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The Boys ending with a movie? Some cast members want it, but I'm ready to be done with this adaptation

You either die a satire or live long enough to see yourself become the huge IP.

The Boys season 4 - conspiracy con
Image credit: Prime Video

The Boys season 4 is alright. Folks who have only just realized they were being made fun of hate it, but otherwise it's a solid set of episodes. That said, the show has clearly grown too attached to these characters and the universe, with one spinoff already out (and a second season in the works) plus another one prepping to go into production. Some members of the cast, however, want to take things even further and make a movie to wrap the main series up.

This came up during an in-person conversation with Josh Horowitz for the Happy Sad Confused podcast, where Laz Alonso (Mother's Milk) and Antony Starr (Homelander) expressed their interest in ending the five-season show on the big screen.

"I've been unsuccessfully pitching that we end the show with a feature film to Eric [Kripke]... Like, make the last episode of season five the cliffhanger and announce the film that we've been filming since the beginning of the series, pretty much, you know. But he always somehow gets out of that one and doesn't," Alonso explained. Starr promptly asked his co-star whether that would be a full theatrical release and received a positive answer. "Okay, I'm down," the actor behind Homelander concluded.

Of course, chances are that won't go anywhere, as actors are constantly pitching stuff that is either rejected or ultimately scrapped, but with Amazon slowly getting into theatrical releases and looking to expand its attractive IP catalogue (with The Boys slowly but steadily becoming what it was meant to make fun of), you can't help but shudder at the thought of the TV adaptation of Garth Ennis' comic book series making another change of plans (season 5 as the ending is something the creatives went back and forth on) and overstaying its welcome.

In the age of everything trying to be prestige TV, budgets becoming too bloated, and seasons that rarely hit the 10-episode mark, series have to sell their audiences on the idea they need to go on for longer than four or five seasons. With season three of The Boys already slowing down any plot progression to a crawl because Homelander and Butcher's feud was just too fun to circle around over and over again, it appears that anyone with an ounce of critical thinking wants the (much more streamlined) fourth season to just stick the landing and set the stage for a notable finale in season five.

The battle against The Boys becoming the kind of profits-driven superhero franchise it likes to mock has been lost, I'm afraid, but we really don't need to save the final act for the big screen. Hell, even Lucasfilm was smart enough to wrap The Mandalorian's main three-season arc up before announcing a theatrical follow-up as Star Wars' return to cinemas in 2026.

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