Citation Cleanup Service

  • Per Store / Location

Citation Cleanup Service for Local Businesses

Free local business citation checker, audit & cleanup service

Struggling to rank locally? Knowing your business’s online presence is important.

The #1 issue affecting local campaigns is citation inconsistency. Get the help you need to take your business to the next level, and get ranking!

Get Your Free Instant Citation Audit Today

Our free citation tool will give you an instant audit of your business’s citations from the top 70 citation directories. Our local SEO consultants and SEO scan tools will then show you the accuracy of these citations, and how many reviews you have.

Click here for a free automatic scan for your business.

Why Perform Citation Cleanups?

After assessing thousands of local SEO services and SEO campaigns, we’ve seen the same issue over and over. And statistics agree: the biggest factor facing businesses when trying to rank locally is having inconsistent or incorrect citations due to not the best citation building services.

This can occur for a few reasons:

Moving and getting a new address
Getting a new phone number
Having variations of your name

And finally, aggregators sometimes simply pick up wrong information about your business, and then display the inaccurate NAP.

Each of these factors can wreak havoc on search rankings. Every citation you have acts like a “vote” to rank you higher. If, for the reasons listed above, these votes go to different NAP combinations, there’s just no way you’ll see results.

These citations need cleaning up, and lucky for you, we’ll do all the work!

Click here to access your free automatic instant citation audit.

What We’ll Do

Fixing these issues doesn’t come easy. Each citation service comes from a different source, so every site must be contacted individually to request they change the information. This, of course, takes a lot of manual labor.

But we’ve made it easy for you. With our Local Citation Cleanup Service, you can just click a button and our team of professionals will get to work. We will:

  • Perform a full citation audit of your business
  • Find all incorrect or inconsistent information
  • Contact each source individually
  • Fix any and all citation issues
  • And deliver a comprehensive, detailed report


We’ll do all this to give you a leg-up on your competitors and give your business the best chance to improve ranking. We’ll do all the heavy lifting and provide you with a detailed report at the end.

How It Works

  1. Full citation audit – We start each order by performing a complete audit of all your existing citations. We don’t just go through a list of sites, but take a comprehensive look at your entire online presence. From there, we check each and every citation for accuracy, and keep a document of anything incorrect or inconsistent.
  2. Outreach and contact – Next, and because every site will be different, we lay out an internal operating protocol for each citation source. Armed with this, we know the best approaches to having your citations corrected. For the sites that ask for manual contact via email, we will set up an email account for you and keep a record of all interactions.
  3. Correct citations – Through our comprehensive process, we can fix 70-90% of all incorrect citations within a short space of time. We document the entire campaign by consistently monitoring the sites we requested changes from. And we keep a tracking sheet that is constantly updated along the way.

Deliver report – Finally, we’ll provide you with a detailed report of our work and findings. This will include all the citations that were corrected, and any recommendations we may have for you going forward.

What You’ll Get

  • Comprehensive citation cleanup service
  • Complete audit of all existing citations
  • 2 Attempts to fix 70-90% of incorrect citations
  • Deliver a comprehensive report with future recommendations
  • All for the one-time cost of $369

Citation Cleanup FAQ

-Do you check data aggregators?

Yes! We check all major big data companies – Acxiom, Factual, Infogroup, Neustar Localeze, and even Foursquare!

-Do you fix all citations?

We’re generally able to fix 70-90% of incorrect citations. Because we don’t own or control these citation sources, removal is always up to the discretion of the editor or site owner. Therefore, we can’t guarantee that everything will be fixed. However, such sites tend to be low-tier and will carry a low impact on your overall ranking.

-Is your one-time cost per business or location?

You will be paying per location, or per NAP.

-Can you add pictures or make changes on my existing profiles?

If you have the login details for your properties, we’ll be happy to make changes for you. But unfortunately, it’s not often that people keep these around. And without them, it can be very difficult to get even the best content writing services changed. Obviously, our abilities to affect change are different for each directory, so this isn’t exactly a service we sell from our sales page. What we’re most concerned with is making sure that your business name, address and phone number are all accurate and up-to-date. In the end, these are the three most important things that will affect your results and boost your rankings.

-How can you get around phone confirmations?

We’ve been in constant contact with directories for more than three years now, and have built up many positive working relationships over that time. Networking day in and day out, a number of directories now recognize us, and for the most part, are quite accommodating to our requests. However, we have found a small number of directories to be harder to work with. But these kinds of sites generally carry less weight and authority in the scheme of things.

In addition we offer content and an blog article writing service for your blog articles or website content.