Duplicate Pages & Posts


The Duplicate Pages & Posts module is part of the Pro Suite of modules for the Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit. It is used to easily clone pages and posts as well as LearnDash courses, lessons, topics, quizzes, quiz questions (LD 2.6+), certificates, and groups.  The duplicate LearnDash post will inherit any associated meta, settings, categories, tags, and custom taxonomies from the original.


In module settings, you’ll see a list of all registered post types on your site. Duplication can be enabled for any post type; however, note that duplication may not work correctly for some post types that contain custom data or links to other posts. We strongly recommend thorough testing of any duplicated custom post type prior to using it in a live environment.

Cloning Courses

When cloning a course with Shared Course Steps disabled, the cloned course will be empty, with no lessons, topics or quizzes.

When cloning a course with Shared Course Steps enabled, the cloned course will contain the same lessons, topics and quizzes as the original, and changing any of the objects in one will change them in the other.

Important Note: After enabling Shared Course Steps, when cloning a course that was created with Shared Course Steps disabled, the course structure must be modified and resaved before cloning to ensure that the steps are cloned.

Cloning LearnDash Quizzes

Where it really stands out is its ability to clone quizzes—including quiz questions. Most other duplication plugins will create significant problems when cloning quizzes.

In LearnDash prior to version 2.6, cloned quizzes will contain a set of questions completely separate from the original quiz.

In LearnDash 2.6+, there are two quiz duplication modes:

  • If the LearnDash setting Quiz Options > Shared Quiz Steps is disabled, the duplicated quiz will contain an independent copy of the original questions, and changing them in one quiz will not affect them in the other.
  • If the LearnDash setting Quiz Options > Shared Quiz Steps is enabled, the duplicated quiz will contain the same questions as the original, and changing them in one quiz will also change them in the other.

Note: Due to the way quiz question associations work, when cloning a quiz question, the clone appears in the same quiz as the original question.



Duplication can be performed from the administrator list of courses, lessons, topics, quizzes and certificates, or it can be done from the Edit view of those post types.

Please note that cloning courses, lessons and topics duplicates that item only, not its children (i.e. duplicating a lesson will not duplicate associated topics and quizzes).

34 replies
  1. Hilary Collins
    Hilary Collins says:

    Since the latest LearnDash update (v2.6.1), this feature causes a fatal error:
    Uncaught Error: Call to protected method LDLMS_Course_Steps::build_steps() from context ‘uncanny_pro_toolkit\ClonePostsPagesLearnDashContents’ in …wp-content/plugins/uncanny-toolkit-pro/src/classes/clone-posts-pages-learn-dash-contents.php:428

    However, if you just hit the back button, the post is successfully duplicated.

  2. Alfonso
    Alfonso says:

    I own a Pro license. I have a question, can a FULL course be duplicated 100% with all its lessons, topics and quizzes?

    Thanks a lot

    • Ken Young
      Ken Young says:

      If the LearnDash setting “Shared Course Steps” is enabled, this module will duplicate the course, keeping the associated lessons, topics and quizzes intact. This means that changing a lesson in the duplicate will change the lesson in the original, since they’re both “sharing” the same lesson. If “Shared Course Steps” is NOT enabled, this module will duplicate the course, but the duplicated course will be empty (no associated lessons, topics, etc.)

  3. David
    David says:

    First, thank you! Uncanny makes the cleanest, most reliable plugins for Learndash I’ve found….and I’ve done alot of searching!
    I have one quick question: Using the plugin, can courses, lessons, and quizzes be exported and installed on another site? If so, must they exported individually, or can a whole course be packaged to include all associated lessons and quizzes?
    Thanks so much!

    • Ken Young
      Ken Young says:

      Unfortunately, none of our plugins support exporting from or importing to another WordPress site. You can use various import/export plugins to copy the course, lesson and topic posts over, but the linkages between them (the course structure) would have to be rebuilt manually on the destination site, as post IDs will be different after import. LearnDash does include a built-in quiz import/export feature, so you could use that to move quizzes.

  4. Hugh Edwards
    Hugh Edwards says:

    What is the simplest/fastest process to duplicate a course and it’s associated lessons, topics and quizzes? So far it seems as though you have to do a lot of manual linking unless I’m just viewing it incorrectly?

  5. Reinhard
    Reinhard says:

    I’m thinking of purchasing the pro version. In the documentation it is not clear: If I clone a lesson, are the topics cloned as well?
    Best regards

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      They are NOT cloned. Have a look at the last part of the article; children are not cloned, only the post itself. Sorry about the confusion.

  6. NB
    NB says:


    It doesn’t work even with the “Shared Quiz Steps” activated. My course is cloned but empty.

    I am with the Learndash Version (upgraded from 3.0.7).


    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Please note that this module copies individual posts only, not an entire course. The same is true of quizzes, if the quizzes are made independent they won’t be cloned as children of the quiz.

  7. Courtney Hart
    Courtney Hart says:

    OK – this does NOT clone a course. Not in the sense I think most people expect.

    My expectation is that the course will be cloned WITH its lessons and other content. Without them the course is nothing. I’ve spent almost an hour being able to clone precisely NOTHING, thinking I had done something wrong, only to find what I am doing is right but what I am reasonably expecting is quite different.
    I am pretty peeved that the instructions & description, even after several years of this feature being available, are not clear about this. I had to stumble across this thread and Ryan’s post from 6 Oct 2019 to find out this does NOT clone courses… >:

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Hi Courtney,

      Sorry to hear about your frustrations. We do have a “Cloning Courses” section in the Knowledge Base article near the top that does say what will happen when you attempt to clone courses; the behaviour is based on the Shared Course Steps setting. For the behaviour you wanted, have a look at the free Content Cloner plugin from Wisdm Labs.

  8. Ronald de Caluwe
    Ronald de Caluwe says:

    I activated shared course steps, so I can clone a whole course at once. Now I want to clone. Before I do, I’d like to know: when I edit a topic of the cloned course , I do NOT want the original topic to change as well. The reason I clone is that I want a variation of the course, for a slightly different kind of customer. So 95% can stay the same… Can this be done with shared course steps?
    Thanks for answering!

  9. Ronald de Caluwe
    Ronald de Caluwe says:

    Hi Ryan, thx for explaining.
    It makes me curious for what scenarios your function might be usefull then.
    Best regards,

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Well, when we built it originally (this was a few years ago) a lot of our focus was on proper quiz and group cloning; other tools couldn’t handle those pieces properly and we needed a solution. Recently we’ve seen more people trying to use it for entire courses, but it’s not how we originally planned it. And then Wisdm came out with the course cloning plugin and make it free, so rather than duplicate effort we haven’t added the capability to clone all assets within a course to this module.

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      I’m afraid none of our plugins have native WPML integration at this time. There is no support for translated versions of LearnDash courses in this module.

  10. Peter Green
    Peter Green says:

    I am using LearnDash 3.4, and enabling “Questions” as a clone-able content type does not add the duplicate option to the table view of my questions. What am I missing?

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      We just tested in our environment with LD and the latest Toolkit version. We definitely see a “Clone this Question” link on the list of questions page. If this is still failing with the latest versions, are you able to open a ticket? It helps us better track issues.

  11. Peter Green
    Peter Green says:

    Ryan, well shoot, this is a total user error on my part. I thought I already had that module turned on, and the nice shiny blue checkbox on Questions fooled me into thinking it was live. But, uh, activating the module fixed it, and Uncanny just saved me at least two hours. Thanks, and sorry for the false alarm.

  12. Nate Moller
    Nate Moller says:

    I’ve run into the problem where I duplicated a course twice but didn’t have the Shared Course Steps enabled.

    What’s the best way to go populate the new courses I’ve created by cloning?


    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Hi Nate, in this situation you’ll probably want to trash the cloned course and try again, assuming you do want the approach that uses Shared Course Steps. If you are trying to duplicate all lessons, topics and quizzes within a course, the Wisdm Labs Content Cloner may be a better fit.

  13. Nate Moller
    Nate Moller says:

    Any answers to my last question? I’m looking to clone a course again and want to make sure I do it correctly. Thanks.

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Hi Nate, the best way to make sure we can help with support question is via support ticket from your account or by emailing us at [email protected]. That way we can prioritize resolution and involve our developers as needed.



Please note that this is not a support forum. If you are experiencing issues on your site, please open a support ticket instead. Site-specific support questions submitted as comments will be unanswered.

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