Civil society and NGO engagement

Civil society and NGO engagement

WHO / Violaine Martin
Chemonics Global Health Practice Director Rachel Deussom speaks at a roundtable on "Civil society’s leadership on the path to 2030" at the Fifth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on 4 April 2023.
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The World Health Organization has since its establishment collaborated with a broad range of civil society groups covering all areas of WHO’s work.

The WHO Thirteenth General Programme of Work emphasizes the power of partnerships, and states that WHO must act in concert with partners, including civil society, research institutions and the private sector, in order to avoid duplication.

To achieve this WHO has established, in collaboration with civil society partners, the WHO Civil Society Commission, facilitates regular dialogues with Civil Society hosted by the Director-General and also regularly develops collaborative agreements with individual non-governmental and civil society organizations. All of these collaborations are fully aligned with WHO's Framework for Engagement with Non-State Actors.


”Civil society partners are unique and powerful voices of the people that WHO serves. Their valuable resources, knowledge and close community connections can help WHO ensure our impact is much greater than when we act alone. It is only through working closely with civil society and other key partners that we will be able to deliver on our ambitious goal of achieving health for all.”

Dr Tedros, WHO Director-General