market. It encourages you to look within and at the broader landscape to understand your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

swot analysis templates - swot analysis definition chart

The strengths and weaknesses columns ask you to consider the realities within your business. It looks at what you do and how you do it. This is where you evaluate factors like your products, value proposition, team, and resources.

Opportunities and threats look outside the walls of your company. This is where you think about your customers, competitors, sector or industry, and even the broader world.

Looking for more ways to measure your marketing’s strengths and weaknesses? Get a free, instant PPC report with our Google Ads Grader!

Why undertake a SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis helps you visualize where your business stands. When you know what you’re doing well, where you can improve, and how outside factors are acting on your business, you can identify strategies to move forward.

Understanding how your business is doing is always a smart idea, so periodic SWOT analyses are a great call. And they’re vital if you’re about to approach a new initiative or undergo a significant change. Consider undertaking a SWOT analysis when you are:

You can also use a SWOT analysis on yourself or individual members of your team. It can be a helpful tool in performance reviews or as part of a team reorganization.

The best SWOT analysis templates to fit any business need

Without further ado, here is our list of the seven best SWOT analysis templates any business can use.

🌱 Once you complete your SWOT analysis, make a plan to grow your business with our free, easy-to-use growth strategy template!

1. Best templates for a presentation: Canva

If your SWOT analysis will become part of a larger presentation—to your team, leadership, or someone else—consider building it in Canva.

The drag-and-drop design tool makes it easy for those of us lacking a degree in graphic design to create clean, professional documents and slides. Pick from one of Canva’s dozens of SWOT analysis templates, update it to incorporate your brand colors, and insert it into your strategy deck or PDF.

2. Best template to undertake deeper analysis: Miro

Miro leverages its virtual whiteboard product to give your team a clean place to brainstorm and drop your SWOT analysis feedback.

What’s even better about Miro’s template is that it takes things a step beyond the traditional SWOT framework of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

This template adds another set of squares to move you from making observations to identifying potential actions. How can you enhance your opportunities by playing into your strengths or minimize weaknesses by using your opportunities? There’s space to explore these next-level questions within the template.

swot analysis template - example of swot analysis screenshot


3. Best templates if you like working in a document: Smartsheet

In this world, there are Microsoft Word people and there are Google Docs people. Smartsheet has created a series of templates for both camps.

Its Google Doc templates can help you conduct just about any type of SWOT analysis you need. Whether you’re undertaking a SWOT analysis to realize a business goal or evaluate your own performance as a boss or employee, these templates can help.

Even better? Smartsheet has created the same set of templates formatted as Microsoft Word Docs. No matter where you and your team like to work, you can leverage these layouts.

4. Best template for a variety of SWOT formats: TemplateLAB

Are you unsure where you want to build your SWOT analysis? Or are you thinking about drafting it in Word but converting it into a PowerPoint or PDF? You’ll want to check out TemplateLAB’s collection.

You can download each template in a variety of formats:

  • Word Doc
  • PowerPoint
  • PDF
  • Photoshop

TemplateLAB offers a range of styles and designs. Whether you’re looking for something simple for your internal brainstorming or need a polished layout for a formal presentation, you’ll find one here to suit your needs.

5. Best spreadsheet-style SWOT template: Airtable

Excel is excellent for running formulas and handling numerical data, but it isn’t always as seamless when organizing written information. Airtable has the structure of Excel, with cells, columns, and rows, but it’s better at organizing written content.

swot analysis templates - spreadsheet example of a swot analysis template


That’s why the Airtable SWOT analysis template is perfect for spreadsheet people who want the color-coding, labeling, and filtering capabilities you’d otherwise have to establish yourself in Excel.

6. Best no-frills template: SCORE

If you procrastinate by fiddling with color palettes and design elements when you should be focused on content, this no-frills template may be right for you.

This template from SCORE is a simple Word Doc with all the elements you need to conduct your SWOT analysis and nothing extra. Plus, you can turn to SCORE’s site for plenty of other resources—as an affiliate of the US Small Business Administration, the organization offers free help for business owners, including mentorship and educational opportunities.

7. Best SWOT template from AI: Notion

Savvy businesses are looking to incorporate AI into everything they do. That’s why we love this template (built in Notion by Your Notion Dose) that leverages ChatGPT.

swot analysis templates - screenshot of ai-powered swot analysis


You provide information about your business at the top of the page, and based on what you share, the pre-designed ChatGPT prompts will help you generate your SWOT analysis.

Two heads are always better than one in strategic brainstorming, so think of ChatGPT as your friendly interlocutor in this exercise. The AI tool may come up with points you wouldn’t have thought of alone!

Bonus: The WordStream free SWOT analysis template

For the ultimate SWOT analysis template that checks all the boxes, we’ve got you covered! We built the WordStream template in Google Sheets, and it’s a great place to undertake your SWOT analysis brainstorming session.

swot competitive analysis template from wordstream screenshot

Try using a SWOT analysis template today for business growth tomorrow

When selecting your template, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. The style and design are secondary to the strategic work you’ll do in the document, so pick one and dive into the brainstorming process with your team! You can use these SWOT examples for inspiration. You’ll emerge with great insights to help take your business to the next level. If you start your SWOT analysis and feel like you could use a hand to bring your marketing to the next level, see how our solutions can help you maximize your strategy’s strengths and minimize any weaknesses for long-lasting success.

Search engines are still the best channel for generating long-term, evergreen traffic. But Google’s been messy lately. AI Overviews and recent core updates are making the search engine a less reliable option for marketers.

If you want to mitigate the effects of wild search engine swings, you need to diversify your traffic sources.

That’s an excellent notion, but how do you do it?

I asked some very successful marketers for help. They shared tactics that deliver thousands of qualified visitors without paid ads or reliance on Google.


Why should you diversify your traffic sources?

I firmly believe that knowing why you do something helps inform how you’ll do it. The marketers I spoke with shared why they invest in multiple sources of organic traffic. Their reasoning sets a nice foundation for building the strategy.

💡 We’re just getting started! Download the 25 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website for even more ideas.

Mitigate traffic fluctuations

Few financial advisers will suggest putting all your money in one asset—even if it’s offering the biggest return. You’ll be too exposed when the value fluctuates.

The same goes for where you invest in marketing. Sure, Google delivers the most organic traffic by far. But we’ve recently seen small websites and big publishers lose huge chunks of their traffic from Google overnight.

How to get organic traffic - chart showing traffic decline for several websites.

A few small websites became examples of how Google updates can kill traffic overnight, as shown in this graph of Semrush data presented by the BBC.

If you can rebalance your website traffic sources so, say, 40% of it comes from outside of Google, you’ll weather the dips far better.

Faster feedback loop

SEO is like a giant cargo ship. It can deliver a lot, but it takes a long time to get up to speed and a long time to turn. You might spend months publishing dozens of articles before you know if your SEO strategy is working or needs a new direction.

Other channels, like email marketing and social media, provide near-instant feedback. Is this topic relevant to your target audience? Engagements on your social posts will tell you. Are your headlines hitting? Just look at your email click-through rates.

Lets you become a thought leader

SEO-focused content helps you answer questions people already have. But what about things your audience doesn’t know to ask yet? You know, the ideas that let you lead thoughts instead of chasing them.

That’s where discovery channels like social media and online communities come in handy. You don’t have to wait for your audience to think up a question. You present them with content that solves problems they didn’t know were solvable. And you get first-mover advantage when those topics take off.

It supports your search marketing strategy

Search engine marketing is changing, but it isn’t going away. The smart money is on marketers who efficiently leverage SEO and other organic traffic sources.

Every idea on the list below will also help you rank on Google. They may get you more quality backlinks (something we learned Google tracks). They can help solidify your topical expertise. And they can help own new search terms as they gain popularity.

🛑 If you’re also using paid search ads to drive traffic, use the Free Google Ads Grader to make sure they’re optimized.

6 expert tactics to drive traffic to your site

We only put one qualifier on our question about how to drive non-paid traffic: it can’t come from Google. The experts came back with an unexpected variety of ideas.

Tactic #1: Creatively distribute original data

One of the best things about SEO content is that a single asset can generate organic traffic for a long time. Brooklin Nash, Co-Founder of Beam Content, has a strategy to replicate that long-lasting success without relying on Google.

It starts with gathering fresh data no one else has. “We take original data—whether it’s survey data, platform data, or benchmark data—put it into a cohesive, extensive report, and follow up on it with several articles that dive deeper into different aspects of the report,” Brooklin explained.

But the real magic happens in the distribution. Brooklin and the Beam team use a networked distribution strategy to get the content in front of a lot of people without relying on search or spending on ads.

To illustrate the strategy, Brooklin shared a recent report the Beam team created for their own marketing. It’s based on seven interviews and a survey of 400-plus content marketers and other go-to-market professionals. The goal is to help close the communication gap between content creators and the larger marketing teams they work in, a relevant topic for Beam’s audience.

How to get organic traffic - Screenshot from Beam's report.

Beam left its report ungated so it could drive organic traffic more effectively.

A survey-based report is great, but it’s not novel. What Beam did differently was to start the distribution process long before completing the report.

“Sam, our creative lead, put together a takeover doc for the team and for the people we interviewed,” Brooklin says. It included a little competition, where the person with the most engagement on their social posts got a prize.

How to get organic traffic - Beam's social takeover sheet.

Beam gave its internal team and interview sources instructions to facilitate sharing the new report.

They also sent a simplified request to the survey respondents, asking them to share it if they found the report insightful.

“Over the course of a few days, we had several posts going out, so it was in a lot of peoples’ feeds,” he said. “We got quite a few organic shares as a result of that.”

Brooklin says they drove 2,500 organic views in just a few days, which, he noted, is significant for their size, especially without spending anything on distribution.

There are a few ways Beam will keep the traffic flowing. They’ve planned a few follow-up articles of their own. They’ve also accepted a pitch from an outside industry expert who’ll write a post, add their commentary, and expose it to the expert’s network.

“We launched in April, but this should support follow-up content through the end of the year,” Brooklin noted. “And none of it is on search.”

How to use this strategy for your business

This strategy is accessible to just about any marketing team—Brooklin says they’ve used it for clients in a variety of industries.

For example, a physical therapy office could survey local runners on their favorite routes, recovery snacks, and cross-training activities, then ask them to share the findings in their feeds.

The three keys to success, according to Brooklin, are:

  • Make the content good and engaging: He admits this sounds obvious, but it’s critical. Find an angle that resonates with your audience and surface unique insights you can’t find elsewhere.
  • Involve people throughout the process: Set the expectation that your internal team and those who provide the data will distribute the content, then give them tools and incentives to do so.
  • Take the long view: Maximize the impact by publishing follow-up content created internally and through external experts.

Tactic #2: Use YouTube SEO

Let’s say you’ve spent years honing your ability to get content on the top of search results. What do you do with all that SEO knowledge besides spending it on Google? If you’re Devin Pickell, Founder at Do I Need SEO, you apply it to YouTube.

“I’m always devising new ideas to drive traffic for my clients, especially since generative AI has most of us marketers and business leaders scratching our heads,” Devin says. “One way I’ve thought outside the box is how can I take my knowledge of YouTube SEO to not only scale channel views but also be a referral traffic driver to the site?”

Devin points to one instance where a client in the business communications sector—not your typical YouTuber—drove thousands of engaged visitors back to their site through the video-sharing platform. And like Brooklin, he says the strategy starts with the right content.

“A lot of the content in the business comms sector is very boring, lengthy, and technical,” he says. “We sought to make our content more snappy, more fun and digestible, and more educational.”

Devin couldn’t share the specific company from this example (which is common for agencies and fractional marketers). But if you check out Dollar Bank’s YouTube channel, you’ll get an idea of how to publish interesting videos when you work in an industry that isn’t known for creativity.

How to get organic traffic - Dollar Bank's YouTube page.

Dollar Bank’s YouTube feed is filled with a variety of helpful, educational, and accessible videos.

Devin added that the next step was to set a consistent video publishing schedule “to satisfy YouTube’s preference for consistency and keep viewers engaged.” YouTube’s algorithm looks for topical authority when ranking content, so having a feed full of related videos is a solid move.

“Now came time to master YouTube SEO to get the most visibility on our channel and start driving viewers to the site,” Devin explained. This included a list of YouTube SEO fundamentals like:

  • Title testing
  • Creating in-depth, keyword-rich video descriptions
  • Adding tags and timestamps
  • Including sitelinks
  • Embedding videos in blog posts

Devin also “tinkered” with thumbnails and found styles that led to higher clicks in YouTube results.

While the brand’s YouTube channel was already doing well because of its differentiated content, it really took off after getting the SEO treatment. “[Optimization] was a recipe for success,” Devin says. “YouTube rewarded the channel with record monthly views in May 2024, and it’s still climbing.”

How to use this strategy for your business

First off, don’t stress big production budgets. Sure, get a professional videography crew if you can swing it. But check out how this animal shelter racked up over 7 million views with a funny take on over-the-top local ads.

How to get organic traffic - screenshot of a YouTube video from an animal shelter.

This animal shelter proved you can get millions of views with a simple video concept.

Devin says the three actions that lead to generating views and traffic on YouTube are:

  • Consistency: Post regularly and at the right time.
  • Optimization: Put those SEO skills to work.
  • Engagement: Don’t forget to read and react to viewer comments.

Devin noted that the one thing generating non-paid traffic from YouTube and getting it from Google have in common is that you have to stick with it.

“I highly recommend brands, even B2B brands, start taking YouTube more seriously in their content strategies,” he says. “You’ve played the long game with your blog; it’s time to give the video its due diligence.”

Tactic #3: Be helpful in online communities

One of the core content commandments is to provide value first and sell later. While it’s nice when you can publish a helpful post that people search for on Google, it can be more impactful to actively provide support in places where your ideal customer gathers.

That’s why Rease Rios, Director of Content at Qase, is bullish on online communities. “At Qase, we supplement our organic traffic from Google with various efforts across forums and Github.”

For non-developers (👋), GitHub is a public repository that lets developers store, work on, and track the code they’re building. It also acts like an online community of sorts, where technical businesses that sell to developer teams can offer value in the form of code and documentation.

Rease shared a wonderful and unexpected way Qase leads with value while earning organic traffic.

“One of our Developer Advocates runs a project called Shelterpaws that involves him mentoring junior QAs and developers as they build websites for animal shelters around the world,” she told us. “All of that work is managed on Qase’s public Github so that anyone can discover it and help shelters on their own.”

How to get organic traffic - Shelterpaws write up on Qase blog.

Qase supports Shelterpaws, a project to create websites for animal shelters.

While developers dip in and out of the GitHub project, they become more familiar with Qase. Rease works with the organizer to share helpful resources on Qase’s GitHub, which builds a community and drives additional organic traffic.

How to get organic traffic - Qase's GitHub.

Qase hosts the Shelterpaws project on its public GitHub.

How to use this strategy for your business

While you may not be writing code to share on GitHub anytime soon, you can still copy this page of Rease’s organic traffic playbook. There are loads of online communities to engage with, from big forums like Reddit to niche discussion boards.

Here are a few steps that’ll help you drive more traffic from online communities:

  • Find your forum: Search online and ask your customers to learn where they gather online.
  • Lead with value: Go in with an honest desire to help first and build relationships, then only offer your solutions when appropriate.
  • Be creative: You wouldn’t think a company that sells test management software would be involved with small animal shelters, but by thinking outside of the box, Qase built a marketing pipeline that makes it less reliant on Google for traffic.

Tactic #4: Build a newsletter for email and social

The biggest problem with relying too heavily on Google for traffic is that it owns the platform. One rule change can close the tap of website visitors. Ajdin Perco, Head of Content at Animalz, sees newsletters as the solution.

“We work with a VC investor who’s been writing a weekly newsletter for over six years, totally by himself,” Ajdin told us. “He’s built up a large audience on both social and email.”

Unpack that short statement, and you’ll find three important lessons about generating organic traffic. First, if you’re going to create assets for one channel, like a newsletter, it’s wise to use it as a traffic driver from another channel, like social media. We can’t share the name of Ajdin’s VC investor, but this is an example of how a newsletter LinkedIn post would look.

How to get organic traffic - LinkedIn post with a Newsletter linked in it.

Newsletters can be an organic traffic magnet when you share them on social media.

Second, a single person without extensive marketing knowledge can tackle this tactic. Ajdin said the investor “gets thousands of organic visits every month” from the newsletter he writes himself.

Third, Ajdin said that he’s learned the importance of persistence from this example. Building your newsletter audience will take time, but just like SEO, once the ship sets sail, it’ll keep building steam.

How to use this strategy for your business

This is probably the most accessible tactic on the list. Many email automation tools are available to help you get started, and there is a nearly endless list of newsletter ideas.

To start building a newsletter pipeline that consistently brings new visits to your website:

  • Cross-promote: Share links to your newsletter subscription page in blog posts, on social media, and even in your email signature.
  • Write from your expertise: It’ll be much easier and more authentic to share your own knowledge, successes, failures, and experiences (like, what challenges did you overcome this week?).
  • Include a compelling call to action: The goal is to get people to click from the newsletter to your website, so give them clear instructions and motivation to do so.

Tactic #5: Create content teasers on social media

We’ve seen a few ways to get traffic from social media on this list. This tactic from Abbie Mood, the Marketing Director at Velocity Advisory Group, is brilliant in its simplicity. She creates teasers for social media posts that give away a bit of the value of her most important content assets. “I usually use this for gated content on the website, but it’s been effective for non-gated content, too,” Abbie said.

According to Abbie, the trick is designing the social post so it resonates with your specific audience. Here’s a LinkedIn teaser she used to promote a recent case study for a group of business leaders.

How to get organic traffic - LinkedIn post from Velocity Advisory Group.

Abbie Mood shows off the value of her content on social media with teaser posts.

“I create a colorful visual that gives a couple of the stats and/or shares the challenge and results, but viewers have to click and go to the website to read the full case study and find out how that client got those results.”

How to use this strategy for your business

Abbie’s example shows that this strategy requires creating something that stands out on a busy social feed. But with that effort comes traffic.

Here are a few tips that’ll help make the most of your content teaser posts:

  • Find the right platform: The most popular social media platform isn’t right for every business, so choose the one your target customers spend time on and which has features that let your content shine.
  • Don’t be basic: A few words of copy and a link won’t stop scrollers, so add some visuals and a hook that makes people willing to click for more.
  • Test for a variety of content: For Abbie, teasers work like a charm for case studies, but you might find it better for your original research or expert round-up posts (yes, that’s an Easter egg for the next tactic).

Tactic #6: Include industry experts in your content

According to the tenets of Google’s E-E-A-T quality content guidelines, including first-person experiences and expert accounts in your content can help it rank. But you’ll also bake a powerful organic distribution strategy into the post when you involve pros from your industry.

At WordStream, we call these our expert-led posts (like in the one you’re reading, for example). They reliably generate thousands of organic visits, mostly from non-Google channels.

How to get organic traffic - WordStream post.

Including expert voices in our content makes it more interesting and creates an automatic distribution network.

Each post features several industry experts who have experience with the post’s topic. We quote them, link to whichever websites or accounts they like, and ask them to share the post in whatever way makes sense.

Once the article is published, we link to it in our regular newsletter and on social media posts. We tag the expert and, if applicable, the business they own or work for. That doubles the repost opportunities.

How to get organic traffic - LinkedIn post sharing the WordStream content.

LinkedIn is a great channel for getting reposts of your expert-led content.

Many marketing pros we include come from our personal networks. But we also reach out to people we’ve seen post on LinkedIn because we know they have a following and are familiar with the topic.

We completed three of these posts as an initial test. Collectively, they generated over 19,000 organic pageviews. Even better, more than 70% of that traffic came from sources outside of Google.

It takes much longer to produce and promote an expert-led post, so we repost it a couple of times on social channels to squeeze as much value as possible from it.

We also recycle the experts’ quotes. For example, we may reference a quote from the lead generation post in a future search-optimized guide about lead generation. It’s a nice and easy way to add authority to SEO content.

How to use this strategy for your business

You can swipe this strategy if you have experts in your industry, especially if they’re active on social media.

Since the experts are at the heart of this strategy, I’d like to share a few tips I’ve found helpful when working with them:

  • Respect their time: Make your request simple and let them respond however they like (we’ve had LinkedIn messages, emails, Slack notes, Loom videos, and Zoom/Teams calls).
  • Give something in return: They’re establishing themselves as thought leaders, too, so offer backlinks, call-outs on social, or any other way you can give them exposure.
  • Ask for an example: I love examples in content, so I ask sources to share one they were involved in or seen in the wild.

Diversify your traffic sources beyond Google

In sales, a single-threaded account is one where you only have one point of contact at the prospect’s company. It’s considered a precarious deal because you won’t close the sale if that point of contact leaves, gets cold feed, or gets outvoted.

If Google is your single thread for website traffic, your marketing funnel is equally at risk. A single algorithm change or expansion of its AI Overviews can disrupt the flow of visitors to your site.

The experts we spoke to in this post have fortified their top-of-the-funnel traffic flow, buffeting their businesses from the whims and whirlwinds of search engine algorithms. Give their tactics a try, track what works, and double down on the winners. Then, the next time other marketers scramble to recover from a core update, you can turn up the heat on a few other channels and hardly miss a beat.

Bidding strategies are essential for digital advertising campaigns to ensure you reach your goals. This is undoubtedly true of TikTok, where people increasingly learn about new products and brands.

TikTok only offers two bidding strategy options at the moment: Cost Cap and Maximum Delivery. Although they seem similar on the surface, each provides a unique way to get the biggest bang for your advertising buck.

In this post, we’ll discuss the two bidding strategies available on TikTok and help you determine which is the best option for you.

The two TikTok ads bidding strategies

In TikTok ads, your bidding strategy tells the platform how to place bids for your account in the ads auction. (If you’re new to TikTok ads, read this TikTok ads primer on how they work). The goal is to pick the bidding strategy that matches your goal and budget.

💡 Get the free All-Star Advertising Playbook to learn how to maximize all of your online marketing strategies.

Strategy #1: Cost Cap

Cost Cap bidding is a performance-based approach to optimization. With Cost Cap bidding, the goal is to control the average cost per result you receive in the auction.

The TikTok platform tries to hit an average cost per result based on your campaign goals to make it work. That means that for each conversion, the cost per result might be higher or lower than your target, but the plan is to average out to your goal over time.

tiktok ads bidding - line graph showing bid cap results.

Cost Cap bidding is an option for App Install, Conversions, and Lead Generation campaign objectives.

TikTok says this strategy is best for goal-based campaigns and advertisers trying to keep costs around those goals consistent, regardless of market conditions. That’s because the platform will bid more or less depending on the likelihood of a conversion and won’t work to spend the budget every single day. If performance isn’t strong, it will underspend the daily budget for that day, and try again tomorrow when performance may be better.

Now, when it comes to actually setting up your Cost Cap, TikTok suggests setting the highest amount you’re willing to pay for the conversion. Or for a return on ad spend (ROAS) target, the lowest ROAS you’re willing to accept. Both of these give TikTok the most leniency when bidding for you in the auction, as they’re the least restrictive ends of the spectrum.

It also suggests that your budget should be 50 times your Cost Cap bid. While that might be feasible for some folks and is likely where the platform performs best, it may or may not be reasonable for most advertisers. In that case, try to set your daily budget at least five times your Cost Cap bid, but higher is better.

If you can’t hit the five-times mark, it’s not a dealbreaker. I’ve seen campaigns perform well with a Cost Cap at the same level as the daily budget, but it’s rare. If you’re in that scenario, you might want to examine your account’s structure and see if you can condense audiences and budgets to better align with TikTok’s suggested budget/Cost Cap split.

👋 Digital marketing is an always-on strategy. Get a year’s worth of marketing ideas and tips in the Mega Must-Have Marketing Calendar.

Strategy #2: Maximum Delivery

Maximum Delivery, unlike Cost Cap, is a spend-based strategy rather than performance-based. You’re not able to enter a bid amount. Instead, you provide your budget and TikTok will work to drive as many of your target actions as possible while spending your entire budget.

tiktok ads bidding - line graph showing Maximum Delivery results.

That means the platform will not pull back on days when your performance is less efficient than others. Your costs could vary quite a bit, but your overall spending will stay level. The only wrinkle is that Maximum Delivery is only available for daily budgets and isn’t an option if you’re using a lifetime budget.

You can use this bidding strategy with every campaign objective in the TikTok platform. Just leave the Cost Cap, Bid Cap, Target CPA field in the Bidding & Optimization section empty, and you’ll default to Maximum Delivery for that ad set.

tiktok ads bidding - screenshot from TikTok ads manager.

Like Cost Cap, TikTok recommends setting your budget to achieve 50 conversions per day. Again, this is likely not attainable for many people, so do your best with it.

If you’re seeing good results with Maximum Delivery and want to scale, make sure you do so in a strategic manner. While other platforms like Meta ads suggest no more than a 20% budget change on any given day, TikTok says it can handle up to a 50% bid change without seeing performance disruptions. It then suggests you wait until you receive another 50 conversions and at least one day before changing the budget again.

I’d stick to the 20% rule that Meta suggests here as well (and see how your Facebook and TikTok ads work together). 50% is a pretty huge increase, and depending on how competitive your industry is, you may see pretty fluctuant CPAs with a larger change.

Make the best of your TikTok ads bidding strategies

I’m a fan of TikTok only having two bidding strategies on the platform. It simplifies things and makes it much easier for advertisers to digest and understand.

Are you working on ROAS or CPA targets? Cost Cap is your best option. Are you seeing good results and want to get the most scale from your campaigns? Let’s hit Maximum Delivery and see how high we can go. Hopefully, this demystifies the TikTok Ads bidding strategies enough for you to feel confident in your campaign settings.

The 4th of July is a time for togetherness and celebration. It’s also a good time to send your audience a little message to let them know you’re thinking of them. So in this post, you’ll find 20 copy-and-paste (or customize!) 4th of July messages to send to customers in your emails, SMS messages, social media posts, and more.


Quick tips for your 4th of July messages to clients

When writing your 4th of July greeting messages, keep these rules of thumb in mind:

  • Keep it short: Think Twitter length. That is, 360 characters or less.
  • Stay sensitive: Put yourself in the shoes of any veterans, military members, or families of fallen soldiers in your audience. Make sure your message will sit well with them.
  • Include an image or graphic: Makes all the difference! Use the images in this post or my 4th of July Instagram images or Memorial Day Instagram images.
  • Make it conversational. Please, please, please don’t use “valued customers” or write like a corporate robot. Use these examples of conversational tone for help.

4th of july email header template - america the beautiful

Use this email header template

📚 Free guide download >> 135 of the Best Words & Phrases for Marketing with Emotion

General 4th of July messages and greetings

These versatile greetings work for a variety of scenarios and can also be used as 4th of July captions for Instagram.

Warm wishes

Happy 4th of July [Name]!

We appreciate that you’re part of our business, and are glad that we have the opportunity to send you warm wishes on this patriotic day!

🚨 Want marketing ideas for every month of the year? Free guide >> The Mega Must-Have Marketing Calendar


Happy Fourth of July! On this day, as we honor our soldiers and freedom fighters, let us use it as a reminder to treat one another with loyalty and respect and to work each day to be the best citizens we can be for our country.

4th of july email header template - happy 4th

Use this email header template


Happy Independence Day to you and your family! Let us uphold the true spirit of America today and practice kindness, loyalty, camaraderie, and serve our nation to the fullest!

Stay safe

Hey Name,

In the spirit of togetherness and celebration, we thought we’d reach out to you today to wish you a happy Independence Day. Stay safe, enjoy your time with friends and loved ones, and don’t forget those who made this day possible!

Let freedom ring,

The [Company] Team


Happy 4th of July to you and yours! On this day of celebration, let us keep our freedom fighters—standing and fallen—at the forefront of our minds. Have a great weekend and stay safe!

4th of july email header template - let freedom ring

Use this email header template

Difficult day for some

Just a note to wish all of you a wonderful Independence Day. But hey—this day isn’t easy for everyone. To the friends and families of fallen soldiers: We see you. We support you. We commend you for staying strong and proud—just as your loved one would want.


It’s a party in the USA. 🎆 Bust out the fireworks, grab your friends, and let’s celebrate the 4th of July! Here are our tips to make the most of this holiday:

  • Prepare your food and drinks the weekend before the big day so you’re not scrambling.
  • Always have extra sunscreen on deck.
  • Be safe, but don’t forget to have fun!

Click here for more ways we can help you celebrate the 4th of July in style!


R-YES-V-P to our annual 4th of July bonanza 🎉 Stop by our store for a day filled with family fun for the whole [business’s location] community! Here’s what we’ve got planned:

  • Free sample station
  • 4th of July fun fact trivia
  • Face painting
  • And more!

Let us know you’re joining us with the registration form below. See you there 🙂

Come together

While this is a divisive time for our nation, one thing we will always have in common is our gratitude for the men and women who serve, served, or sacrificed their lives for our country. So may we feel united today in our reverence for these individuals.

Business 4th of July greeting messages

These 4th of July greeting messages are more specific to businesses. Use them in your 4th of July social media posts, emails, texts, and more. Then try these July content ideas to keep the party going.

Small business pride

To all our customers,

It’s Independence Day! In the midst of all the barbeques, firecrackers, and concerts, take a moment to honor the men and women who fought and fight for the freedom that we’re celebrating. And in the spirit of pride and unity, we’d also like to thank you—for supporting small businesses like ours and keeping the backbone of our country strong. Have a great day!

Your friends at [Business]

Shop small

The 4th of July is fast approaching and what better way to celebrate than to support your local businesses? This year, we’re challenging YOU to shop small! That’s why we’re partnering up with [complimentary neighboring business] to offer deals throughout the 4th of July holiday! Stop by or check us out online here 🙌

Simple customer appreciation

Heyya [Name],

No sales or promos here. Just a note to some of our favorite fellow Americans to say Happy 4th! Stay safe, salute our troops (and their families), and savor your freedom—it didn’t come free! Thank you for being a part of our family. God bless America

4th of july email header template - have a happy 4th

Use this email header template

Office closing

Just a quick heads up—since we’ll be out celebratin’ the nation just like you this 4th of July, our office will be closed from [date] to [date]. But fear not—we will open back up and running on [date]. However you’re celebrating, stay safe, and don’t forget the reason for the season!

Book a service

BBQ? ✅
Friends and family? ✅
10-year-old Old Navy red, white, and blue t-shirt? ✅

What’s missing? Oh, right, us! Give us a call or click here to find out how we can take the stress away from your 4th of July celebrations!


It’s the 4th of July! Time for Red, white, and true-blue savings. Enjoy a little extra celebration this Independence Day with 40% off, store-wide. Boom!

If we send coupons on your birthday, then we’ve got to send one on America’s birthday! Use promo code HBDUSA and enjoy a whopping 40% off all products!

Share a seasonal recipe

It’s almost the 4th of July which means it’s time to get grillin’ and chillin’ 😎 Let us help you out! Here’s our go-to recipe for our annual staff 4th of July party:

[Recipe here]

We’re sharing more ways we’re celebrating here. Check us out to get more ideas on how to make your Independence Day great!


Independence Day is not only a day to celebrate our freedom but also to remember the sacrifices that have been made for it. That’s why this entire week, we’re donating 10% of our proceeds to the [charity of your choice]. So get your [product genre] needs met with us and help support [recipients of charity] in the process. Stop in or shop online today!

4th of july email header template - independence day

Use this email header template


It’s July 4th and you know what that means—cookouts, camaraderie, and….competition! We don’t blame you for opting out of the three-legged race at the family cookout, but you will not want to miss this one. From [date] to date], we’re running a giveaway for a [prize].

No running involved. Simply [instructions] and then sit back and wait. On [date] we’ll announce the winners.

[Prize] is a $x value. Head to [link/insta] and enter now!

Thank you for your service

On this day of celebration, we want to say thank you for your loyalty and support over the years. And to those of you who have fought for our country, we thank you and honor you. May the stars and stripes continue to wave as proud as we are to serve you. Happy Independence Day.

Safety checklist

Here at [company name], safety is our top priority. So while we want you to have an amazing 4th of July, our inner overprotective parent has a few words of advice:

  • Be a good neighbor
  • Follow firework safety
  • Don’t leave grills unattended
  • Don’t drink and drive
  • Honor our troops
  • Have fun!

4th of july email header template - happy independence day

Use this email header template

Happy 4th of July email messages and greetings made easy

This year, may you celebrate freedom from writer’s block with these 4th of July greetings and messages. They’re a perfect little cheat sheet for your July 4th marketing Hopefully you’ve found something in here that works for your business and audience!

Want more holiday email templates?

Over the last two weeks, our team has been reading article after article trying to digest alllll the latest Google news. Between AI Overviews, Google Marketing Live, and the Google algorithm document leak, we’ve had our hands full.

We’ve covered Google Marketing Live and AI Overviews, so now it’s time to turn our attention to the Google algorithm document leak. Don’t worry, we’re not going to deep dive into the more than 2,500 pages discovered online, but we are going to share the seven most fascinating tidbits we ran across and how they could impact your SEO and overall marketing efforts.


      1. Domain authority
      2. Clicks and engagement
      3. Content freshness
      4. Change history
      5. Originality
      6. Site size and age
      7. Chrome user data

    The Google algorithm document leak: an overview

    But first, a little backstory on what happened.

    Documentation from Google Search’s Content Warehouse API was published by an automated bot on Github. This documentation included over 2,500 pages of more than 14,000 attributes that Google measures, or can measure, as part of its algorithm.

    Rand Fishkin, co-founder and CEO of SparkToro, was approached by a then-anonymous source (he has since come forward) about the content and authenticity of these documents. He shared findings from that conversation as well as his analysis here.

    After countless publications covered the documentation leak with nary a word from Google, Google verified the documents are real on May 29.

    This leak provides never-before-seen access to the inner-workings of Google’s algorithm—the main takeaway being that Google hasn’t been entirely truthful about what’s in the algorithm over the last few years.

    One important thing to note: While the leak included documentation about metrics that Google either is collecting or has collected in the past, it did not reveal the weight of those metrics or whether or not they’re currently being used as ranking factors. So while we know that Google has the ability to measure metrics like domain authority and clicks (which we’ll get into later), we don’t know exactly how important those metrics are to rankings from this source alone. And, of course, Google makes changes to its algorithms all the time.

    While we’re not going to stake our whole strategy on the findings, it does provide some very interesting insights into how Google works.

    7 things Google can measure that might affect your SEO

    There were some surprising metrics Google is measuring, according to the leaked documents. We’re sharing seven that stood out to us and what that means for your strategy.

    1. Domain authority

    Previously, Google representatives have said that Google does not measure or consider domain authority at all. They claimed that they don’t take the overall quality or authoritativeness of your site into account when ranking individual pages. However, the leaked documentation painted another picture.

    “In reality, as part of the Compressed Quality Signals that are stored on a per document basis, Google has a feature they compute called ‘siteAuthority,’” writes Mike King of iPullRank.

    google algorithm api documents - screenshot of site authority ranking

    What this means: Your domain authority is being measured by Google. Again, we don’t know exactly if or how important it is to ranking, but Google is looking at it in some way. This means you need to have a well-built website with high-quality, authoritative content, plus credible links to your site that prove your content is valuable. Find more ways to increase domain authority here.

    2. Clicks and engagement

    Not only does how many clicks you’re getting matter, but also the quality of clicks you’re getting from your organic rankings. Google has previously said (over and over, in fact) that clicks weren’t a ranking factor, although many SEO experts have long debated whether or not that was true. Recently, information came out during the Google antitrust trial revealing that Google’s Navboost system, based on click quantity and quality, is “one of the important signals” in ranking sites.

    So this inclusion isn’t necessarily surprising at this point. But it is interesting to see that Google measures clicks in a variety of ways, including badClicks, goodClicks, lastLongestClicks, and unsquashedClicks, according to the documents.

    google api documents - screenshot of navboost in google algorithm documents


    What this means: Focus on driving more successful clicks by broadening the amount of high-intent queries you target, and make sure the content on those pages is truly helpful to users. Useful content and strong UX are the best ways to send healthy engagement signals to Google.

    “A focus on driving more qualified traffic to a better user experience will send signals to Google that your page deserves to rank,” writes Mike.

    🔍 Find high-intent keywords your content strategy can target with our Free Keyword Tool.

    3. Content freshness

    Content recency and freshness is another metric Google is measuring as part of its algorithm. There are many references to content publication and update dates within the Google API documents. In fact, Google reviews dates in the byline (bylineDate), URL (syntacticDate), and on-page content (semanticDate).

    What this means: The more recent and relevant your content, the better. To keep your content fresh, it’s necessary to check in regularly on the topics covered on your website to see if there’s any outdated information.

    For example, you could use a marketing planning calendar to take note of any significant dates that may require your content to be updated and plan new content to keep your site fresh. Let’s say your industry is real estate. In that scenario, you’d want to update your site to reflect the latest interest rates.

    4. Change history

    While Google cares about recency, it also would know if you were lying about it. It was found in the documents that Google keeps copies of multiple versions of all indexed pages. Essentially, Google could recall all changes made to a page over time. That said, it will only use the last 20 changes of a URL when analyzing.

    What this means: The fact that Google is taking your pages’ change history into consideration means you may want to be cautious when considering a series of changes to a given page. Making tiny changes to try to trick Google into thinking your content has been more dramatically updated could actually hinder your performance.

    For example, if you were to update a blog post’s publish date when the content is basically the same, that could hurt rather than help your rank. In short, try to keep your content truly fresh and up to date. Quality and accuracy matter more than a date on the page.

    5. Originality

    “Pages with little content,” as it’s put in the documents, get an OriginalContentScore. This score indicates that the less content you have on a page, the more original and unique it should be.

    google algorithm documents - content score screenshot


    While there’s no metric that measures character count, it’s clear that Google is looking for any short-form content to have an added dose of authenticity.

    “Thin content is not always a function of length,” writes Mike.

    What this means: If your content tends to be shorter, then you’ll want to ensure it’s unique and original. Try not to rely heavily on generative AI for your content. Also, see what types of content your competitors are putting out to pinpoint ways you can make your business stand out content-wise.

    6. Site size and age

    The Google “Sandbox” is an SEO industry term used to describe the phenomenon of newer, smaller sites needing to go through a kind of waiting period before their pages rank. Google has previously denied there being any sort of Sandbox, but there are factors mentioned in the documents that do look at site size, like smallPersonalSite, and age, like hostAge. However, it’s unclear whether this could boost or demote a site.

    What this means: A common small business challenge is being able to rank on Google quickly. It can be a long, slow road, so be patient and don’t take shortcuts. Focus on building your brand over time. In the meantime, look for other ways to reach your target audience, such as building an email list, promoting your business on social media, running display ads, and more.

    “For small and medium businesses and newer creators/publishers, SEO is likely to show poor returns until you’ve established credibility, navigational demand, and a strong reputation among a sizable audience,” writes Rand.

    7. Chrome data

    It’s no secret that Google is able to measure data from its own online browser, Chrome. That data could be impacting your SEO rankings, however, because it was found in the Google API documents that the number of views from Chrome attributed to both individual pages and entire domains are being tracked.

    “My read is that Google likely uses the number of clicks on pages in Chrome browsers and uses that to determine the most popular/important URLs on a site, which go into the calculation of which to include in the sitelinks feature,” writes Rand.

    What this means: The more popular your pages are on Chrome, the better. Chrome owns 66% of the global internet browser market share, and it’s by far the most popular browser in the U.S.

    Having a site that your users love—even if they find it through other means than search—is likely good for your SEO in general, because Google knows if your site is getting traffic and engagement.

    While it may feel tempting to give up on SEO amidst all this recent Google news, a strong online presence is as important as it ever was. If you can optimize your pages to be what users from Chrome and other pages really want to click, it can also benefit your overall site rank.

    Staying ahead of the latest Google algorithm ranking factors

    The moral of this latest Google news story? The leaked Google API documents remind us to stay focused on what we always knew to be true: building site content that makes our audiences happy is what will ultimately bring us success. Plus, being mindful that Google doesn’t always tell the truth about what it measures and what works is key.

    If you still feel like your search marketing and advertising is struggling to maintain growth during these times of constant change from Google, you’re not alone. See how our solutions can help you maximize your SEO and search ad campaigns for sustainable growth no matter what Google throws your way.

    Big thanks to Mike King of iPullRank, Rand Fishkin of SparkToro, and countless other sources for their in-depth coverage and analysis!

    I don’t know about you, but the term “competitive analysis” feels intimidating. “Competitive” feels like work and “analysis” feels like time.

    The good news is, competitive analyses do not have to be hard! And that’s key, because you need to conduct these pretty regularly if you want to stay afloat in your market.

    In this post, I’m going to share with you a fast and easy five-step competitive analysis process that you can apply to your business. But first, let’s make sure we’re clear on what a competitive analysis is and why it’s important.


    What is a competitive analysis?

    A competitive analysis is the process by which you compare your business to your competitors for the purpose of standing out from them. There is no one-size-fits-all competitive analysis: You can conduct one for your business as a whole, for specific products and offerings, for specific marketing channels, and more. And you can use a competitive analysis to improve your marketing, bring new products to market, enter new markets, and more.

    graphic showing what a competitive analysis is

    A competitive analysis is the key to identifying where you stand in your market.

    🛑 Speaking of competitors…want to know how your Google Ads stack up to the competition? Download our Google Ads Benchmarks to find out!

    How to do a competitive analysis in 5 steps

    The five steps below provide the perfect framework for any type of competitive analysis you want to perform. Once you understand the main steps, use our competitive analysis templates to put it into action!

    1. Identify your competitors

    First and foremost, you need to identify who you’re competing against. It’s important to remember that there are different types of competitors:

    • Direct competitors: Offer the same product/service and meet the same need.
    • Indirect competitors: Offer a different product/service but meet the same need.
    • Perceived/replacement competitors: Offer a different product/service that doesn’t exactly meet the same need but is similar enough to serve as a replacement for your product/service. They are perceived by your audience to meet the same need.

    graphic showing the different types of competitors for your competitive analysis


    How to identify your competitors:

    • Search on Googlefor the products and services you offer and see what comes up, both in local and general results. Search also for your business name to see if there are any businesses bidding on your business name in Google Ads.
    • Use a competitive analysis tool like SimilarWeb, Semrush, or Ahrefs. These platforms often have freemium versions or free trials that will suffice for this first step. These tools for finding competitor keywords can also be helpful here.
    • Look at review sites relevant to your industry. For example, service businesses may look on Google Maps and Angi while SaaS providers may look on Trustpilot and G2.
    • Ask your customers. Find out who else they considered when deciding on a provider.

    Collect as many competitors as you can and categorize them into the above-mentioned groups.

    2. Identify your competitors’ products

    It’s not enough to just know that they offer something similar to what you offer. Spend time on their website and nail down exactly what they offer. Most businesses, yours included, may have several offerings—and solid offerings, too—but there always tends to be one core offering that is the bread and butter. Find this out as well as the secondary offerings. For retail with several products, get a sense of their best sellers.

    How to identify your competitors’ products/services:

    • Act like a consumer. Use their product, solutions, and pricing pages, ask questions on live chat; you could even call and ask questions.
    • Read reviews. Identify any products or services that get mentioned more than others. Also pay attention to what doesn’t get mentioned.
    • Understand packages and pricing tiers. See how your offerings compare with them at the same price points. For example, a competitor might offer the same things as you but through a much higher-priced package.
    • Look at keywords they’re bidding on. Use our above-mentioned tools for finding competitor keywords.

    example of competitive analysis keyword research

    A quick scan through your competitors’ PPC keywords can reveal a lot about their core offerings. 

    🔎 Need help finding competitor keywords? Try our Free Keyword Tool!

    3. Identify your competitors’ target audience

    Yes—by definition, your competitors have the same audience as you—but every audience has its nuances, so it’s important to dig deeper. You want to identify not just demographics but also the personas your competitors are targeting.

    How to find your competitors’ target audience and personas:

    • Look at testimonials and case studies on their website. This can give you an idea of who the end users are of the product/service. Pay attention to their occupation especially.
    • Check review websites. This can help you better understand the underlying pain points and expectations of customers, and the small details they point out can uncover information about their lifestyle (B2C) or work style (B2B).
    • Look at their social media profiles. See who their posts and social media ads are geared for. You can learn a lot about who they’re targeting based on the copy and imagery. Also, look at which followers engage with their posts.

    wild ones instagram profile as part of competitive analysis

    A quick browse through Wild One’s Instagram profile and you can see that they are targeting young urban pet owners.

    And if you’re running paid ads, these strategies on targeting competitor audiences can help you as well.

    4. Identify their positioning and messaging

    No matter how many businesses there are that offer the same thing, each business has its own positioning (the context in which they offer their product) and messaging (the unique value the product provides). Understanding these is essential for developing your own positioning and messaging.

    How to identify your competitors’ positioning and messaging

    • Look at their business descriptions. A good business description distills the business down into key messaging points. Check business listings, social profiles, and review sites for these.
    • Look at their “soft skill” content. I’m defining this content as things like their core values and about us pages. If they have an explicit mission statement, even better.
    • Read press releases. Press releases are prime pieces of content for revealing a company’s position and messaging. Check local media and online press release sites.
    • Subscribe to their newsletter or blog. You don’t have to read every post or email in detail, but regularly glancing at this content over time and paying attention to what gets repeated will help you to identify key messaging.

    This information, along with the other website copy you analyzed in the previous steps, should be enough for you to get a basic idea of their key features and benefits, as well as their unique selling proposition.

    example of home service business unique selling proposition as part of competitive analysis

    Some companies even have a “why us” page, like this one.

    5. Summarize it all with a SWOT analysis

    A SWOT analysis is a nice way to develop insights and visualize all of the information you gathered in the above steps. SWOT stands for:

    • Strengths: What the business does well.
    • Weaknesses: Where it needs to improve.
    • Opportunities: Outside factors that could provide a competitive advantage.
    • Threats: Outside factors that could create a disadvantage.

    You can do a SWOT analysis on your own company as well as your competitors. For help with this, use our SWOT analysis guide and template, and review these SWOT examples for inspiration.

    swot analysis chart

    Final tips on doing a competitive analysis

    The five steps above should have you covered in doing a competitive analysis for your business so you can stand out. Here are a few final tips and best practices to keep in mind:

    • Don’t use a marketing competitive analysis to decide what types of products or services to offer. Instead, use it to understand the best way to position your offerings and identify your unique value in your market.
    • Stay unique. It’s okay to adapt ideas from competitors, but don’t copy them directly. Learn from their strengths, fill gaps where their weaknesses are, and stick with your brand story and what makes you unique.
    • Keep your customers first. While it’s necessary to pay attention to your competitors, don’t get so caught up in the game at the expense of your customers. Make sure that your business is primarily focused on meeting the needs of your customers. Plus, they can be your most valuable source of information!

    Start your competitive analysis now

    With the steps and tips in this post, you are now ready to do a competitive analysis for your business. Use it to refine your positioning, messaging, and unique value proposition, and you’ll see what a difference this makes in your brand consistency and marketing effectiveness! To recap, here’s how to do a competitive analysis in five steps:

    1. Identify your competitors
    2. Identify your competitors’ products
    3. Identify your competitors’ target audience
    4. Identify their positioning and messaging
    5. Summarize it all with a SWOT analysis