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Uncanny Toolkit Pro for LearnDash – Changelog

4.2.1 [2024-05-09]

  • Download Certificates in Bulk - "Clear previous runs" front end checkbox #755
  • Course Dashboard - Course Start button - Course status CSS class added for custom CSS rules #743
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Translatable Email Body #733
  • Group Logo/List - New attribute hide_logo_admin to hide group images for admins #753
  • Import Users - New filter uo_toolkit_csv_import_wp_user_by_field to optionally look up user by login instead of email #740
  • Reset Progress Button - Make default button label translatable #745
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Improved count and messaging of dropdown options #735
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Now displays a message if PHP ZipArchive module is not active #670
  • Download Certificates and Certificates running with cron are not rendering LearnDash's usermeta shortcodes #700
  • Drip Lessons by Topic/Group - LearnDash notifications are not firing when module is enabled #737
  • Group Logo/List - All group logos are appearing for admins #749
Under the hood:
  • Licensing - Allow plugin to be pre-activated by defining UNCANNY_TOOLKIT_PRO_LICENSE_KEY in wp-config.php #761
  • Licensing endpoint updated #757

4.2 [2024-02-07]

New Features:
  • Simple Course Timer - Timer that counts up [uo_time_live] #721
  • Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid - Show quizzes #605
  • Transcript Report [uo_transcript] - user-id attribute to support Transcript page ID attribute in Uncanny Groups v6.0 #726
  • Duplicate Pages & Posts - Minimum role changed from manage_options to edit_published_posts #711
  • Enhanced Course Grid - Added taxonomy_relation attribute to set OR or AND values #713
  • Import Users - %Password Reset URL% token #715
  • Import Users - Upload error message made clearer #717
  • Group Registration - New WordPress
  • Filters uo_ld_group_signup_registered_messageuo_ld_group_signup_joined_remove_previous_group_message & uo_ld_group_signup_joined_message to override Group Signup Messages #709 [2023-12-14]

  • Download Certificates In Bulk - WP Filters uo_bulk_downlad_cert_capability & uo_bulk_downlad_cert_allowed_roles for Permission Handling #702
  • Autocomplete Lessons & Topics enabled causes additional "Next Lesson" / "Next Topic" button to appear #699
  • Restrict Page Access reseting on page save/update #704
  • Transcript module - Not showing completion date for custom CEU records #693 [2023-12-04]

  • Group Leader Access - WP Filter uo_groupleaderaccess_add_to_group_on_login to optionally skip adding Group leader to courses on login #682
  • Learner Transcript - Optimize printing of transcript by loading only the main CSS file #684
  • Learner Transcript - WP Filters uo_transcript_print_styles, uo_transcript_print_elements #684
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - WP filters uo_download_certificates_in_bulk_group_data, uo_download_certificates_in_bulk_course_data & uo_download_certificates_in_bulk_quiz_data to manipulate the respective data #696
  • Email certificate modules - Improved reliability of Certificate Builder check #686
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Not using LearnDash labels in form #694
  • Restrict page access - Added WP filter uncanny_toolkit_restricted_content_filter to avoid conflict with Avada header and footer #676
  • Simple Timer Script & FlyWheel - Load wp-load.php from a specific folder #680
  • Additional validation on Ajax calls by adding nonce and admin check #688

4.1.4 [2023-11-23]

  • Course & Lesson/Topic Grids - Support for Alt tags for images #663
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Not generating email when certificate builder is used #671
  • License check - Switched to Item ID instead of Item name #678 [2023-11-09]

  • Group Registration - WP filter uo_show_groups_login_form to allow hiding the login form #664
  • Blocks - Removed lodash dependency for WordPress v6.4+ #667

4.1.3 [2023-10-31]

  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Course/Quiz dropdown not working when a group leader does not have any groups #660
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Use LearnDash Labels for Groups, Courses and Quizzes #654
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - CEU shortcode not rendering in Certificates #648
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Module settings - "Clear previous runs" to clear rogue runs interfering with newer requests on some sites  #645
  • Drip Lessons by Group - LearnDash notifications not triggering as expected #643
  • Group Registration - emailto link typo #650
  • Improved PHP 8.2 compatibility #656

4.1.2 [2023-09-14]

  • Group Registration - Single Group Query Improved #641
  • Autocomplete Lessons & Topics on Fluent Forms Submission - Cannot activate module when Fluent Forms is activated #639
  • Course Dashboard is showing quiz "Statistics" button when statistics is not enabled on the quiz #636
  • Course Certificate - Non-default language - Email is not working #634
  • Email Quiz Certificates - Correctly assign course-id when course is passed an object #632
  • [TinCanny] - Course Timer JS error #628

4.1.1 [2023-08-03]

  • Download Certificates in Bulk - WordPress filter to optionally modify certificate types drop-down list #625
  • User Imports - Confirmation message shown after import completion #622
  • Group Expiration - Allow resetting the expiration date field using backspace or delete key #598
  • Email certificate modules - Continuing Education Units (CEUs) shortcodes now render the values properly #627
  • Group Registration - Users not being added to group when registered via Gravity Forms with recent Gravity Forms versions #616
  • Email Quiz Certificate - Not sending email when quizzes are graded manually #611
  • Download Certificates in Bulk - [quizinfo show="percentage"] shortcode not rendering #606
  • Days Until Course Expiry - Incorrect expiry days #602
  • Download Certificates in Bulk - Drop-down lists not working when select2 library is missing #600
  • Download Certificates in Bulk - LeranDash usermeta shortcode not displaying anything #596

4.1 [2023-06-01]

New Modules:
  • Drip Topics by Group #524
  • Autocomplete Lessons & Topics on Fluent Forms Submission #573
  • Autocomplete Lessons & Topics on Formidable Forms Submission #572
  • Restrict Page Access - Add Course Completion selection #584
  • Simple Course Timer - Increase default polling interval and text #574
  • Enhanced CSV Reports - Course Start Date column added #583
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Date conflict with ProPanel filter widget shortcode #594
  • Download Certificates In Bulk - Quiz drop-down issue if the course has only quizzes and no other steps #592
  • Certificate Preview - date_i18n hooking too early #587
  • Email Quiz Certificate - Not rendering shortcode [quizinfo show="percentage"] #577
  • Learner Transcript - Only displaying courses assigned to a category #576
  • Group Expiration Module - Timestamp using wrong time #570 [2023-04-26]

  • Bulk certificates - Groups dropdown now hides "Any group" or "All groups" option if the user has access to one group only #564
  • Bulk certificates - disk_free_space not returning available space on some servers #560
  • Import Users - Importing CSV with empty data in a column clearing data for existing users #563
  • Import Users - Importing CSV not working in certain conditions, showing "No rows were found in the file that could be imported" #557

4.0 [2023-04-11]

New module:
  • Download certificates in bulk #473
  • Group Expiration - WordPress filters for email overrides #548
  • Transcript module - Course category attributes added #525
  • Import Users - Ignore blank rows #528
  • Reset Progress Button - Now supports time data reset by course id #518
  • Learner Transcript - Now supports RTL in PDF version #507
  • Group Registration - noindex and nofollow robot tags added #505
  • Group Expiration - Description added to group expiration date field #504
  • Course grid - Replace deprecated learndash_30_get_currency_symbol with learndash_get_currency_symbol #498
  • Import Users & Multisite - Add user to the current subsite  #493
  • Group Registration - Logging in from the page not adding user to the group #531
  • Improved Group Leader Interface - PHP Warning fixed #526
  • Reset Progress Button - Tin Canny attribute reset_tincanny="yes" now resets course progress properly #510
  • Group Registration - PHP warning fix #495
  • Lesson Topic Auto Complete - PHP Error fixed #491
  • Course Dashboard - Hide Resume, Start or Certificate button when a user_id attribute is used in the shortcode and a different user views the page #394
  • Email Group Certificates - Not sending to Group Leaders #550
  • Enhanced Course Grid - Allow HTML in short course description field #546
  • Restrict Page Access - Line Breaks being stripped from editor #538
  • Email Course Certificates - Addition WordPress filters to modify subject, body and certificate attached message #533
  • Group Registration - Additional WordPress action and filter to allow signup URL multi-language support #520
  • Group Registration - Improved WPML support #535
  • Improved Group Leader Interface - Module text updated and deprecated #497
  • Restrict Page Access - Replace select2 library with tom-select #516
  • Restrict Page Access - WordPress filter to exclude post types from page dropdown #514

3.10 [2022-11-22]

New Module:
  • Email Group Certificates #468
  • Group Logo - Added new attributes to the shortcode #470 #484
    • group_id (To limit to a specific group ID)
    • limit (To limit number of logos)
    • only_user_groups (To limit to groups the user is enrolled in [applies to Group Leaders and administrators])
  • Single Page Courses - Add bailout condition for prerequisites course setting #476
  • Simple Course Timer - Filter added to not run timer on courses optionally #474
    • apply_filters( 'uo_course_timer_enabled', true, $course_id );
  • In-plugin notifications #478

3.9.1 [2022-09-19]

  • Reset Progress Button - Now deletes any Resume Button data for the reset course #461
  • Icon fonts missing #465

3.9 [2022-09-15]

  • Group Expiration - Delete Expired Groups #435
  • Course Dashboard - Updated template override instructions in files #451
  • Course Dashboard - Added new value "free" for the attribute 'show' [uo_dashboard show="free"] #424
  • Course Dashboard - Added new attribute "not_enrolled" with value "yes" (default: blank)
  • Course Dashboard - Now triggers custom JS event (uncanny-toolkit-pro-learndash-statistics-contentchanged) when the content of the LearnDash statistics box changes #421
  • Enhanced LearnDash CSV Reports - Added assignment tracking #437
  • Group Logo/List - Now displays group logos to group leaders #433
  • Import Users - Now adds the user to the correct subsite on multisites #7
  • Import Users - Imported users now properly assigned group seats when Uncanny Groups is active and seat management is enabled #452
  • Enhanced Course Grid - Resume button no longer displays title of course/lesson/topic in the grid #445
  • Enhanced Course Grid - View More button does not load more courses when more than 1 category or LD category assigned #456
  • Course Dashboard - LearnDash category and tag attributes are getting ignored when "open" or "free" course type is selected #450
  • Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid - Now displays date in format specified in WordPress settings #442
  • Days until Course Expiry - PHP warning in uo_expiration_in shortcode #428
  • Group Registration - Removed 'gid' to allow setting body CSS class #426
  • Reset Progress Button - PHP notices/warning on reset #422
  • Group Drip - Conflict with LearnDash - Elementor Pro integration #420
  • Email Course/Quiz Certificate - User information in certificates created by Certificate Builder are now displayed reliably #417

3.8.3 [2022-06-22]

  • Simple Course Timer - Function to delete course timer records for individual users #402
  • Group Registration - Now compatible with public group pages #391
  • Improved PHP 8.1+ compatibility #302
  • Group Expiration - PHP Notice for empty condition #406

3.8.2 [2022-05-18]

  • Course Dashboard - Block displays 'no' when 'No courses message' is blank  #399
  • Group Expiration - Group expiry date returns empty #396
  • Restrict Page Access - PHP Error fixed for > PHP 8.x+ sites #392

3.8.1 [2022-04-27]

  • Email Course Certificates and Email Quiz Certificates - New filter to optionally disable sending email to the user #383
    • uo_enable_mail_user_quiz_certificates
    • uo_enable_mail_user_course_certificates
  • Course Dashboard: no_courses_message attribute added to shortcode and block #371
  • Days Until Course Expiry - Shortcodes now render more reliably #382
  • Course and Quiz Certificates - Now renders LD Shortcodes with cron when certificate builder is used #377
  • LearnDash Group Registration - Conflict resolved with Tin Canny Reports #375
  • Group Registration - Malformed group signup URL when WPML ?lang parameter is present #373
  • Single Page Courses - Improved course completion logic #369

3.8 [2022-03-30]

New Module:
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on WPForms submission #187
  • Group Registration - Added filter uo_group_signup_notification_type to set wp_new_user_notification type #345
  • Enhanced Course Grid - Now supports WordPress's Reusable blocks #344
  • Simple Course Timer - New Shortcodes #340
    • [uo_time_topic topic-id=""] - Return time for the associated topic (and quiz, if there's a quiz associated with the topic).
    • [uo_time_lesson lesson-id=""] - Return time spent in the lesson AND any associated topics and quizzes.
    • [uo_time_quiz quiz-id=""] - Return time spent in a quiz.
    • [uo_time_total user-id=""] - Return total time the user has spent across ALL courses on the site.
  • Group Expiration - Added pre-text="" attribute for all shortcodes #330
  • Enhanced Learndash CSV Reports - Now supports CEU and Course Meta columns #300
  • Autocomplete Lessons & Topics on Quiz Results Page - Learn More link fixed #358
  • Enhanced Lesson & Topics Grid - Now displays quizzes when using LD 3.0 template #364
  • Autocomplete Lessons & Topics - Topic Timer setting now works reliably when module is active #356
  • Course Dashboard - Now uses LearnDash Custom Labels #353
  • Import Users - Improved translation support #351
  • Import Users - Roles not applied to imported users in some situations #342
  • Enhanced Course Grid - "Start course" button disappears in some situations #335
  • Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid - Lessons table no longer displayed in Single Page Courses if module is globally enabled #328
  • Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid - Quiz table now displayed on course pages when module enabled globally
  • Group Registration - No longer fails due to legacy Uncanny Groups seat management code #326

3.7.12 [2022-02-17]

  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - New filter to override button link #296
  • Import Users - Added several do_actions for external action, like adding user to a subsite #315
  • Import Users - Email functionality updates to enable developers to build custom email workflows #292
  • Lazy Load Navigation - Output now shows heading #298
  • Email Quiz Certificates - Emails not being sent on some server configurations #322
  • Email Quiz Certificates - Last name variable now renders consistently #294
  • Enhanced Course Grid - No longer resets course settings in "Preview changes" mode #306
  • Days until LearnDash Course Expiry - PHP error - Incorrect return value for ld_course_access_expires_on filter #309
  • LearnDash Group Expiration - - PHP error - Incorrect return value for ld_course_access_expires_on filter #309
  • Drip Lessons by Group - Drip date appearing offset by 1 hour on some site configurations #305
  • Resume Button - Button now appears consistently below course in Enhanced Course Grid #301

3.7.11 [2021-12-14]

  • Enhanced LearnDash CSV Reports: Added more usermeta columns #278
  • Enhanced Course Grid - Added attribute hide_title to turn off course titles #258
  • Enhanced Course Grid - Now supports multiple category slugs, separated by commas #235
  • Enhanced Course Grid - uo_course_after_short_description action hook #276
  • Enhanced Course Grid - uo_course_before_short_description action hook #275
  • Enhanced Course Grid - uo_course_before_course_title action hook #274
  • Enhanced Course Grid - uo_course_after_course_title action hook #273
  • Enhanced Course Grid - uo_course_after_featured_image action hook #272
  • Enhanced Course Grid - uo_course_after_grid_ribbon_price action hook #271
  • Enhanced Course Grid - uo_course_after_grid_ribbon_text action hook #270
  • Added categories for sorting/filtering to newer toolkit modules #247
  • Import Users - No longer requires LearnDash #255
  • Import Users - toolkit_learndash_user_import_capability filter now allows non-admin users to import users #239
  • PHP notices on PHP 8.0.x #283
  • Duplicate Pages & Posts - Now properly clones courses when shared course steps are enabled on LearnDash 3.6+ #282
  • LearnDash course expiration date overrides Toolkits Group Expiration Date #263
  • Group Registration - PHP notices/warnings preventing submission on some sites #260
  • Enhanced Lessons and Topics Grid - Filter by category/tags now works reliably with LearnDash 3.5+ #250
  • Enhanced Lessons and Topics Grid - Updated deprecated LearnDash transient function to newer version #243
  • Group Registration - Built-in registration form now displays submission errors in a more user-friendly way #246
  • Group registration - Improved compatibility with WPML #223
  • Email Course Certificates - Emails now support additional HTML tags #213
  • Simple Course Timer - Additional sanitization of variables in performance mode #211

3.7.10 [2021-09-01]

  • Enhanced Course Grid - uo_course_category_cats filter to modify course categories #195
  • Course dashboard: uo_dashboard_user_courses filter to modify user courses #182
  • Group Expiration - Shortcode compatibility with PHP strict standards improved #200
  • Group Expiration - Added group_id attribute variation #200
  • Course Dashboard - Manually completed quiz no longer shows as "failed" in some instances #194
  • Duplicate Pages & Posts - Cloning course with "Shared Steps" enabled/disabled now duplicates contents reliably with newer versions of LearnDash #186
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Gravity Form Submission - PHP notices #148
  • Group Registration - PHP warnings #191
  • Some modules updated to use LearnDash's standard function args #36

3.7.9 [2021-08-20]

  • uo_csv_report_column_value filter to modify Enhanced CSV module value #175
  • uo_course_cert_img_path filter to allow both url/path option #170
  • Enhanced LearnDash CSV Reports - Added two additional usermeta fields #165
  • Simple Course Timer - Added wrapper around the message that blocks quiz access to allow styling #162
  • Learner Transcript - CSS now loads if the shortcode is embedded inside other elements  #152
  • Simple Course Timer - Now consistently adds time columns to Tin Canny Course Report #178
  • Autocomplete Lessons & Topics on Gravity Form Submission - Now reliably redirects users to next step on submission #166
  • Enhanced Lesson/Topic Grid - Lesson Materials now appears on lesson page with LearnDash's legacy template enabled #158
  • Drip Lessons by Group - Drip date no longer displays "1970" in year field when no date has been assigned #154

3.7.8 [2021-06-09]

  • Enhanced lesson/topic grid - CSS issue when grids enabled globally

3.7.7 [2021-06-08]

  • Reset Progress Button - Added redirect attribute to redirect to a different URL when clicked
  • Import Users - Added support for group_leader column to assign users as group leaders on import
  • Group Logo/List - uo_group_leaders now outputs Group Leader email addresses as mailto links
  • Drip Lessons by Group - Lesson available notifications now sent consistently (from LearnDash Notifications plugin)
  • Drip Lessons by Group - Time no longer shifts after save based on WordPress time zone
  • Group Expiration - Expiration emails are now sent when the group was created programmatically and not edited and saved
  • Group Registration - Gravity Form registration form now recognized when page is created with the block editor
  • Gutenberg blocks now load consistently when a block is embedded inside another block

3.7.6 [2021-04-22]

  • Updated: Lazy Loading Course Navigation: Now respects Course Content visibility setting #115
  • Updated: Duplicate Pages and Posts: Cloning courses retains course structure on newer versions of LearnDash (when Shared Course Steps is enabled) #112
  • Fixed: Group Expiry: PHP Notice that was preventing emails from being saved #97

3.7.5 [2021-04-12]

  • Enhanced Lessons and Topics Grid - Added compatibility with LearnDash #92
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Quiz Results Page - Added compatibility with LearnDash #25
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics when Quiz is Graded - Added compatibility with LearnDash #24
  • Relative path causes fatal error on some servers #95

3.7.4 [2021-03-31]

  • Additional string localizations #55
  • Added compatibility with LearnDash > 3.4 for various Toolkit modules #71, #72, #81
  • Learner Transcript: Sorting on columns now works consistently #75
  • Group Registration: Gravity Forms block is now detected on group page #54
  • Course Timer: Fixed compatibility with Tin Canny #65
  • Course Timer: Catch errors reliably when accessing iframe content #43
  • Various PHP notices #67, #69, #79, #85

3.7.3 [2021-03-23]

  • Email Course Certificates: Added 'uo_course_completion_add_certificate_attached' filter to optionally remove "Your certificate is attached with this email" from course completion certificate email
  • Email Quiz Certificates: Added 'uo_quiz_completion_certificate_email_args' filter to optionally return email params back to LearnDash quiz email filter
  • Certificate Preview: Fixed type E_ERROR when LearnDash Certificate Builder is not active

3.7.2 [2021-03-19]

  • Simple Course Timer: JavaScript conflict with Tin Canny reports

3.7.1 [2021-03-18]

  • Import Users: Added filter uo_toolkit_csv_import_map to remap column names
  • Import Users: Added filter uo_csv_overwrite_existing_roles to allow adding roles instead of replacing roles on import
  • Drip Lessons by Group: Added filter uo_drip_ignore_learndash_release_date to ignore LearnDash drip settings when access is granted by Uncanny Drip Lessons by Group
  • Email certificates and Certificate preview: Compatibility with new LearnDash Certificate Builder plugin
  • Restrict Page Access: Group Leaders now have access to pages restricted to groups they are the leader of
  • Replaced deprecated function call leardash_min_assets with learndash_min_assets
  • Drip Lessons by Group: JavaScript error preventing drip dates from being saved on some non-English sites
  • Group Login: PHP warnings/error
  • Group Logo: PHP warnings/error
  • Simple Course Timer: When the latest version of Tin Canny Reporting for LearnDash is also installed, completion columns may appear blank
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics: PHP error: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to string on some sites

3.7 [2021-02-12]

  • Course Dashboard: Quizzes are now displayed even if they have not yet been attempted
  • Enhanced LearnDash CSV Reports: Ability to add custom user meta columns to the reports
  • Learner Transcript: New certificate column with link to associated certificate (if any)
  • Learner Transcript: Display of custom credits added via the Uncanny Continuing Education Credits plugin
  • Group Expiration: New shortcode to show expiry date in a countdown format
  • Drip Lessons by Group: New notification type "A scheduled lesson is available to user with Uncanny Drip by Group"
  • Group Forums with bbPress: Moderators are now able to see all group forums on the front end
  • Course Dashboard: Multiple results for the same quiz are now sorted with the most recent attempts listed first
  • Course & Quiz certificates: Additional parameters for save_path action hooks
  • Drip Lessons by Group: Compatibility with LearnDash Notifications v1.5+
  • Drip Lessons by Group: LearnDash notifications are now set only for the selected lessons
  • Single Page Course: Can now be created by all users with the edit_page capability
  • Course Dashboard: View link on essay submissions now works more consistently
  • Group Login Redirect: Icon path now relative instead of absolute
  • Group Logo/List: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: custom_labels

3.6.2 [2021-01-08]

  • Course Dashboard - No longer showing only the last lesson of each course in some situations
  • Front End Login - Fixed incorrect textdomain on reset password link text
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Done button in last topic no longer completes the lesson and advances to the next lesson if there's an incomplete lesson-level quiz

3.6.3 [2021-01-19]

  • Group Logo/List - No longer displays a comma between the group leader's first and last name
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Now autocompletes the associated lesson when all associated topics are completed
  • Restrict Page Access - Admins are now exempt from page access restrictions
  • Restrict Page Access - PHP notices if LearnDash is not active
  • Enhanced Course Grid - Start Course button now uses LearnDash label for "course"

3.6.2 [2021-01-08]

  • Course Dashboard - No longer showing only the last lesson of each course in some situations
  • Front End Login - Fixed incorrect textdomain on reset password link text
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Done button in last topic no longer completes the lesson and advances to the next lesson if there's an incomplete lesson-level quiz

3.6.1 [2021-01-06]

  • Single Page Courses - The LearnDash status bar is no longer hidden on pages of Single Page Courses
  • Single Page Courses - Page builders (including Elementor) no longer reset the Single Page Course checkbox when posts are saved inside builders
  • Learner Transcript - The Accent UI Color setting includes a default colour so the button doesn't appear hidden on some sites

3.6 [2021-01-04]

New Module:
  • Single Page Course - Create courses that consist of a single course page with no lessons or topics. Learn More
  • Course Dashboard - Support for course sections
  • Certificate preview, Email Course/Quiz Certificates - Added compatibility with Certificate Tracker for LearnDash
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Gravity Form submission - Users no longer redirected to blank screen on the last topic of a lesson or last lesson of a course
  • Simple Course Timer - PHP notice - Trying to get property 'post_type' of non-object
  • Import Users - Fixed conflict with Easy Digital Downloads and KB Support plugins
  • Group Forums with bbPress - PHP warning - Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback

3.5.9 [2020-11-11]

  • Learner Transcript - Setting to show courses the user is no longer enrolled in
  • Drip Lessons by Group - Improved compatibility with LearnDash Notifications
  • Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid - Updated LearnDash template base
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Gravity Form Submission - Improved AJAX support
  • Quiz Certificate - Added filter uo_quiz_completion_add_certificate_attached to let user skip Your certificate is attached with this email line at the end of email.
  • Drip Lessons by Group - PHP Warning: Trying to get property 'post type' of non-object in uncanny-drip-lessons-by-group.php
  • Group Registration - Gravity Forms shortcode not detected on some sites
  • Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Do not autocomplete lesson when all topics are marked completed if there's a lesson-level quiz as last step
  • Simple Course timer - Now listens for activity inside iframes that are created on page load

3.5.8 [2020-10-08]

  • Updated: Improved reliability of detection of the Uncanny Continuing Education Credits plugin
  • Updated: Added lang query string support to Certificate Preview module for WPML compatibility
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics: Automatic completion of lessons/topics with a timer set is more consistent
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics: No longer autocompletes lessons with a future drip or group drip date set
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics: Now consistently marks the correct lesson/topic complete when the same lesson/topic appears in multiple courses
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics: Various PHP notices when debug is enabled
  • Fixed: Import Users: Selected group now displayed on confirmation screen on sites with > 100 groups
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard: Drip dates no longer appearing with HTML code

3.5.7 [2020-09-30]

  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Refactored for improved readability
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - No longer autocompletes on page load if a lesson/topic timer is set; lesson/topic is autocompleted after the timer elapses
  • Updated: Import Users - Changed course and group selectors to select2 pillboxes; now supports > 100 courses/groups
  • Updated: Restrict Page Access - Changed redirect priority from 20 to 0
  • Fixed: Import Users - When updating existing users an empty or missing display_name column no longer replaces existing display name with username
  • Fixed: Import Users - Reset password token now renders a reset password link
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer - Now detects activity within iFrames, including in Tin Canny content (Storyline, Rise, iSpring, Captivate, etc.)
  • Fixed: Certificate Preview - Fatal error when previewing a certificate containing certain shortcodes in newer versions of LearnDash
  • Fixed: Group Drip - Drip dates not appearing on lessons when lesson list is paginated via AJAX
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - No longer autocompletes on page load if a supported Gravity Form is on the page and the Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Gravity Forms Submission module is active
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - No longer autocompletes when editing a page using Beaver Builder

3.5.6 [2020-08-19]

  • Fixed: Email Course, Quiz and Preview Certificate modules - Removed merge conflicts

3.5.5 [2020-08-19]

  • Updated: Added permission_callback to all Rest API calls for WordPress v5.5 compatibility
  • Updated: Changed __(), _e(), _x() to attr_esc__(), attr_esc_e(), attr_esc_x()
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer - Performance mode now compatible with more site configurations (incl. multisite)
  • Fixed: Duplicate Pages and Posts - Fixed SQL error when duplicating quizzes
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics when Quiz is Graded - Now working consistently for all user roles
  • Fixed: $from_email typo in Course Completion Certificate

3.5.4 [2020-07-29]

  • Added: Option to dismiss "Try Automator" menu entry
  • Updated: Reset Progress Button - Calling reset function directly on older PHP versions no longer throws a fatal error
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - Order attribute no longer throwing error on some sites
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Start Course button no longer appearing for courses in which the user is not enrolled
  • Fixed: Group Registration - Hide native LearnDash content option no longer hides custom content or Gravity Form/Theme My Login registration forms

3.5.3 [2020-07-21]

  • Added: Group Logo/List - New shortcode [uo_group_leaders] outputs a list of group leader names and email addresses for the current user
  • Updated: Email Course/Quiz Certificates - Added Sender Name and Sender Email fields to module settings
  • Updated: Group Registration - Added setting to hide native LearnDash group info in LearnDash 3.2.2 and later
  • Updated: Import Users - Empty cells in the learndash_courses or learndash_groups columns no longer throw errors
  • Updated: Group Registration - Added sanitization on text fields
  • Updated: Email Course/Quiz Certificates, Certificate Preview - Supports updated certificate rendering in LearnDash 3.2.2 and later; if you are on LearnDash 3.2.0 or 3.2.1, please update to 3.2.2
  • Fixed: Restrict Page Access - Settings now save on media post type
  • Fixed: Import Users - Now uses email address as username when user_login column is left empty
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - PHP notice: DateTime::__construct
  • Fixed: Group Logo/List - PHP Fatal error Cannot use object of type stdClass as array

3.5.2 [2020-07-03]

  • Added: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Gravity Form Submission - Filter to prevent redirection on submit (uo_gf_maybe_autocomplete_redirect)
  • Updated: Email Course/Quiz Certificates - Updated to improve consistency of emailed certificates in LD 3.2.0. Submitted pull (change) request to LearnDash to further improve support in LD 3.2.1
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Now properly supports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 columns
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Removed extraneous string (";) from previous refactor
  • Fixed: Restrict Page Access - Restrictions no longer apply to archive pages when the previously viewed page was restricte

3.5.1 [2020-06-22]

  • Updated: Enhanced Course Grid - Improved support for multiple grids on a page
  • Updated: Restrict Page Access - Additional content hidden on LearnDash post types (course, lesson, topic, quiz) for users that are denied access
  • Updated: Email Quiz Certificates - Added option "Use Cron to send certificate" if shortcodes not rendering as expected
  • Updated: Replaced learndash_post_args_groups with register_post_type_args for upcoming LearnDash 3.2 compatibility
  • Fixed: Import Users - Existing users are no longer skipped if only the email column is included in the uploaded CSV file
  • Fixed: Duplicate Pages and Posts - When duplicating quiz questions the answer field is now correctly duplicated
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - PHP Error: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to string
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Lessons and topics added after a user has completed the course are now autocompleted


  • New Module: Enhanced LearnDash CSV Reports - Optionally add columns to the native LearnDash .csv reports including: Username, First Name, Last Name, Nickname, Display Name, Role(s), Group(s), Language, Website, Biographical info. Learn more
  • Added: Enhanced Course/Lesson/Topic grid - Support for 1 column layouts
  • Added: Duplicate Pages and Posts - Ability to select the post types that can be duplicated; now defaults to supported types only
  • Updated: Duplicate Pages and Posts - Improved compatibility with Elementor
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Done button no longer displays in the last topic of a lesson or last lesson of a course after the course is completed
  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Improved time tracking in Internet Explorer 11
  • Updated: Group Registration - Now creates users with default new user role set in WordPress settings instead of subscriber role
  • Updated: Drip Lessons by Group - Improved lesson appearance when using LearnDash 3.0 template
  • Updated: Improved translation support across multiple modules
  • Updated: Import Users - Added support for Mac/Linux line breaks (CR, LF)
  • Updated: Import Users - Added support for apostrophes in email addresses
  • Updated: Plugin name changed from Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro to Uncanny Toolkit Pro for LearnDash
  • Fixed: Import Users - Commas enclosed in double quotes are now ignored
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Improved compatibility with LearnDash native lesson drip
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Force page reload on Save date button due to Custom Meta metabox resaving old dates on lesson update
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Topics within a dripped lesson were still accessible via direct links
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Topics within dripped lessons are no longer autocompleted when accessed via direct link
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Localization of "Start Course" string was using incorrect function
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - show="all" attribute now shows all courses in the system to logged in users
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - PHP warning key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array


  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - Course IDs being output after course titles


  • Added: Course Dashboard - Support for Internet Explorer 11
  • Added: Group Expiration - Option to send group expiration email to group leaders only, instead of all group members
  • Added: Enhanced Course Grid - Setting for custom message displayed to users when no courses match the grid criteria
  • Added: Enhanced Course Grid - Filters for ribbon text: uo_course_grid_ribbon_text, uo_course_grid_ribbon_price
  • Updated: Course Dashboard - Results of topic-level quizzes now displayed
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Lessons/Topics are no longer autocompleted if the lesson/topic contains an assignment
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Quiz Results Page - Completing a course-level quiz will now mark the course complete on the quiz results page
  • Fixed: Certificate Preview - courseinfo shortcode now renders date formats correctly
  • Fixed: Certificate Preview - PHP Notices - Undefined variable
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer - Typo in error message "You must be logged in."
  • Fixed: Gutenberg blocks were unavailable unless at least one module from the Uncanny Toolkit (free version) that contained a Gutenberg block was active
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard/Lazy Loading Course Navigation - jQuery issue with some minification plugins


  • Updated: Enhanced Course Grid - Now renders HTML in Short Description field (Note: the LearnDash Course Grid plugin removes HTML from this field and should be disabled if using HTML with the Uncanny Course Grid)
  • Updated: Drip Lessons by Group - Implemented via filter; no longer uses a template file override
  • Updated: Import Users - Blank rows in the uploaded .csv file are now ignored
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Drip times were shifting by one hour across Daylight Savings Time changes
  • Fixed: Certificate Preview: PHP fatal error when including files in tcpdf/config/lang folder on some versions of LearnDash
  • Fixed: Learner Transcript - Dates are now displayed in the WordPress site language
  • Fixed: Learner Transcript - Completion dates are now displayed in the WordPress time zone
  • Fixed: Course Timer - PHP notice: "Trying to get property ID of non-object" on non-post pages (e.g. archives)
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics when Gravity Form is Submitted - Mark Complete button no longer appears when Autocomplete Lessons and Topics is enabled
  • Fixed: Email Course Certificates - PHP notices due to uninitialized variables
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Courses no longer disappear from grid when completed when not using attribute limit="all"


  • Fixed - Restrict Page Access - select2 JavaScript library conflict with LearnDash ProPanel
  • Fixed - Enhanced Course Grid - Courses with a non-numeric value in the course price field were showing as "Closed"


  • New Module: Group Forums with bbPress - Create group-specific discussion forums with bbPress. Only group members will have access to group-specific forums. Includes a handy widget. Learn more
  • New Module: Restrict Page Access - Restrict access to any page by role, logged in/out status, course enrollment or group membership. Display a message or automatically redirect users that are denied access
  • Added: Duplicate Pages and Posts - Support for renamed quiz tables
  • Added: Reset Button - Support for renamed quiz tables
  • Updated: Import Users - UI text is now translatable
  • Updated: EDD updater class
  • Fixed: Reset Progress Button - Some users losing access to courses when progress reset
  • Fixed: Enhanced Lesson/Topic Grid - PHP warning count(): Parameter must be an array or object that implements Countable
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer - PHP notice on 404 pages Trying to get property of non-object
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer - Idle dialog button text wrapping with longer strings
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Closed courses showed as "Free" on older versions of LearnDash
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Some course type strings were not translatable
  • Fixed: Group Registration - PHP notice Undefined index: gid


  • Added: Course Dashboard - Now shows available CEUs for each course if set with the Uncanny Continuing Education Credits plugin
  • Fixed: Learner Transcript - HTML bugs


  • Added: readme.txt file
  • Added: Enhanced Course Grid - Filters for developers (uo_courses_shortcode_args, uo_courses_shortcode_get_posts)
  • Updated: Group Drip - Completely rewritten and updated user interface to make it much easier to view and manage Group Drip dates
  • Updated: Import Users - Username is now optional in uploaded .csv files, making it easier to mass update users
  • Updated: Import Users - Whitespace before/after email addresses is now ignored instead of throwing an error
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics when Quiz is Graded - Now supports multiple essays per quiz
  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Label on Disable Performance Mode checkbox reworded for clarity
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Gravity Form Submission - Next Lesson/Topic button is no longer visible unless Lesson/Topic is completed
  • Fixed: Import Users - Link to sample .csv file
  • Fixed: Enhanced Lesson/Topic Grid - Now properly handles sample lessons
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer - Conflict with randomize quiz questions setting
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer - Cookie hash issue causing time tracking issues on some site configurations
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Gravity Form Submission - PHP Notice: Undefined variable
  • Fixed: .pot file errors preventing Loco Translate and other plugins from properly translating strings
  • Fixed: Reference to empty CSS file in /wp-admin


  • Added: Support for LearnDash 3.1
  • Added: Group Expiration - Setting to specify the number of days before expiration to send reminder email
  • Added: Lesson/Topic Grid - Support for sections in LearnDash 3.x
  • Added: Email Quiz Certificates - Filters to change save path (uo_quiz_certificate_save_path, uo_quiz_certificate_http_url), change file name (uo_quiz_completion_certificate_filename) and additional advanced filters (see KB)
  • Updated: Lesson/Topic Grid - Improved compatibility with Astra and GeneratePress themes
  • Updated: Group Expiration - Expiry date displayed to group members only, even when group_id attribute specified
  • Updated: Duplicate Pages and Posts - Improved compatibility with Uncanny LearnDash Groups (cloning a group now retains group leaders and seats)
  • Updated: Group Registration - Removed check for "Anyone can register" setting
  • Updated: Group Registration - Added redirect exclusion for Gravity registration forms to allow Gravity Forms post-submission filters/actions to execute
  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Removed filters causing long Quiz save times on some systems
  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Improved CSS in "Still working?" dialog
  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Performance mode is now the default setting
  • Updated: Improved translation support
  • Updated: Group Registration - Registration form now ignores "Anyone can register" option in Wordpress settings
  • Fixed: Group Registration - Gravity Forms integration preventing Gravity Forms' post-registration hooks from running
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer - Time columns restored to front-end reports in Tin Canny LearnDash Reporting plugin
  • Fixed: uncanny-learndash-toolkit textdomain references updated to uncanny-pro-toolkit
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lesson/Topic when Gravity Form is submitted - Users not automatically advanced to the next topic/lesson
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lesson/Topic when Gravity Form is submitted - 500 error on WordPress < 5.0
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Done button not showing up in last topic of lesson when LearnDash 3.0 template is selected
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Topic-level override of Global Setting not working
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Default setting on new topics and lessons was Disabled instead of Use Global Setting
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - user_id attribute ignored for [uo_dashboard] in legacy mode, defaulted to current_user
  • Fixed: Import LearnDash Users - Progress bar image URL on WordPress subfolder installs
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lesson/Topic when Quiz is Graded - Added support for shared course steps
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Issue with completed courses showing as in-progress on sites that have been translated
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - Added additional quiz completion checks
  • Fixed: Improved Group Leader Interface - Group Leaders no longer trigger "Added to group" notifications (in the LearnDash Notifications plugin) on each login
  • Fixed: Error in .pot file that prevented translation into some languages


  • Added: Group Expiration - New shortcode uo_group_expiration_date that displays the current user's group expiration date. Learn more
  • Added: Reset Progress Button - New attribute reset_tincanny="yes|no" enables the reset of Tin Canny data for modules in the course being reset. Note: Due to technical constraints, bookmark (resume) data for the modules is not reset.
  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Removed "beta" label from performance mode
  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Changed console.table to console.log for improved IE11 support when debugging is enabled
  • Updated: Enhanced Lesson/Topic Grid - When the grid is displayed, the Expand All button for the native LearnDash lesson/topic list is now hidden
  • Updated: Course Dashboard - Improved performance of Expand All/Collapse All
  • Updated: Import Users - Empty columns no longer required to use course and group enrollment options
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Next Lesson link now appears in autocompleted lessons/topics when using the LearnDash 3.0 template


  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Calendar icon was sometimes displayed next to available lessons on course page
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Some users seeing incorrect drip dates for their group on course page


  • Fixed: Issue with "All Other Users" drip date not allowing access to lesson content for users not in groups with drip dates set


  • Added: Group Registration and Uncanny LearnDash Groups integration - When Uncanny LearnDash Groups is installed, users that register through a group's unique registration URL are automatically assigned a seat in that group. With this module, distribution of registration keys is no longer required for self-registration. Details
  • Added: Import Users and Uncanny LearnDash Groups integration - When Uncanny LearnDash Groups is installed, users imported to a group are now assigned seats in the group.
  • Added: Group Drip and LearnDash Notifications integration - Users in groups can now receive "A scheduled lesson is available to user" notifications generated by the LearnDash Notifications plugin. Details
  • Fixed: Email Course/Quiz Certificates - Line breaks were being removed from email content
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Override setting was not available on edit topic page
  • Fixed: Lazy Loading Course Navigation - When in a quiz, the course hierarchy did not expand
  • Fixed: Clone Pages and Posts - Cloning a page with Beaver Builder active caused a 500 error
  • Fixed: Clone Pages and Posts - Cloned quiz questions had meta values linked to the original question


  • Updated: Sample Lesson Label - Now identified as a legacy module
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lesson/Topic on Gravity Form Submission - Mark Complete button now hidden in LearnDash 3.0 "Focus Mode"
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - CSS was not being loaded on lesson pages in LearnDash 3.0 theme
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Fatal Error when viewing the grid on some sites
  • Fixed: Removed errant references to Uncanny Automator plugin


  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Improved translation support when used with Tin Canny LearnDash Reporting
  • Updated: Lazy Loading Course Navigation - Added nonce verification to REST API call
  • Fixed: Lazy Loading Course Navigation not loading properly on some lesson and topic pages
  • Fixed: Enhanced Lesson/Topic Grid - Quizzes are now displayed below lesson/topic grid when using LD 3.0 theme
  • Fixed: Import Users - Link to sample .csv file fixed
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - 3.0 template incorrectly associating shared lessons/topics
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - Category dropdown reported maximum 5 courses per category


  • Updated: Course Dashboard - Automatically switch to 3.0 theme when LearnDash 3.0 on LearnDash 3.0 theme is detected


  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Drip dates were not being displayed in group dropdown
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - CSS for Legacy theme not loading if Legacy theme not explicitly selected in module settings


  • Fixed: Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid - Removed debug output


IMPORTANT: If you have overridden the Course Dashboard template using a filter, note that the template file name and location has changed; you will need to update your filter function.
  • Added: Compatibility with LearnDash 3.0
  • Added: Course Dashboard - Ability to switch themes
  • Added: New Course Dashboard theme "3.0". Modern and responsive HTML and CSS code. Fully independent of LearnDash CSS, the new theme will greatly reduce WordPress theme conflicts, especially when the theme includes LearnDash-specific styling
  • Added: New Module: Lazy Loading Course Navigation - Loads the LearnDash Course Navigation widget via AJAX (after initial page load) to speed up page load times on sites with many courses, lessons, topics and/or quizzes
  • Added: New Module: Preview Certificate - Enables previewing of LearnDash certificates right from the Edit Certificate page
  • Added: Enhanced Lesson/Topic Grid - Added category and tag attributes
  • Updated: Email Course Certificates - %Group Name% token now works in email subject field
  • Updated: Drip Lessons by Group - Drip date/time now shown beside "All other users" in group selection dropdown (if set)
  • Updated: Enhanced Course Grid - Added CSS to prevent conflict with Social Learner theme
  • Fixed: Textdomain inconsistencies - replaced a few instances of uncanny-toolkit-pro with uncanny-pro-toolkit
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Drip access not working when user is enrolled directly in a course with dripped lessons and is also a member of a group that does not have access to the course
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons & Topics on Gravity Form Submission: Submitting the form now automatically advances the user to the next lesson/topic
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by Group - Fixed PHP notice in uncanny-drip-lessons-by-group.php
  • Fixed: Gutenberg dependency reported by Query Monitor


  • Added: Automatic template overrides! Override any file in the /src/templates folder by copying it into /uncanny-toolkit/ in your child theme (Requires Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit (free) version 3.1)
  • Updated: Improved Group Leader Interface: Added settings for Group Leader login redirect
  • Updated: Email Quiz Certificates: Added tokens for user's first and last name to admin/group leader email
  • Updated: Enhanced Lesson/Topic Grid: Moved grid element HTML to template file
  • Updated: Group Registration: Moved registration form HTML to template file
  • Updated: Group Registration: Added confirmation message when a user clicks the Join Group button
  • Updated: Group Registration: Improved translation support
  • Updated: Course Dashboard: Added localization support for drip dates
  • Updated: Email Quiz Certificates: Added localization support for quiz completion date
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer: Course Completion Time and Course Total Time columns now added properly to course and user reports (requires Tin Canny LearnDash Reporting plugin)


  • Added: Email Course Certificates - Option to send email via cron - may resolve issues on very large sites
  • Updated: Simple Course Timer - Increased z-index of idle alert dialog
  • Updated: Group Registration - CSS tweaked for improved theme compatibility
  • Updated: Course Dashboard / Enhanced Course Grid - Empty categories are no longer listed in category selector dropdowns
  • Updated: Days until Course Expiry - Sentence is now fully translatable in module settings
  • Updated: Days until Course Expiry - Removed deprecated "Pre-text" attribute from Gutenberg block
  • Fixed: Days until Course Expiry - When one day is remaining, the correct (singular) text is now displayed


  • Added: Simple Course Timer - Adds course time data to Tin Canny reports when Tin Canny LearnDash Reporting plugin is installed
  • Added: Email Course Certificates - Filters for saving/modifying data before pdf generation
  • Updated: Email Course Certificates - Added 20 second delay to email generation to ensure LearnDash completes course completion process
  • Fixed: Email Quiz Certificates - PHP class name for module


  • Added: Learner Transcript: Option to display only completed courses
  • Added: Learner Transcript: Filter to add total rows to custom columns
  • Added: Enhanced Course Grid: Filter on grid element buttons
  • Added: Show course Start button attribute in Gutenburg block
  • Updated: Enhanced Course Grid: Improved WPML support
  • Fixed: Log In Redirect not working with Group Login Redirect module enabled
  • Fixed: Done button not appearing in last topic of lessons


  • Added: Group Login Redirect - Shortcodes to output group login link and URLs ([uo_group_login_redirect_url] and [uo_group_login_redirect_link])
  • Updated: Learner Transcript - Improved performance on sites with many courses
  • Fixed: Import Users - display_name column now correctly populates users' display names
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Added additional grid container to fix width issues on some sites
  • Fixed: Learner Transcript - Restored integration with CEU plugin and added module setting to toggle column on/off


  • This release features a completely overhauled Learner Transcript module, including:
    • A new modern, clean, responsive and mobile-friendly design
    • A customizable header including a logo, heading and organization name
    • Ability to hide or show columns and specify a sort order for courses
    • A customizable footer including a logo and footer text
    • Improved printing support
  • Added: New module: Autocomplete Lesson/Topic when Quiz is Graded
  • Added: New module: Group Login Redirect
  • Added: Support page for submitting a ticket directly from your site when a valid license key is detected
  • Added: Simple Course Timer - Setting to toggle debug info on/off
  • Added: Basic Gutenberg block support
  • Added: Course Dashboard - Ability to display a Category or Course Category dropdown menu filter
  • Added: Filter to override wp_mail_content_type for email certificate pdf modules (uo_apply_wp_mail_content_type)
  • Updated: Module names changed for consistency:
    • Drip Lessons by LearnDash Group > Drip Lessons by Group
    • LearnDash Course Dashboard > Course Dashboard
    • LearnDash Group Expiration > Group Expiration
    • LearnDash Group Logo/List > Group Logo/List
    • LearnDash Group Registration > Group Registration
    • Import LearnDash Users > Import Users
    • LearnDash Reset Button > Reset Button
    • LearnDash Table Colors > Lesson/Topic/Quiz Table Colors
  • Updated: Reset Button - A course_id attribute is no longer necessary if the shortcode is placed on a course page
  • Updated: Duplicate Pages and Posts - Duplicating a quiz in LearnDash 2.6+ has two modes depending on whether Shared Quiz Questions is enabled (see KB for details)
  • Updated: License activation page design
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics, Learner Transcript and Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Quiz Results Page modules now use LearnDash API functions
  • Updated: Email Quiz Certificates - Subject and Body field labels in settings to make it clearer they apply to emails sent to the Administrator/Group Leader only
  • Updated: Course Dashboard - CSS no longer loads when the shortcode/block is not on the page
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - Text no longer wraps around the grid on some themes
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid - link_to_course attribute now works for all course types
  • Fixed: Lesson/Topic Grid - Enabling the grid on a page no longer forces the "Course Materials" heading to be visible
  • Fixed: Reset Button - Fatal error on PHP 7+ when module was activated
  • Fixed: Duplicate Pages and Posts - Error when cloning posts on LD 2.6+
  • Fixed: "Import Users" menu link did not appear on some sites
  • Fixed: Course Dashboard - "Registered Courses" was not showing "Courses"
  • Fixed: Drip Lessons by LearnDash Group - Date is no longer shifted and drip icon (calendar) is no longer affected when module is enabled
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Dripped lessons could be completed before they were dripped if the Drip Lessons by Group module was not enabled


  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Save error on lessons and topics when Gutenberg is enabled
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Done button redirect now follows LearnDash logic
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Done button now shows up if there's only one topic in a lesson
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics - Done button is no longer clickable when Video Progression is enabled


  • Added: New Module - Course Progress Reset button - Give users a button that resets their progress in a course. Also provides a PHP function to reset course progress for a user
  • Added: Import LearnDash Users - Ability to set users' display name in imported spreadsheet
  • Added: Enhanced Course Grid - Optional Start Course and Resume buttons with the attributes start_course_button="show|hide", resume_course_button="show|hide" (Resume button module must be active)
  • Added: Enhanced Course Grid - Optional category/course category filters with the attributes categoryselector="show|hide", course_categoryselector="show|hide"
  • Updated: Enhanced Course Grid - HTML output moved to template file
  • Fixed: Duplicate quiz links in Course Dashboard module


  • Added: New attribute to the Course Dashboard shortcode: expand_by_default="yes|no" to show the dashboard expanded by default on load
  • Updated: "Your certificate is attached with this email" text in email certificate modules is now translatable
  • Updated: Improved time zone support across all modules
  • Fixed: Fatal error in email course certificates module
  • Fixed: Quiz associations in the Course Dashboard module when Shared Course Steps is enabled
  • Fixed: Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid now behaves as expected when "Hide Course Materials Table" is checked in course settings


  • Updated: Course Status label no longer displays on Enhanced Course Grid if hide_progress="yes"
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons & Topics on Gravity Form Submission caused a 500 error when using an older version of Gravity Forms


  • Added: hide_progress="yes|no" attribute in Enhanced Course Grid module to enabling hiding the course progress bar to reduce overhead and speed up grid load times
  • Added: Option to ignore previous entries in Autocomplete Lessons and Topics on Gravity Forms Submission module
  • Updated: Learner Transcript module now shows all courses that the user has recorded progress for, whether or not they are current enrolled
  • Updated: Improved multisite compatibility of Import LearnDash Users module
  • Updated: Improved code accessibility of Enhanced Course Grid
  • Updated: [uo_group_organization] shortcode now accepts group_id="##" attribute
  • Fixed: Group Drip times saved incorrectly in some time zones
  • Fixed: lesson_id attribute now works in Enhanced Lesson/Topic Grid shortcode
  • Fixed: Email Course Certificate module sometimes sent two emails on course completion
  • Fixed: Timestamp in emailed certificate sometimes offset by several hours
  • Fixed: Typo on Import LearnDash Users interface
  • Fixed: Template override instructions for Course Dashboard module


  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons & Topics: Done button no longer shows up in all lessons. Done button now shows up only when there is no obvious user action to take, e.g. in the last topic of a lesson and the last lesson of a course (provided there are no topics or quizzes attached to that lesson)


  • Added: .po file now included for translation
  • Added: do_action "uo_course_completion_time" in Course completion certificate that passes completion time
  • Added: do_action "uo_quiz_completion_time" in Quiz completion certificate that passes completion time
  • Added: Additional string localizations
  • Updated: Send Course Certificates by Email and Send Quiz Certificates by Email now support rich text formatting
  • Updated: Send Course Certificates by Email now supports sending different emails to the user and Group Leader/Site Admin
  • Fixed: %Group Name% variable now populates correctly in Send Course Certificates by Email
  • Fixed: "Done" button in "Autocomplete Lessons and Topics" module works more consistently
  • Fixed: License key could not be deactivated on some sites
  • Fixed: Fatal error for Course Completion Certificate module when assumed array is declared as a string
  • Fixed: TCPDF Image error in course completion certificate
  • Fixed: Undefined variable notices in Lesson/Topic Grid when course contains no lessons


  • Updated: Simple Course Timer with local data validation to prevent timer loop
  • Updated: Confirmation message on group registration page after the registration form is submitted and the user is logged in changed from: "Congratulations! You are now registered on this site. You will receive an email shortly with login details." to: "Congratulations! You are now registered on this site."
  • Updated: Improved time zone handling of group drip dates/times
  • Fixed: Sample label no longer appears on quizzes in sample lessons
  • Fixed: Issue where UNIX timestamps were output along with group drip dates
  • Fixed: Issue where "Course Materials" and "Course Content" were both output when group drip dates are used


  • Fixed: LearnDash Course Dashboard [uo_dashboard] compatibility issue with LearnDash versions earlier than 2.5


  • Updated: Group Drip dates are now stored in UNIX timestamp format for compatibility with non-English sites
  • Updated: LearnDash Course Dashboard supports proper permalinks in LearnDash 2.5+ with Shared Course Steps enabled
  • Updated: In the Enhanced Course Grid module, the "Course Status" text for in-progress courses is now translatable
  • Fixed: In the Import LearnDash Users module, First Name and Last Name email tokens now work correctly


  • Updated: "Done" button text in Autocomplete Lessons and Topics module is now translatable
  • Fixed: Simple Course Timer Quiz lockout feature now correctly blocks access to quiz on newer versions of LearnDash


  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons & Topics on Gravity Form Submission now supports Gravity Forms "Save and Continue" function
  • Updated: LearnDash Course Dashboard shortcode now supports HTML in course titles
  • Fixed: Improved Group Leader Interface now checks a Group Leader's assigned courses when determining whether they should have access to dripped lessons prior to their "Available On" date
  • Fixed: Import LearnDash Users filter 'csv_wp_update_user' restored
  • Fixed: Group registration page layout issues on some themes
  • Fixed: False-positive PHP 7 compatibility issue fixed in Simple Course Timer module


  • Updated: Duplicate Pages and Posts clones courses properly in LearnDash 2.5+ with Shared Course Steps enabled
  • Fixed: Objects cloned by the Duplicate Pages and Posts module do not lose their category


  • Added: Shortcodes are now rendered in Enhanced Course Grid short descriptions
  • Added: New (beta) Course Timer polling method to reduce server overhead
  • Updated: Default Course Timer polling interval increased to 15 seconds from 10 seconds
  • Updated: Minimum Course Timer polling interval reduced to 5 seconds
  • Updated: Course Timer now tracks time consistently with "Shared Course Steps" enabled (LearnDash 2.5+)
  • Updated: Days until Course Expiry now works consistently with "Shared Course Steps" enabled (LearnDash 2.5+)
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics module no longer autocompletes lessons that are not yet available (dripped)
  • Fixed: Group Drip module: "All other users" drip date no longer takes precedence over group drip dates
Known Issue: "Done" button in last topic of lesson may not forward the user to the appropriate page with "Shared Course Steps" enabled (LearnDash 2.5+)


  • Updated: Group Drip module now properly records drip time in addition to drip date


  • Updated: Improved theme compatibility of simple timer quiz lockout function
  • Updated: Course and Quiz Certificate emails now support post meta shortcodes
  • Updated: Error message when an imported user has a matching email but mismatched username
  • Fixed: Added missing namespace on some strings
  • Fixed: Row numbers reported in .csv upload errors
  • Fixed: Missing " in learn-dash-group-sign-up.php
  • Fixed: Import users settings page now populates default values on first run if settings have not yet been saved


  • Added: Course credit value from the Uncanny LearnDash Continuing Education Credits plugin is now displayed in the Enhanced Course Grid.
  • Fixed: Having Drip Lessons by Group module enabled no longer causes Hide Course Content Table setting to be ignored


  • Fixed: When Autocomplete Lessons and Topics is enabled, Done button in last topic of last lesson now returns the user to the course page
  • Fixed: Bug in multiple modules that triggered the course complete action on page load
  • Fixed: Send Course Certificates by email no longer emails certificates repeatedly on course, lesson and topic page load when certain other modules are enabled
  • Fixed: When Send Course Certificates by Email is enabled, an email is no longer sent when a completed course does not have an associated certificate
  • Fixed: Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid now works with Hide Course Content Table setting


  • Added: Support for the new Uncanny Continuing Education Credits plugin
  • Updated: Removed Save Changes button on license activation page
  • Updated: Adding the Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid shortcode to a course or lesson page suppresses the LearnDash lesson/topic table
  • Updated: Adding the Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid shortcode to a course or lesson page while the module is enabled globally suppresses the global grid on that page
  • Updated: The Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid elements are forced to 100% width within the grid
  • Updated: The Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid displays lesson and group lesson drip dates
  • Fixed: View More button on Enhanced Course Grid
  • Fixed: Knowledge Base link for Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid module
  • Fixed: Autocomplete Lesson/Topic on Quiz Results Page without clicking "Click here to continue" button


  • Fixed: Removed extraneous text from Autocomplete Lessons and Topics module


  • Fixed: Removed extraneous text from Autocomplete Lessons and Topics module
  • Fixed: Remove sample tag on topics


  • New module: Enhanced Lessons/Topics Grid
  • New module: Send Course Certificates by Email
  • Added: New attribute "show" for uo_dashboard shortcode (enrolled, open, all)
  • Updated: Autocomplete Lessons and Topics now allows autocompletion of topics in any order
  • Updated: When Autocomplete Lessons and Topics is enabled, the Done button on the last topic in a lesson goes to next lesson if the lesson is complete
  • Updated: LearnDash Table Colors module now makes color !important to work in more situations


  • Added actions and filters to Import Users module to allow more flexible profile data
  • Added filters to Transcript to change default number of rows
  • Fixed course timer loop when user was not logged in
  • Fixed typos in Transcript and Import Users modules
  • Fixed View More button in the course grid when the number of columns equaled the number of courses
  • Fixed 404 console error in wp-admin when Drip Lessons by Group was enabled


  • Added: Currency attribute to Enhanced Course Grid shortcode
  • Added: Preliminary support for upcoming Group Management plugin
  • Fixed: Modules not saving when slashes are removed during wp_options save
  • Fixed: Statistics popup in uo_dashboard shortcode
  • Fixed: Link to certificate in uo_dashboard shortcode covered link to course
  • Fixed: Alignment of course name and certificate icon in uo_dashboard shortcode
  • Fixed: Display Mark Complete button when gravity form setting is unchecked


  • Added ld_category attribute in Enhanced Course Grid shortcode to support LearnDash course categories
  • Updated Drip Lessons by LearnDash Group module for new drip date format
  • Fixed missing CSS class when ignore_default_sorting attribute is added to Enhanced Course Grid shortcode


  • Added: Error checking for blank rows in Import LearnDash Users CSV files
  • Added: More variables for new user email templates for Import LearnDash Users
  • Added: Mark Complete button when a Gravity Form is on a lesson with completed topics
  • Updated: Use LearnDash custom course, lesson, topic, and quiz labels in Transcript
  • Fixed: generate PDF quiz id failing on some servers


  • Fixed: New user upload stall


  • Added: New module, Import LearnDash Users
  • Added: Course description to Enhanced Course Grid
  • Updated: Group Leader Access to view dashboard & added ability to view ProPanel widget
  • Updated: Course Timer inline-css for settings panel
  • Updated: Group Drip to let user view lessons on earliest date if in multiple groups
  • Updated: UI tweaks
  • Updated: Plugin licensing and updating
  • Fixed: PDF certificate orientation & size
  • Fixed: PDF certificate online view more consistent with email output
  • Fixed: timestamp handling
  • Fixed: Course Grid hide View More when limit is set to all
  • Fixed: Course Grid added (int) to limit grids
  • Fixed: Group Registration redirect to avoid cached page
  • Fixed: Group Registration permalink
  • Fixed: Redirect_to on wp_login filter to improve login process for Group Leader module
  • Fixed: Group Drip to let admin view contents
  • Fixed: Group Sign up login form 502 gateway error on WP Engine
  • Fixed: Simple timer missing data in LearnDash 2.3 CSV report


  • Added: New module, Group Leader Experience
  • Added: New module, Send Certificates by Email
  • Added: New module, Autocomplete Lesson, Topic on Quiz Completion
  • Updated: Made Group Registration sign up lines translatable
  • Updated: Course Grid to truly ignore default sorting for enrolled courses
  • Updated: Course Grid to be flex for consistent heights
  • Updated: Sort-able Expiry Date column for Group Expiration Module
  • Fixed: Done button behavior inconsistent if lesson contains quiz


  • Added: Course sorting in course dashboard shortcode
  • Fixed: Missing Mark Complete button when global Autocomplete is disabled


  • Added: Show post navigation links if autocomplete is enabled
  • Updated: Repositioned sample lesson tag to be more mobile friendly
  • Updated: Made transcript fully translatable
  • Fixed: Typo in learner transcript column headers
  • Fixed: Enable Quizzes after X time not removed in certain themes
  • Fixed: Random redirect on quiz completion in Safari/Firefox
  • Fixed: Group signup URL registration link key causing URL error


  • Added: Course Timer feature - Only allow access to a quiz when time spent in the course EQUALS OR EXCEEDS a specified number of minutes
  • Added: "Done" button in last topic within a lesson when Autocomplete Lessons & Topics is enabled
  • Updated: Made fonts consistent across transcript PDF
  • Fixed: Topics with quizzes are not autocompleted


  • Fixed: Autocompletion issue


  • Added: Sample Lesson Label module
  • Added: Deactivate Pro version if Free version is not activated, link to Free download
  • Added: Ctrl+P print function on transcript
  • Updated: Transcript print styles
  • Updated: Course dashboard HTML and CSS to better support long course names
  • Updated: Allow timer to resume after it has been paused for up to 48 hours
  • Updated: Group registration provides immediate access to courses
  • Fixed: Enhanced Course Grid CSS override theme path (/wp-content/themes/your-theme/uncanny-toolkit-pro/css/course-grid-view.css)
  • Fixed: Do not autocomplete lesson if previous lesson is not completed and lesson progression is enabled


  • Added new sorting and ordering options to course grid
  • Added logo option for LearnDash Groups
  • Added shortcode that lists LearnDash Groups for user


  • Fixed a conflict with Duplicate Posts & Pages and WooCommerce products.


  • Added improved support for alternative slugs for LearnDash post types.


  • Initial Release.
2 replies
  1. Raja Aman Ullah
    Raja Aman Ullah says:

    ChatGBT is stating:
    Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro: This is a premium plugin that offers a variety of additional features for LearnDash, including “Conditional Questions”. With this feature, you can create questions that depend on the user’s answer to the previous question.

    Do you have the feature of “Conditional Questions”? I am a developer and I need this solution for one of my clients.

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      OpenAI / ChatGPT are definitely very wrong here. 🙂 No such feature has ever existed. Asking plugin questions in general can be risky since even the latest models only have knowledge up to September 2021.



Please note that this is not a support forum. If you are experiencing issues on your site, please open a support ticket instead. Site-specific support questions submitted as comments will be unanswered.

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